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Displaying posts with tag: plugin (reset)
OpenSQLCamp Videos online!

OpenSQLCamp was a huge success! I took videos of most of the sessions (we only had 3 video cameras, and 4 rooms, and 2 sessions were not recorded). Unfortunately, I was busy doing administrative stuff for opensqlcamp for the opening keynote and first 15 minutes of the session organizing, and when I got to the planning board, it was already full….so I was not able to give a session.

Drizzle Client Rewrite – Clark Boylan leads the requirements and design discussion for rewriting the Drizzle Client Drizzle Plugin Hacking[Read more]
Bazaar importmbox plugin

Releasing and announcing software is win! I’ve had this bumming around for a bit, and for me (and I think others hacking on MySQL) it’s been rather useful. Simple plugin that takes each email in an mbox, applies the patch and commits it with the correct author to a bzr repo. Very useful if you use quilt and bzr together (“quilt mail –mbox” and then “bzr importmbox”).

I finally published it up at:


Using the Sphinx Search Engine with MySQL

MySQL Full Text Search Limitations

Suppose you have a MyISAM table containing a column with a full text index. This table starts to grow to a significant size (millions of rows) and gets updated fairly frequently. Chances are that you’ll start to see some bottlenecks when accessing this table, since without row level locking, the reading and writing operations will be blocking each other.

A solution that many people would suggest right away is to use the master for writes and a slave for reads, but this only masks the problem, and it won’t take long before enough read traffic on the slave starts causing slave lags.

Why Sphinx?

The main difference between the Sphinx search engine and other alternatives is its close integration with MySQL. For example, it can be used as a storage engine.  In this way, Sphinx’s impact on existing application code …

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Drizzle and the Gearman logging plug-in

Disclaimer: This blog post is about things I did on my own free time, not endorsed by my employer.
I have been meaning to look at Gearman for a long time, but I just couldn't find any project where I could use it.

Well, that was true until last week a couple of weeks ago, when I started to put together Drizzle, the Gearman logging plug-in, Perl and the Enterprise Monitor.

As I was finishing writing the script, I thought that it would be a good idea to split the script in at least two components: one that would just collect the queries, and another component that would do the processing of the log entries (replacing the literals for "?", grouping queries by query text, etc).

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Drizzle query monitoring

Disclaimer: This blog post is about things I did on my own free time, not endorsed by my employer.
A little over a month ago, Ronald posted a blog about the different query logging plug-ins that are available for Drizzle. This was pretty exciting news, especially when I saw the details that were included in the logs.

Meanwhile, a few weeks ago, I started looking at the REST API that comes with the MySQL Enterprise Monitor.

The result is that we can now see most of the information returned by the plug-in, on the Dashboard.

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More Drizzle plug-ins

Last weekend, I finally got some time to look around Drizzle. I had already compiled it on my laptop, but hadn't really looked at the code.Then, I thought that looking over some of the blueprints on Launchpad, would be a good way to get familiar with the code base. After a quick search, I found move function/time/ functions into plugin(s)

This blueprint is basically to create UDF plug-ins for the different time related functions. There was no priority assigned and it was on the low hanging fruit milestone. Which was perfect for …

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Testing the InnoDB plugin with MySQL snapshots

The cat is out of the bag.
MySQL 5.1 will include the InnoDB plugin, and thanks to
you can try the new version right away.
Here is a step-by-step guide to testing the InnoDB plugin with MySQL snapshot 5.1.39 and MySQL Sandbox.

1. Install MySQL::Sandbox
This is a …
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plugin and 5.1

You can check it yourself – 5.1 seems to be shipped with InnoDB plugin in future :-) (oh the joy of open source repositories, always ready to spoil the surprise, eh?:)

InnoDB Conference Presentations Now Online

Well, it took us a little while (we’ve been busy !), but we’ve now posted our presentations on InnoDB from the MySQL Conference and Expo 2009. You can download these presentations by Heikki Tuuri, Ken Jacobs and Calvin Sun from the InnoDB website, as follows:

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Talk,Talk, Talk: Innobase Speaks

That should read “Talks, Talks, Talks” … There will be several presentations by InnoDB experts at the upcoming 2009 MySQL Conference and Expo. Whether you’re a newbie or an experienced DBA deeply familiar with InnoDB, you won’t want to miss these important talks about InnoDB:

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