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Displaying posts with tag: progress (reset)
TaskFreak! v0.6.2 – Customizing Status

Background Knowledge

The progress of a task in TaskFreak! is shown as a percentage value and is not exactly visually appealing to quickly spot the progress. With a few minor alterations we can show the percentage completed bar that fills as the task progresses and a gradient bar indicating the progress along with the percentage value.

This solution was posted by Searcher at Re: Taskfreak Customizing Status.


  1. Edit at line #268 as shown below.
    Cod Before

              <th width="<?php echo FRK_STATUS_LEVELS * 2; ?>%" onclick="freak_sort('statusKey')" colspan="< ?php echo FRK_STATUS_LEVELS ?>" class="sortable">< ?php echo (FRK_STATUS_LEVELS == …
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Progress reporting for ALTER TABLE

I just finished my last MariaDB 5.3 feature before we go beta:

Progress reporting for ALTER TABLE, LOAD DATA INFILE etc.

This is a feature that I think every MySQL user who has ever waited for an ALTER TABLE to finish has wanted for a long time! I know people who have written scripts to monitor the size of the result files to try to estimate how much an ALTER TABLE has progressed.

Progress reporting means that:

  • There is a new column Progress in SHOW PROCESSLIST which shows the total progress (0-100 %)
  • INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST has three new columns which allow you to see in which process stage we are and how much of that stage is completed:
    • STAGE
    • PROGRESS_DONE (within current stage).
  • The client receives out-of-band progress messages which it can display to the user …
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5.2.2 is around the corner

I’ve just pushed the last batch of changes into 5.2 tree. The most important change was renaming Maria engine to Aria (with old maria* compatibility variables). Other — smaller — changes included adding all plugins to the windows .zip distribution (sphinx and oqgraph too), building mysqld.exe with federatedx, not old federated engine, refactoring of mysql-test-run suite to support pluggable per-suite extensions, print the plugin configuration in the ./configure script, and other even smaller changes. Together with all bug fixes that 5.2 has accumulated over time it made the tree ready for the next release – 5.2.2!

451 CAOS Links 2009.07.31

When open source goes bad. Is open source a success or failure? And more.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory on Twitter and
“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

When open source goes bad

The H reported on the apparent turmoil at the CentOS project, while Jay Lyman offered the CAOS perspective. Meanwhile Slashdot reported that Alan Cox has quit as Linux TTY subsystem maintainer.

Success or failure?
Danny Windham, Digium CEO, …

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MySQL Workbench Release Candidate Coming Up

With the great help we receive from community and SE Beta testers we are marching towards RC quality with large steps. This week we hope to remove the last obstacles (mostly printing, some canvas problems and some synchronization problems) that are holding us back and to be able to close all open P1 & P2 bugs. If we achieve all this we will upload the RC1 (Release Candidate 1) build.

As a bonus we have now added the much requested “direct connection” notation between columns (better know as MS Access style notation) to the Standard Edition - a feature that has been requested since the old DBDesigner4 days. Personally, I am not so found of this notation because it limits the connection points to the left and right of the individual PK- and FK-columns which makes it harder to have a nice looking model. But given the flexibility of Workbench to hold an unlimited number of smaller diagrams this might solve this problem for most I hope. …

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