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Displaying posts with tag: SQLite (reset)
NIST::NVD CWE development – follow along

I’m in the process of getting the tests passing for the 0.03 release of NIST::NVD::Store::SQLite3 wherein our hero imports the CWE data and cross-indexes it with CVEs and CPEs.

Follow along and suggest some patches. I’m developing on Debian Wheezy, but I would very much like input from devs on other platforms.;a=summary

cjac@foxtrot:/tmp$ time git clone
Cloning into 'NIST-NVD-Store-SQLite3'...

real    0m32.757s
user    0m0.200s
sys     0m0.088s
cjac@foxtrot:/tmp$ ls NIST-NVD-Store-SQLite3/t/data/
cwec_v2.1.xml  nvdcve-2.0-test.xml

Publish your patches and I’ll fetch them, or you can submit them in udiff format and I’ll review/apply. Thanks for playing along!

[edit 20120216T1456 -0800] …

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I published an SQLite3 storage back-end to NIST::NVD on the CPAN. It’s pretty quick. About as fast as the DB_File one, but without the down side of being tied to DB_File. It shouldn’t be too difficult to re-factor this code to any DBI-based database. MariaDB anyone?

I know it works on Debian. The nightly CPAN test results should come back shortly and I’ll find out how well it works on other platforms.

Same query, 3 databases, 3 different results

The SQL standard leaves a lot of room for different implementations. This is a little demonstration of one of such differences.

SQLite  3.7.4
sqlite> create table t1 (id serial, t time);
sqlite> insert into t1(t) values ('00:05:10');
sqlite> select t,t*1.5 from t1;
MySQL 5.6.4-m5
mysql> create table t1 (id serial, t time);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> insert into t1(t) values ('00:05:10');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select t,t*1.5 from t1;
| t        | t*1.5 |
| 00:05:10 |   765 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

PostgreSQL 9.0.3
test=# create table t1 (id serial, t time);
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit …

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451 CAOS Links 2011.07.29

Open Cloud Initiative launches. HP joins OpenStack. Oracle releases Java 7. And more.

# The Open Cloud Initiative launched to drive open standards in cloud computing.

# HP announced its support for OpenStack.

# Oracle announced the availability of Java SE 7. The Apache Software Foundation warned of index corruption and crashes in Apache Lucene and Solr.

# Nebula …

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Open Database Camp 2011 opens today!
The Open Database Camp 2011 opens today with the Welcome Party, starting today at 7pm CEST. The party (with good Italian food and drinks) is open to all the ones who have registered in the Attendees list.
By car you have to reach Pula, take Via Nora (Nora Street), than Via Sant'Efisio (Sant'Efisio Street), until the end, directly to the party location.
Organisers will also make a bus available on Friday 6 May, leaving from Pula Hotels (Nora Club Hotel - Villa Madau - Baia Di Nora - Is Molas - Marin Hotel - Is Morus Hotel) around 18:30 and reaching Nora. From Nora back to Pula Hotels …
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Open Database camp 2011 - Travel logistics, and don't forget the party
The Open Database Camp 2011 is near. In 9 days, the welcome party starts, and then the conference itself gets going.
If you are coming earlier than Friday, May 6th, you can either use public transportation or book a private seat with a volunteer in the car pooling page. Please help the organizers: post your arrival and departure dates and times, so we may be able to help you even outside the official conference days.
About the conference itself, as everyone should know, it's a …
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Open Database camp 2011 - Opportunities for sponsors, culture, and more

The Open Database Camp 2011 is barely one month away.
SponsorshipMany thanks to all the sponsors! We very much appreciate your support.
Speaking of what, here is some important information for sponsors: The venue owners, Sardegna Ricerche, has given us the availabilkity of an ample hall for sponsors, where they can showcase their products and services.
Each sponsor will have a desk, and a double panel sized cm 195 x 75 (6.3 x 2.4 feet).

Culture, fun, and moreThe Science park is something unique that geeks may want to visit. It is one of the biggest research centers in Europe, and the owners have graciously organized a guided tour before and after the conference.
Near the conference there is Nora, an archeological site that alone is worth the trip for a …

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Open Database Camp - Accommodation and Sponsoring

The Open Database Camp 2011 is shaping up nicely.
The logistics is being defined and local and international volunteers are showing up for help. (Thanks, folks!)
If you want to start booking, there is a list of hotels in the Accommodation page.
And don't forget to sign up in the Attendees list.
Local travel information will be released as soon as we finish cranking up the plan.
Open Database camp is free, but we still have expenses to get the job done.
We need both official sponsors and …
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Announcing the Open Database Camp - Sardinia, May 2011
I have been traveling to many conferences in the last 10 years, and many times I have been asked to organize an event in my native land, Sardinia. After delaying the inevitable for long time, here I can announce it. The Open Database Camp 2011 will take place in Sardinia, hosted by the Sardinia Technology Park, a local scientific and business institution with international links.
Mark your calendars: the Open Database Camp will be held in Sardinia on May 6-7-8, 2011.
I have already confirmed the venue, and I will have full cooperation from Sardegna Ricerche about the conference logistics. I will meet the organizers on …
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Back to blogging....

It has been a while since I posted on my blog - in fact, I believe this is the first time ever that more than one month passed between posts since I started blogging. There are a couple of reasons for the lag:

  • Matt Casters, Jos van Dongen and me have spent a lot of time finalizing our forthcoming book, Pentaho Kettle Solutions (Wiley, ISBN: 978-0-470-63517-9). The book is currently being produced, and should be available according to schedule in early September 2010. If you're interested, you might like to read …
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