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Displaying posts with tag: primary (reset)
TOI wsrep_RSU_method in PXC 5.6.24 and up

I noticed that in the latest release of Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC), the behavior of wsrep_RSU_method changed somewhat.  Prior to this release, the variable was GLOBAL only, meaning to use it you would:

mysql> set GLOBAL wsrep_RSU_method='RSU';
mysql> ALTER TABLE ...
mysql> set GLOBAL wsrep_RSU_method='TOI';

This had the (possibly negative) side-effect that ALL DDL’s issued on this node would be affected by the setting while in RSU mode.

So, in this latest release, this variable was made to also have a SESSION value, while retaining GLOBAL as well. This has a couple of side-effects that are common to MySQL variables that are both GLOBAL and SESSION:

  • The SESSION copy is made from whatever the GLOBAL’s value is when a new connection (session) is …
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Playing with Percona XtraDB Cluster in Docker

Like any good, thus lazy, engineer I don’t like to start things manually. Creating directories, configuration files, specify paths, ports via command line is too boring. I wrote already how I survive in case when I need to start MySQL server (here). There is also the MySQL Sandbox which can be used for the same purpose.

But what to do if you want to start Percona XtraDB Cluster this way? Fortunately we, at Percona, have engineers who created automation solution for starting PXC. This solution uses Docker. To explore it you need:

  1. Clone the pxc-docker repository:
    git clone
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TokuDB and Binlog Group Commit in MySQL 5.7

The MySQL 5.7.6 release notes describe a change to the binary log group commit algorithm that can improve the performance of write intensive applications when the binary log is enabled (noted with Bug #19424075).  This change is probably inspired by the experiment reported in MySQL bug #73202.

There is a long history of tweaking the binary log group commit algorithm and the InnoDB storage engine to scale performance.  Mark Callaghan describes the work done on this problem at Facebook. …

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Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC): How many nodes do you need?

A question I often hear when customers want to set up a production PXC cluster is: “How many nodes should we use?”

Three nodes is the most common deployment, but when are more nodes needed? They also ask: “Do we always need to use an even number of nodes?”

This is what we’ll clarify in this post.

This is all about quorum

I explained in a previous post that a quorum vote is held each time one node becomes unreachable. With this vote, the remaining nodes will estimate whether it is safe to keep on serving queries. If quorum is not reached, all remaining nodes will set themselves in a state where they cannot process any query (even reads).

To get the right size for you cluster, the only question you should answer is: how many nodes can simultaneously fail while leaving the …

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TokuDB and JSON data in MySQL 5.7

MySQL recently added support for JSON data with MySQL 5.7.8.  It would be cool to store JSON data in TokuDB tables.

First, I had to get TokuDB running on MySQL 5.7.8.   TokuDB currently runs on Percona Server 5.6, and various flavors of MariaDB.  The only issues porting TokuDB to MySQL 5.7 were adopting the changes to various internal APIs that storage engines use.  Since I did not make any patches to the MySQL code,  some TokuDB features including clustered secondary keys and selection of various compression algorithms …

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Getting EXPLAIN information from already running queries in MySQL 5.7

When a new version of MySQL is about to be released we read a lot of blog posts about the performance and scalability improvements. That’s good but sometimes we miss some small features that can help us a lot in our day-to-day tasks. One good example is the blog post that Aurimas wrote about a new small feature in MySQL 5.6 that I didn’t know about until I read it: the Automatic InnoDB transaction log file size change. How cool is that?

I plan to write a series of blog posts that will show some of those small new features in MySQL 5.7 that are going to be really useful. I’m going to start with EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION.

This feature allows us to run an EXPLAIN for an already running statement. Let’s say that you find a query …

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Update on the InnoDB double-write buffer and EXT4 transactions

In a post, written a few months ago, I found that using EXT4 transactions with the “data=journal” mount option, improves the write performance significantly, by 55%, without putting data at risk. Many people commented on the post mentioning they were not able to reproduce the results and thus, I decided to further investigate in order to find out why my results were different.

So, I ran sysbench benchmarks on a few servers and found when the InnoDB double-write buffer limitations occur and when they don’t. I also made sure some of my colleagues were able to reproduce the results. Basically, in order to reproduce the results you need the following conditions:

  • Spinning disk (no SSD)
  • Enough CPU power
  • A dataset that fits in the InnoDB buffer pool
  • A continuous high write …
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Speed up GROUP BY queries with subselects in MySQL

We usually try to avoid subselects because sometimes they force the use of a temporary table and limits the use of indexes. But, when is good to use a subselect?

This example was tested over table a (1310723 rows), b, c and d ( 5 rows each) and with MySQL version 5.5 and 5.6.

Let’s suppose we have a query like this:

select,sum(a.count) aSum,avg(a.position) aAVG,b.col1,c.col2,d.col3
a join
b on ( = join
c on (a.cid = join
d on (a.did =
group by,,,

What will MySQL do? First it will take the entire data set – this means that will go through each row scanning the value of  “bid,” “cid” and “did” and then apply the join to each table. At this point it has the complete data set and then it will start to cluster it, executing the sum and the average functions.

Let’s analyze it step by step:

  1. Scan each row of  table a which …
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Percona XtraDB Cluster: Quorum and Availability of the cluster

Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) has become a popular option to provide high availability for MySQL servers. However many people are still having a hard time understanding what will happen to the cluster when one or several nodes leave the cluster (gracefully or ungracefully). This is what we will clarify in this post.

Nodes leaving gracefully

Let’s assume we have a 3-node cluster and all nodes have an equal weight, which is the default.

What happens if Node1 is gracefully stopped (service mysql stop)? When shutting down, Node1 will instruct the other nodes that it is leaving the cluster. We now have a 2-node cluster and the remaining members have 2/2 = 100% of the votes. The cluster keeps running normally.

What happens now if Node2 is gracefully stopped? Same thing, Node3 knows that Node2 is no longer part of the …

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MaxScale: A new tool to solve your MySQL scalability problems

Ever since MySQL replication has existed, people have dreamed of a good solution to automatically split read from write operations, sending the writes to the MySQL master and load balancing the reads over a set of MySQL slaves. While if at first it seems easy to solve, the reality is far more complex.

First, the tool needs to make sure it parses and analyses correctly all the forms of SQL MySQL supports in order to sort writes from reads, something that is not as easy as it seems. Second, it needs to take into account if a session is in a transaction or not.

While in a transaction, the default transaction isolation level in InnoDB, Repeatable-read, and the MVCC framework insure that you’ll get a consistent view for the duration of the transaction. That means all statements executed inside a transaction must run on the master but, when the transaction commits or rollbacks, the following select statements on the session can be again …

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