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Displaying posts with tag: OCM (reset)
Log Buffer #137

This is the 137th edition of Log Buffer, the weekly review of database blogs. Dave Edwards is enjoying a week off, and so as part of my plot to take over the world, I am writing this week’s Log Buffer.

First, the fun stuff: Josh Berkus tells us that the American English Translation of the Manga Guide to Databases is available in Japanese Fairies and Third Normal Form.

Then, the basics:
Giri Mandalika points to an article on Using MySQL with Java Technology. This is a basic article on how to connect, and …

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Oracle Configuration Manager: Bane or Blessing?

I’m not sure how long this has been out there, but there is a new (to me) headline on Oracle’s support website, announcing that next month, they will be phasing out “manual configuration” information for service requests. Customers are now required to download and install something called Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM), which will gather their system/database [...]

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