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Displaying posts with tag: Tools (reset)
Evaluation of PMP Profiling Tools

In this blog post, we’ll look at some of the available PMP profiling tools.

While debugging or analyzing issues with Percona Server for MySQL, we often need a quick understanding of what’s happening on the server. Percona experts frequently use the pt-pmp tool from Percona Toolkit (inspired by



 tool collects application stack traces GDB and then post-processes them. From this you get a condensed, ordered list of the stack traces. The list helps you understand where the application spent most of the time: either running something or waiting for something.

Getting a profile with

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Generating a MySQL Password

One of the services our database engineers provide is adding users to MySQL. We have some nice Chef recipes, so all I have to do is update a few files, including adding in the MySQL password hash.

Now, when I added myself, I just logged into MySQL and generated a password hash. But when my SRE (systems reliability engineer) colleague needed to generate a password, he did not have a MySQL system he could login to.

The good news is it’s easy to generate a MySQL password hash. The MySQL password hash is simply a SHA1 hash of a SHA1 hash, with * at the beginning. Which means you do not need a MySQL database to create a MySQL password hash – all you need is a programming language that has a SHA1 function (well, and a concatenate function).

And I found it, of course, on this post at StackExchange ( So you don’t have to click through, here is what it says – and I have …

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PyMyTools: Simple diagnostic tools for Amazon Aurora and MySQL

This post introduces PyMyTools v0.1: my first version of a simple diagnostic toolkit for automating boring DBA tasks. Read on for tool descriptions and demonstrations!

Introduction No lengthy introductions this time:

  • I wrote these tools to make my own everyday tasks less time consuming. I hope you too will find them useful.
  • Tools can be downloaded from GitHub and are provided under the MIT License.
  • Your feedback is very welcome (use GitHub Issues).

Tools: general description The tools are designed to automate some of the simple DBA tasks:

  • Monitor the values of server status variables.
  • Report on basic status variables (buffer/cache usage, uptime, query traffic).
  • Dump …
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Introducing BakaSQL, the MySQL web-based sandbox for query execution

BakaSQL: a bit of history When I joined this new company I was already aware there was a lot of work to do. There was no DBA Team to speak of; any MySQL related task was handled by the sysadmins, and the company was growing as fast as you can imagine, with 15-20 new employees arriving each month, most of them in the IT department. For sure, there was much fun ahead.

During my first week in the new job  I immediately felt that something was not right. I was receiving too much DMLs to execute each day, spanning a wide set of servers, schemas an tables. This is not something I had seen before, so I started asking around what the reason behind it was.  It turned out that there were multiple reasons behind it:

  • there were known bugs in the applications that were never fixed
  • application configuration items were stored in MySQL, but there was no admin panel to modify them
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New tool: GitHub's online schema migration for MySQL

Shlomi Noach from the the Github engineering team posted the release of a new tool for triggerless online schema migration with MySQL. Although it's mostly targeted at databases using a replication architecture, if you don’t have replicas, or do not wish to use them, you are still able to operate directly on the master. In spite of being a wonderful project and being used in production by

Video Tutorial on Network Throttling tool provided by Google Chrome Developer tools

Network Throttling tool provided by Google Chrome Developer tools
In this video we will be seeing how this tool helps us to test your application at different network speeds, thus giving us info and insight as to how users having different speeds of internet use our application and the challenges they face and how the performance can be improved and how the application can be made more usable in such cases.

Developing a MySQL Workbench plugin

The MySQL Workbench tool is great for development and administration tasks. Also it's available on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X which, according to information from third party sources, is more than you can say for most of the other equivalent tools. And Workbench is free. Having said that, most of the provided functionalities are intuitive and of daily use for developer and DBA staff alike.

Real time query monitoring on MySQL - with 3rd party tool and without

I've tried out Idera's MySQL Query Explorer, a free tool and I found it easy to use and simple to setup. The only improvement that can be suggested is to add, on the technical requirements page, that your MySQL instance (MySQL Server version 5.5 and newer) must be running with the performance_schema turned on. Otherwise the tool will just display an empty grid. After you've successfully set

Using MySQL on Openshift - Red Hat's public cloud

Developing a prototype, I found myself wanting a trustworthy cloud provider. Having heard of Openshift, I got my hands on it. It's Red Hat's Platform as a Service. With it, you can host and scale applications in a cloud environment. As a developer I found some wonderful features on the quite generous free tier. The ones I'd like to highlight are that:

It's based on a gear and cartridge

Real time query monitoring on MySQL using the SYS schema

On an earlier post I wrote about real time query monitoring on MySQL with a third party tool and without one. The script is useful as it works with MySQL 5.5 and later. However, if you're using a later version of MySQL, you should look at the SYS schema. It is a collection of views, functions and procedures to help MySQL administrators get insight in to MySQL Database usage. It's available to

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