"New Shimmer is both a floor wax and a dessert topping!" - Chevy Chase, Saturday Night Live
On a Saturday Night Live comedy skit, a husband is arguing that Shimmer is a dessert topping, while his wife insists that it’s a floor wax. Then the Shimmer spokesman-Chevy Chase-explains that it is both. While this juxtaposition is humorous, in many respects this is what databases have been doing for years. Instead of specializing on one specific task, most mainstream databases provide an acceptable combination of performance and capabilities across all use cases. The pluggable storage engine architecture is now changing this, ushering in an era of on-demand specialization.
MySQL allows you to select the storage engine not just for the application, but for each table used by the application. Let me use an analogy to describe how powerful this is. Consider an automobile that enables you to simply switch from one engine to another. You …
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