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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL Meetup (reset)
Speaking in August 2016

I know this is a tad late, but there have been some changes, etc. recently, so apologies for the delay of this post. I still hope to meet many of you to chat about MySQL/Percona Server/MariaDB Server, MongoDB, open source databases, and open source in general in the remainder of August 2016.

  • LinuxCon+ContainerCon North America – August 22-24 2016 – Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, Canada – I’ll be speaking about lessons one can learn from database failures and enjoying the spectacle that is the 25th anniversary of Linux!
  • Chicago MySQL Meetup Group – August 29 2016 – Vivid Seats, Chicago, IL – more lessons from database failures here, and I’m looking forward to meeting users, etc. in the Chicago area
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Fractal Tree Indexes and Mead – MySQL Meetup

Thanks again to Sheeri Cabral  for having me at the Boston MySQL Meetup on Monday for the talk on “Fractal Tree® Indexes – Theoretical Overview and Customer Use Cases.” The crowd was very interactive, and I appreciated that over 50 people signed up for the event and left some very positive comments and reviews.

In addition, the conversation spilled over late into the night as we made our way over to nearby Mead Hall afterwards for a few drinks, some food, and to continue the discussion.

The presentation is …

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Fractal Tree Indexes – MySQL Meetup

At next month’s Boston MySQL Meetup, I will give a talk: “Fractal Tree Indexes – Theoretical Overview and Customer Use Cases.” The meetup is 7 pm Monday, January 9th, 2012, and will be held at MIT Building E51 Room 337e (corner of Ames & Amherst St, Cambridge, MA). Thanks to host Sheeri Cabral for the invitation.

Most databases employ B-trees to achieve a good tradeoff between the ability to update data quickly and to search it quickly. It turns out that B-trees are far from the optimum in this tradeoff …

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January 2011 MySQL Meetup: Clustrix

Clustrix will be presenting at this month’s Silicon Valley MySQL Meetup in Sunnyvale, CA. Stop by if you can!

Paul Mikesell (CEO and VP Engineering) and Aaron Passey (CTO) will be discussing the unique architecture behind Clustrix’s massively scalable, distributed, MySQL-compatible database solution. They will talk about how the company has addressed the common challenges associated with achieving massive scale for transactional (OLTP) relational workloads.

Prior to developing the Clustrix solution over the past four years, Paul was co-founder of Isilon Systems, just acquired by EMC in December 2010 for $2.25B and still has the largest clustering capability (>120 nodes) of any NAS solution.

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Meetup Group in Dublin, 2009-06-24

Well signposted :)

Thanks to echolibre for providing the content of the beers tables (in the pub schema, of course)!

An offer to sponsor your MySQL Meetup

If you participate at all in the MySQL Meetup circuit, by now it’s likely you’ve heard that the agreement currently in place between and MySQL/Sun is expiring quite soon. Because of that, MySQL Meetups which used to be free for organizers are reverting to paid status very soon (costing the organizer at least $12 per month). MySQL Meetup organizers (like myself) have received an email from giving them 7 days warning. MySQL/Sun have suggested that all MySQL Meetups move to Facebook.

I don’t know all of the details of MySQL and’s prior arrangement for this sponsorship, but from …

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MySQL camp with Kaj (29th july)

I was there in the meetup and my feeling was a mix about the same. It was nice to have Kaj here (for the first time) and listen to him about Sun's acquisition. On the other hand it was disheartening to see so few people from corporates turning up. It was almost negligible. I'm still positive on this and do expect many more people to turn up. There were a total of three talks in the meet and then we had some chit chat with people.

In his first talk, Kaj first greeted everybody in Hindi, Tamil and Kannada and many were delighted. Kaj touched various aspects of Sun's acquisition and also their on-boarding struggle. He also mentioned about MySQL considering Sun's liberal SCA in place of their stricter CLA. (I haven't gone through SCA to actually comment on it's benefits)

Second talk by Thava was on how to contribute code to …

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MySQL Meetup Silicon Valley: Tonight at Google

I haven’t written anything in a while about the MySQL Meetup I host in Silicon Valley, but I though the new year would be a good time to invite everyone to attend.

The Silicon Valley MySQL Meetup is hosted at Google’s campus in Mountain View. We regularly have open Q&A sessions, where we collect everyone’s questions, and then go through them one by one discussing, answering, and adding more questions. We stop when we run out of questions, or time. (Usually time runs out first.) Sometimes we’ll have myself or someone else with an official presentation.

Come on out for tonight’s Meetup (open Q&A), I’ll see you there!

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