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Displaying posts with tag: Technical Blog (reset)
Liveblogging at Confoo: [not just] PHP Performance by Rasmus Lerdorf

Most of this stuff is not PHP specific, and Python or Ruby or Java or .NET developers can use the tools in this talk.

The session on, with user comments/feedback, is at

Slides are at

“My name is Rasmus, I’ve been around for a long time. I’ve been doing this web stuff since 1992/1993.”

“Generally performance is not a PHP problem.” Webservers not config’d, no expire headers on images, no favicon.

Tools: Firefox/Firebug extension called YSlow (developed by yahoo) gives you a grade on your site.

Google has developed the …

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International Women’s Day

If you do not know what International Women’s Day is:

Start planning your blog posts for Ada Lovelace day now (March 24th, Ada Lovelace Day is an international day of blogging (videologging, podcasting, comic drawing etc.!) to draw attention to the achievements of women in technology and science.)

To that end, I would like to point out all the women currently in science and tech fields that I admire and think are doing great things. I think it would be great if everyone, male or female, made a list like this:

The women that have taught me science/tech along the way:

High School:
Mary Lou Ciavarra (Physics)
Maria Petretti (Pre-Algebra, and Academic Decathlon)
Reneé Fishman (Biology)
Lisa Acquaire …

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Log Buffer #181: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

The 181st edition of Log Buffer has been published by Gary Myers on his Sydney Oracle Lab.

Having recently moved his blog, Gary approached the Log Buffer coordinator to volunteer for an edition because he knows that, with LB being a popular and established destination in the database blogoshphere, it would help him broadcast his new blog and welcome readers to it. You can do it too–simply send an email to the Log Buffer coordinator.

Here’s Gary’s Log Buffer #181.

When the ALTER TABLE privilege is not enough to run ALTER TABLE

I recently granted ALTER access in MySQL so a user could run the ALTER TABLE command . However after I granted the necessary privileges, the user was still not able to perform the tasks needed. Reproducing the issue using a test instance, I granted a test user the required privileges and MySQL reported no errors or warnings when the ALTER TABLE was run:

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 15
Server version: 5.1.41-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> grant alter,create,insert on *.* to 'test'@localhost;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show warnings;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show errors;
Empty set (0.00 sec)


The reason I granted the addition CREATE and INSERT privileges is that according to the MySQL documentation ( …

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Log Buffer #180: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

Hello and welcome to Log Buffer #180. Time’s a-wastin’, so let’s go!


There was so much Oracle stuff this week that I’ve decided to cram a little more of it into Log Buffer by providing a little less context than usual.

Jonathan Lewis shares an explication of aliases: “I was asked the following question recently: ‘Does the use of table aliases affect performance?’ To which the best answer is probably ‘Yes, though in general you probably won’t notice the difference and there are reasons more imporant [sic] than performance for using table aliases.'”

Doug Burns continues his most recent series: Statistics on Partitioned Tables …

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Applying binary logs without adding to the binary log

Applying binary logs to a MySQL instance is not particularly difficult, using the mysqlbinlog command line utility:

$> mysqlbinlog mysql-bin.000003 > 03.sql
$> mysql < 03.sql

Turning off binary logging for a session is not difficult, from the MySQL commandline, if you authenticate as a user with the SUPER privilege:

mysql> SET SESSION sql_log_bin=0;

However, sometimes you want to apply binary logs to a MySQL instance, without having those changes applied to the binary logs themselves. One option is to restart the server binary logging disabled, and after the load is finished, restart the server with binary logging re-enabled. This is not always possible nor desirable, so there’s a better way, that works in at least versions 4.1 and up:

The mysqlbinlog utility has the --disable-log-bin option. All the option does is add the SET …

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Product management, effective developers, and the future of MySQL

I am writing because Sheeri sent me a note about a blog post written by Brian Aker, where Brian concludes, quite correctly, that (in Sheeri’s words not Brian’s)

MySQL is now just a branch (the official branch,
but a branch nonetheless, and a bunch of trademark (logo) and
copyright (docs) ownerships).

This is exactly true. No denying it. Why bother. It’s true. It’s also true for the vast majority of open-source projects, by the way.

I replied to Sheeri:

There's no denying that. The product direction will be set by whoever sets the best product management strategy backed by the most effective development effort. And there can be multiple winners.

Well, this is the kind of quality output I can be relied on. It might not fit on twitter, but it’s …

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Announcing: Monday night community dinner at Pedro’s during the O’Reilly MySQL Conference & Expo

Just the facts:
What: MySQL user community dinner
Who: me, you, and many MySQL community members
When: Monday, April 12th – Meet at 6:30 at the Hyatt Santa Clara or at 7 pm at the restaurant
Where: Pedro’s Restaurant and Cantina – 3935 Freedom Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054
How: Comment on this blog post to add your name to the list of probable attendees

I was sad that last year there was no community dinner, and I missed the one the year before when Jonathan Schwartz and Rich Green made an appearance. This year I am determined not to miss it, and so I am calling for a community (pay-your-own-way) dinner on Monday, April 12th, at Pedro’s – a Mexican restaurant that has vegetarian and vegan options. I think Monday is a better time because many folks arrive …

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Log Buffer #179: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

You have found the 179th edition of Log Buffer, the weekly review of database blogs. Welcome. Enjoy your stay. We begin with . . .

SQL Server

Merrill Alrich gets going with a fresh juxtaposition–his thoughts on motorcycles and Access. “Many DBAs,” he writes, “have been called in to rescue people, or teams, or projects who have mission critical Access applications gone horribly wrong. It’s very unpleasant, especially the typical discussion we have to have with the Access afficionado . . . ”

Brent Ozar is in on this discussion too. Here he gives his …

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How to tell when using INFORMATION_SCHEMA might crash your database

There are those that are very adamant about letting people know that using INFORMATION_SCHEMA can crash your database. For example, in making changes to many tables at once Baron writes:

“querying the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database on MySQL can completely lock a busy server for a long time. It can even crash it. It is very dangerous.”

Though Baron is telling the truth here, he left out one extremely important piece of information: you can actually figure out how dangerous your INFORMATION_SCHEMA query will be, ahead of time, using EXPLAIN.

In MySQL 5.1.21 and higher, not only were optimizations made to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA, but new values were added so that EXPLAIN had better visibility into what MySQL is actually doing. As per …

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Showing entries 111 to 120 of 148
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