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Presentation : Customer Experience on InnoDB Cluster


As Mydbops we have consulted  many large scale MySQL deployments. This presentation is about one of our customer who is one of the largest retailer in North America. This is about their data migration to InnoDB Cluster ( MySQL ) from an enterprise database.

Ensure better defaults with InnoDB Dedicated server.

We have seen with most of the consulting projects where the customer might be having a dedicated DB (MySQL) server ,but running with a default configuration, without any optimisation for underlying hardware, “An idle hardware is similar to idle money will give you no returns”.

Well again if you are from a non-DBA background and you have chosen InnoDB as your engine of choice. The next question will be, what are the major variable that needs to be tuned for the available hardware? here is the answer for you

In this post, We are going to detail about the variable innodb_dedicated_server in MySQL 8.0.11. This variable solves our above …

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Presentation : MySQL Timeout Variables Explained

MySQL has multiple timeout variables these slides helps to give an overview of the different  timeout variables and their purposes briefly.

Partial (Optimised) JSON updates and Replication in MySQL 8.0

           MySQL is the most widely used  Relational Database Management System in the open source world. MySQL stepped into the NoSQL world by introducing the JSON Data Type in MySQL 5.7 release. In this blog post I am going to explain one of the major advantage of optimisation made in JSON Replication .

This was done from the MySQL 8.0.3 release.

What happened before 8.0.3 ?

Before MySQL 8.0.3, Whatever changes (Updates) made in JSON document, it will log as a full document in binary log & replicate the same into slave. The JSON data is stored as a blob internally. Below is an example of how it is logged as full document in binary log ?

Example –

Server version - 5.7.22-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)

My Binlog …
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Invisible Indexes – MySQL 8.0

MySQL 8.0 has a rich set of features. One of the feature which interests DBA’s more is invisible index

What is an index in MySQL ?

  • The indexes are used to find rows with specific column values quickly. Without an index, MySQL must begin with the first row and then read through the entire table to find the relevant rows.

What is invisible index ?

  • The invisible index is ability to mark an index as unavailable for use by optimizer.
  • In MySQL 5.7 and other previous versions the indexes are visible by a default.
  • To control the index visibility for a new index ,use a  visible or invisible key words as a part of the index creation.

How to add a invisible index on existing table ?

Syntax :

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MySQL 8.0 new features in real life applications: roles and recursive CTEs

I am happy that the MySQL team is, during the last years, blogging about each major feature that MySQL Server is getting; for example, the series on Recursive Common Table Expressions. Being extremely busy myself, …

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Webinar Wednesday, January 10, 2018: Why We’re Excited About MySQL 8.0

Join Percona’s, CEO and Co-Founder, Peter Zaitsev as he presents Why We’re Excited About MySQL 8.0 on Wednesday, January 10, 2018, at 11:00 am PST / 2:00 pm EST (UTC-8).

Experience: Basic

Tags: Developer, DBAs, Operations, Executive, MySQL

There are many great new features in MySQL 8.0, but how exactly can they help your applications? This session takes a practical look at MySQL 8.0 features and improvements. It looks at the bugs, issues and limitations of previous MySQL versions and how MySQL 8.0 addresses them. It will also cover what you can do with MySQL 8.0 that you couldn’t before.

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Virtual Columns in MySQL and Use cases.


  • MySQL 5.7 introduces a new feature called virtual/generated column. It is called generated column because the data of this column is computed based on a predefined expression or from other columns.

What is Virtual Column ?

  • In general virtual columns appear to be normal table columns, but their values are derived rather than being stored on disk.
  • Virtual columns are one of the top features in MySQL 5.7,they can store a value that is derived from one or several other fields in the same table in a new field.

Syntax :

Syntax for adding new virtual column,

==> Alter table table_name add column column_name generated always as column_name virtual;

Example :

Alter table contacts add column generated always as mydbops_test virtual / stored.


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Binlog expiry now in seconds (MySQL 8.0)

In this blog we are going to view about a  new feature in latest release MySQL 8.0.1 for MySQL Replication . It is binlog_expire_logs_seconds.

Previously we can set the expire logs for binlogs in number of days. By using the new feature (binlog_expire_logs_seconds) we can see set the expire time into number of seconds.

The both expire_logs_days and binlog_expire_logs_seconds works when the binlog rotate happens in the server.

The ultimate usage of this feature will be used to set expire periods smaller than a day by providing another extra variable.

The new variable binlog_expire_logs_seconds, can be used in those cases where the expire period is not an integral …

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MySQL 8.0.1: The Next Development Milestone

This post discusses the next MySQL development milestone: MySQL 8.0.1.

From the outset, MySQL 8.0 has received plenty of attention. Both this blog (see the MySQL 8.0 search) and other sites around the Internet have covered it. Early reviews seem positive (including my own MySQL 8.0 early bugs review). There is plenty of excitement about the new features.

As for early feedback on MySQL 8.0, Peter Zaitsev (Percona CEO) listed a set of recommendations for benchmarking MySQL 8.0. I hope these get reviewed and implemented. …

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