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Displaying posts with tag: 5.1 (reset)
PerconaLive Amsterdam 2016 - Talks and shows

With Oracle Open World behind us, we are now getting ready for the next big event, i.e. the European edition of PerconaLive. I am going to be a presenter three times:

  • MySQL operations in Docker is a three-hour tutorial, and it will be an expansion of the talk by the same title presented at OOW. Attendees who want to play along can do it, by coming prepared with Docker 1.11 or later and the following images already pulled (images with [+] are mandatory, while [-] are optional):

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The fastest MySQL Sandbox setup ever!

MySQL-Sandbox 3.1.11 introduces a new utility, different from anything I have put before in the MySQL Sandbox toolkit.

make_sandbox_from_url downloads a tiny MySQL tarball from a repository and install it straight away.

As of today, the following packages are available

Major release versions package size
(what you download)
expanded size
(storage used)
original size
(not included)
5.0 5.0.96 20M 44M 371M
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MySQL Sandboxes in Docker


When I got interested in Docker, I started playing idly with the idea of integrating containers and MySQL Sandbox. My first experiments were not encouraging. Using a container the same way I would use a regular server produced horrible results. I started by creating a Debian or CentOS container, installing MySQL Sandbox, and then importing an expanded tarball into the container. What happens is that tarballs of recent MySQL versions expand to roughly 2 GB of binaries. When you try to put that into a container you get a bloated file system. If you want to expand more than one tarball, you get an enormous unusable blob that is contrary to what containers should be used for. There is, of course, the possibility of using volumes, which would avoid the problem of making the container …

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Testing the Fastest Way to Import a Table into MySQL (and some interesting 5.7 performance results)

As I mentioned on my last post, where I compared the default configurations options in 5.6 and 5.7, I have been doing some testing for a particular load in several versions of MySQL. What I have been checking is different ways to load a CSV file (the same file I used for testing the compression tools) into MySQL. For those seasoned MySQL DBAs and programmers, you probably know the answer, so you can jump over to my 5.6 versus 5.7 results. However, the first part of this post is dedicated for developers and MySQL beginners that want to know the answer to the title question, in a step-by-step fashion. I must say I also learned something, as I under- and over-estimated some of the effects of certain …

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Fun with MySQL options

While testing MySQL 5.6, I came across some curious values for the new values used to set the crash-safe slave tables. To get safety, we need to set relay_log_info_repository and master_info_repository to 'TABLE'. That way, the replication information, instead of going to a file, will be saved to two tables in the mysql schema (mysql.slave_relay_log_info and mysql.slave_master_info).

So I was setting these values back and forth between 'FILE' and 'TABLE', until I made a "mistake." Instead of typing

set global relay_log_info_repository='table';

I wrote

set global relay_log_info_repository=1;

To my surprise, it did what I …

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MySQL Sandbox at the OTN MySQL Developers day in Paris, March 21st

On March 21st I will be in Paris, to attend the OTN MySQL Developers Day. Oracle is organizing these events all over the world, and although the majority are in the US, some of them are touching the good old European continent. Previous events were an all-Oracle show. Recently, the MySQL Community team has been asking for cooperation from the community, and in such capacity I am also presenting at the event, on the topic of testing early releases of MySQL in a sandbox. Of course, this is one of my favorite topics, but it is quite appropriate in this period, when Oracle has released a whole lot of preview features in its MySQL Labs. Which is another favorite topic of mine, since I was the one who insisted for having the Labs when I was working in the …

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Better Controlling MySQL Memory Usage

MySQL, like a lot of other software, has many knobs you can tweak. Most of these knobs may affect behaviour, but more importantly most affect the memory usage of the server, so getting these settings right is very important.

Most of MySQL’s memory is really used just as a cache, in one form or another, information that otherwise is on disk. So ensuring you have as large a cache as possible is important. However, making these memory sizes too large will trigger the server to start swapping and possibly can cause it to crash or cause the kernel to kill the process when it runs out of memory.  So that’s something we want to avoid.

Certain settings affect memory allocation on a per connection/thread basis, being bounded by thread_cache_size and max_connections.  If you configure for the worst behaviour (max_connections) you may end up not actually using all the memory you have available, memory which normally could be …

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MySQL 5.0 and 5.1 available on Solaris 11

The installation through the Solaris repository is as simple as typing:

$ pkg install mysql-50

to obtain MySQL 5.0.91 (status Jan 18, 2012) or click on this link to launch the interactive installer.

$ pkg install mysql-51

to obtain MySQL 5.1.37 (status Jan. 18, 2012) or click on this link to launch the interactive installer.

Less known facts about MySQL user grants

Reading MySQL security: inconsistencies I remembered a few related experiments that I did several years ago when I was studying for the MySQL certification. The first fact that came to mind is about the clause "WITH GRANT OPTION", which can only be given on the full set of options, not on a single grant. For example

GRANT INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE on world.* to myuser identified by 'mypass';
GRANT SELECT on world.* to myuser identified by 'mypass' WITH GRANT OPTION;
show grants for myuser\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Grants for myuser@%: GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'myuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*6C8989366EAF75BB670AD8EA7A7FC1176A95CEF4'
*************************** 2. row ***************************
Grants for myuser@%: GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON `world`.* TO 'myuser'@'%' WITH GRANT …
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Webinar: What you need to know for a MySQL 5.0 -> 5.1 upgrade

IOUG has a free series of three webinars on upgrading MySQL. Each webinar is an hour long, and it starts with a webinar by me tomorrow at 12 noon Central time (GMT-5) on “Why and How to Upgrade to MySQL 5.1”. The webinar assumes you are upgrading from MySQL 5.0 to MySQL 5.1, and talks a little bit about the new features, server variables, and what you need to know when upgrading to MySQL 5.1.

The software used is GoToWebinar (formerly GoToMeeting), so you will need to install that software. To register, use the links on the IOUG MySQL Upgrade Webinar Series page.

The complete list of webinars in the MySQL Upgrade Series is:
* MySQL 5.1: Why and How to Upgrade
Sheeri Cabral, The Pythian Group
Tuesday, July 27, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. CT (GMT-5)

* MySQL Upgrades With No Downtime
Sean Hull, Heavyweight Internet …

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