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Displaying posts with tag: Development (reset)
MySQL Proxy Released

Few month ago I heard about some initial work on MySQL Proxy software by Jan Kneschke and I thought about implementing some type of MySQL Replication Aggregator based on this software. The idea was to create some piece of software which could get many replication streams, merge them and feed to some mysql slave. This software could be used for backup purposes and many other interesting things. But back then mysqlproxy distribution has been suspended (afaik, by MySQL AB because of some legal issues).

And at last, today MySQL Proxy project has been released to public and it became much more flexible so I think we need to take a look at it and try to implement such replication aggregator patches for it.

Packaging and Installing the MySQL Proxy with RPM

As I felt the itch to do some quick hacking yesterday, I decided to provide an RPM spec file for the MySQL proxy. The changes have been commited to the SVN trunk now and I added some hints to the INSTALL file on how to perform an RPM build.

Here is a quick summary of how to convert the current SVN code into an installable RPM. You build environment needs to fulfill a few additional prerequisites (a gcc compiler and the C library header files are taken for granted here), I added the versions I used on my openSUSE 10.2 system for reference:

  • autoconf 2.56 or newer (autoconf-2.60)
  • automake 1.9 or newer (automake-1.9.6)
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Expanding the architecture of participation and talking about it at FrOSCon

I'd like to bring two announcements to your attention, that I posted to our internals Mailing list a few days ago - both refer to ongoing activities at MySQL AB to further open up our development processes and to establish an Architecture of Participation around the MySQL Server and related applications.

I am excited to be able to talk about this topic at the upcoming FrOSCon, which will take place on August, 25th-26th in Sankt Augustin, Germany. The title of my presentation will be "Opening the doors of the Cathedral - Enabling an architecture of participation around the MySQL Server". Here's the abstract:

Even though the MySQL Server is released and distributed as Open Source Software (OSS) under the GPL, the development itself so far has mostly …

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Distributing Modified Perl Modules With Your Application

Pretty usually in our Perl projects we use third-party modules (CPAN or others) and sometimes we can find a bug in such module. What are our options in such cases? This small article describes some useful hints for Perl developers who have such problems.


New openGIS functionality in MySQL available for testing

While MySQL already provides some functionality to store and operate on geospatial data, the functionality leaves quite a lot to be desired and is far from providing full OpenGIS compatibility. Most notably is that all functions that query spatial data only operate on MBRs (minimum bounding rectangles), to simplify the operations.

Thanks to my colleague Alexey "Holyfoot" Botchkov from Izhevsk, Russia, some of the spatial relation functions like INTERSECTS and WITHIN now work in the way they are described by OpenGIS and not by using MBR's as it used to be. He has been working on improving the GIS functionality as a side project and the work has now reached a level at which he is ready to give it some public …

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MySQL books - what would you recommend

It’s been a long time since I bought a book about mysql, so I thought I would ask what were some of the recent good books around about mysql.

The only good book I know is ‘high performance mysql’, but it is from 2004. so I’m concerned it’s a bit dated.

So.. what’s on your bookshelves?

Comparing Web2.0 with Open Source

This thought has been floating around my head for quite some time now and I finally bit the bullet and released it from the draft state it had been sitting in for too long: there are quite many similarities between Open Source Software (OSS) projects and most of today's popular Web 2.0 sites, but there is also one odd difference that I wonder about.

For both worlds, the concept of collaboration, participation and giving more power to their users is a key component. OSS projects need contributors for patches and bug reports, but also for feedback, translations, artwork, advocacy in order to be popular and healthy. The project's developers need to be open for suggestions, listening to their user base on where the project should be heading. They also usually strive for open standards …

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MMM Release 1.0-pre4

New alpha release 1.0-pre4 of the MySQL Master-Master Replication Manager. This release has lots of major fixes and I’m glad to announce first sponsored port of mmm to non-linux platform - it has been ported to Solaris 10. So, here are our changes in this version:

  • Real checks timeouts - I’ve found and fixed lots of problems in checks timeout code and now if you specified in your mmm_mon.conf, that some check should timeout in 5 sec, it would timeout correctly on all supported platforms.
  • External third-party tools using - On all supported non-linux platforms mmm will use system binaries for fping and arp_ping so porting to another platforms would be much easier.
  • Agent …
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Dynamic Specifications with Rspec

Sometimes you may need to create a set of rspec specifications with pretty similar structure and small differences. I’ve got such situation in my project and decided to try to use Ruby’s dynamic code generation features to make my spec file shorter.

I have some multiplexing helper in my templates which allows me to use the same template for different similar pages. This helper returns URL from the set of params and a type. It could accept 5 different url types and raises an Exception when requested URL type is invalid. Without this dynamic code generation feature I would need to create 5 different specifications (one for each URL type) to be able to see each URL type test as a separate line in test results log. But with this simple technique my code looks like following now:

describe VideoHelper, 'when profile_video_url method called' do

  before do

    @user = mock('user')

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Announcing mylvmbackup 0.5

Eric Bergen from Proven Scaling (which I had the pleasure to meet in person during the MySQL Conference & Expo in Santa Clara last month) was kind enough to send me a patch for the mylmbackup tool, which justifies a new release:

Attached is a patch file for mylvmbackup that adds the ability to use
lvm version 2 and perform innodb recovery on the snapshot prior to
creating a tar ball. The option is named --innodb-recover.

I've also fixed a bug with default value handling for command line
options. In version 0.4 if a config file was specified default values
in the script were all changed to blank. This means that the config
file had to supply values for every variable instead of just the
values that need to be changed from default.

This …

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