TL;DR: it’s all the same to us and MariaDB, Percona Server, and
WebScaleSQL all work beautifully, just like Kung Fu Fighting.
I couldn’t decide whether to parody the Kung Fu Fighting lyrics
or include a parody image, so I’ll just start with parody lyrics:
Everybody was Metrics Fighting
Those graphs were fast as lightning
In fact, it was a little bit frightening
But they fought with expert timing
(with apologies to Carl Douglas - Kung Fu Fighting)
Sometimes customers or interested community members ask us
whether we support MariaDB too, or do we support Percona Server
too, and so on. Just for the record, we do. We built VividCortex
to monitor all types of MySQL servers.
But what about specific features and enhancements exposed by the
branches of MySQL?
As longtime MySQL experts, we are very familiar with these, and
in some cases even helped create them. These …
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