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Displaying posts with tag: Insight for DBAs (reset)
The Multi-Source GTID Replication Maze

In this blog post, we’ll look at how to navigate some of the complexities of multi-source GTID replication.

GTID replication is often a real challenge for DBAs, especially if this has to do with multi-source GTID replication. A while back, I came across a really interesting customer environment with shards where multi-master, multi-source, multi-threaded MySQL 5.6 MIXED replication was active. This is a highly complex environment that has both pros and cons, introducing risks as a trade-off for specific customer requirements.

This is the set up of part of this environment:

I started looking into this setup when a statement broke replication between db1 and db10. Replication broke due to a statement executed on a schema that was not present on db10. This also …

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Binlog Encryption with Percona Server for MySQL

In this blog post, we’ll look at how to turn on binlog encryption in Percona Server for MySQL.

Why do I need this?

As you probably know, Percona Server for MySQL’s binlog contains sensitive information. Replication uses the binlog to copy events between servers. They contain all the information from one server so that it can be applied on another. In other words, if somebody has access to a binlog, it means they have access to all the data in the server. Moreover, said person (or, “Hacker”) could create a clone copy of our server by just making a replica of it. In the end, they have access to our binlog. This shows how important protecting a binlog really is – leakage of binlogs not only make a particular table/tablespace or a group of tables accessible to a hacker, but literally the whole server …

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Webinar Thursday March 8, 2018: How Percona Maintains Optimal Customer Health

Please join Percona Technical Account Manager Tim Sharp, as he presents How Percona Maintains Optimal Customer Health on Thursday, March 8, 2018 at 11:00 am PST (UTC -8) / 2:00 pm EST (UTC -5).

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How do you guarantee optimal database performance for your critical applications and services? Proactive monitoring and intervention is one way.

Percona Technical Account Managers (TAM) are expert DBAs that provide proactive assistance to our Managed Service customers – helping to guarantee performance, …

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TPCC-Like Workload for Sysbench 1.0

In this post I’ll look at some of our recent work for benchmark enthusiasts: a TPCC-like workload for Sysbench (version 1.0 or later).

Despite being 25 years old, the TPC-C benchmark can still provide an interesting intensive workload for a database in my opinion. It runs multi-statement transactions and is write-heavy. We also decided to use Sysbench 1.0, which allows much more flexible LUA scripting that allows us to implement TPCC-like workload.

For a long time, we used the tpcc-mysql ( tool for performance evaluations of MySQL and Percona Server for MySQL, but we recognize that the tool is far from being intuitive and simple to use. So we hope the adaptation for Sysbench will …

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Webinar Thursday March 1, 2018: Performance Schema for MySQL Troubleshooting

Please join Percona’s Principal Support Engineer, Sveta Smirnova, as she presents Performance Schema for MySQL Troubleshooting on Thursday, March 1, 2018, at 10:00 am PST (UTC-8) / 1:00 pm EST (UTC-5).

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Performance Schema, first introduced in version 5.5, is a really powerful tool. It is actively under development, and each new version provides even more instruments for database administrators.

Performance Schema is complicated. It is also not free: it can slow down performance if you enable certain …

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Analyze Your Raw MySQL Query Logs with ClickHouse

In this blog post, I’ll look at how you can analyze raw MySQL query logs with ClickHouse.

For typical query performance analyses, we have an excellent tool in Percona Monitoring and Management. You may want to go deeper, though. You might be longing for the ability to query raw MySQL “slow” query logs with SQL.

There are a number of tools to load the MySQL slow query logs to a variety of data stores. For example, you can find posts showing how to do it with LogStash. While very flexible, these solutions always look too complicated and limited in functionality to me.   

By far the best solution to parse and load MySQL slow query logs (among multiple log types supported) is Charity …

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Catching Slow and Frequent Queries with ProxySQL

In this blog post,  I’ll look at how to catch slow and frequent queries with ProxySQL.

More and more people are using ProxySQL because it is a great tool and it can help DBAs a lot. But many people do not realize that it is more powerful than it looks. It has many features and possibilities. I am going to show you one of my favorite “tricks” / use cases.

There are plenty of blog posts explaining how ProxySQL works. I am not going to that again. Instead, let’s jump straight to the point. There is a table in ProxySQL called “stats.stats_mysql_query_digest”. It is one of my favorite tables because it basically records all the queries that were running against ProxySQL. Without collecting any queries on the MySQL server, I can find …

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MySQL Single Table Point-In-Time Recovery

In this blog post, I’ll look at how to execute a MySQL single table Point-In-Time Recovery.

I recently wrote a blog post describing a different way of doing Point-In-Time Recovery (PITR). If you want to know the step by step, please visit the mentioned blog post. Here is a quick summary of the approach:

  1. Restore the backup on the desired server
  2. Create a fake master
  3. Copy all relevant binlogs to the fake master
  4. Configure server from the first step as a slave from a fake master

In addition to the above steps, there is a similar approach …

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How to Restore MySQL Logical Backup at Maximum Speed

The ability to restore MySQL logical backups is a significant part of disaster recovery procedures. It’s a last line of defense.

Even if you lost all data from a production server, physical backups (data files snapshot created with an offline copy or with Percona XtraBackup) could show the same internal database structure corruption as in production data. Backups in a simple plain text format allow you to avoid such corruptions and migrate between database formats (e.g., during a software upgrade and downgrade), or even help with migration from completely different database solution.

Unfortunately, the restore speed for logical backups is usually bad, and for a big database it could require days …

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Percona Live 2018 Featured Talk – Scaling a High-Traffic Database: Moving Tables Across Clusters with Bryana Knight

Welcome to the first interview blog for the upcoming Percona Live 2018. Each post in this series highlights a Percona Live 2018 featured talk that will be at the conference and gives a short preview of what attendees can expect to learn from the presenter.

This blog post highlights Bryana Knight, Platform Engineer at GitHub. Her talk is titled Scaling a High-Traffic Database: Moving Tables Across Clusters. Facing an immediate need to distribute load, GitHub came up with creative ways to move a significant amount of traffic off of their main MySQL cluster – with no user impact. In our conversation, we …

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