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Displaying posts with tag: Development (reset)
MMM Release 1.0-pre3

MySQL Master-Master Replication Manager version 1.0-pre3 has been released today. Changes list is really short now:

  • Major fix in multiple clusters support - now you can use many clusters with one monitoring node (details are in mmmd_mon man page)
  • Man pages for mmmd_mon, mmmd_agent and mmm_control scripts
  • Startup scripts added/fixed for mmmd_mon and mmmd_agent
  • Installation script now requires iproute package to be installed on server.

As always, if you have any questions/suggestions, post them here or in mmm-devel mail list.

MySQL Conference 2007: First Impressions and Findings

So, first two days of mysqlconf’07 are finished now. What can I say is that without any doubts: It worth it! If you’re working on some high traffic projects, some high-loaded database driven systems, etc, you definitely should attend such conferences - you’d never be able to get such big amounts of information from the best people in the industry as you can get here.

I’ve been attending mostly practical MySQL scale-out sessions and BOFs and I’ve got really controversial impressions. No - everybody was great, controversial thing is my own level - I never before was so sure that I know nothing at all! I see people here for which most of new things for me (especially in MySQL scaling) are pretty obvious and it is hard to keep myself from some kind of self-beating because I don’t know these things.

Interesting thing happened today - I clearly realized why YouTube guys got their billion and we or someone else didn’t - IMHO - …

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Storing and streaming large binary objects using the Scalable BLOB Streaming Architecture for MySQL

Even though MySQL is used to power a lot of web sites and applications that handle large binary objects (BLOBs) like images, videos or audio files, these objects are usually not stored in MySQL tables directly today. The reason for that is that the MySQL Client/Server protocol applies certain restrictions on the size of objects that can be returned and that the overall performance is not acceptable, as the current MySQL storage engines have not really been optimized to properly handle large numbers of BLOBs. To work around these limitations, these projects usually just store a reference to the object (e.g. a path name in a regular file system). This approach works around the limitations applied by the MySQL Server, but results in a disconnection and potential source of inconsistency between the database and the file system content. There was an interesting discussion about that topic on Sheeri's …

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PEAR::HTML_BBCodeParser Parser Issue

I’ve come into a situation where I require to have BBCode parsed, this includes the standard tags supported by PEAR package HTML_BBCodeParser and custom BBCode tags I’ve added myself.

My problem is this, I’ve discovered that when an value has a space within the value the value is truncated at the first occurrence of the space. This applies to a URL, image file names and any additional attribute values (alt, style, etc.). This issue is present in the stable release and latest release in CVS for HTML_BBCodeParser. Here is some examples.

Before BBCode Parser
   [url= World?str=1]Foo World
After BBCode Parser
   <a …
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Playing with the Xing API

Xing is Europe's leading Business Network with more than 2 million members. Recently, Xing announced that they would come up with an API later this year to get access to the network. As far as I know, Xing was developed by ePublica using Perl and MySQL.


Having an API is essential in these mashup days. I was invited to the private alpha test and implemented a reference implementation of an API client via PHP5 which behaves like SOAPClient (but uses ReST as the transport mechanism) and overloads the methods that are available.


Here's an example of how to call it currently (API is …

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MySQL Master-Master replication manager released

So, I’s been a long time since I wrote my last post here. Lots of work and almost no new interesting technologies in my work caused such delay. But today I’m proud to announce release of really interesting project: MySQL Master-Master replication manager - set of flexible scripts for management different MySQL deployment schemes with master-master replication involved.

More information about this software could be found in detailed announce in Peter Zaitsev blog (actually this software was created by me for his company’s client) or at project page. All your questions and suggestions welcomed in …

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Bug in Perl’s Thread::Semaphore: Memory Leak (solution provided)

I spent almost all day trying to find and fix really strange bug in one of our server-side applications written on Perl. And as I’ve figured out later, there is huge problem in Perl core libraries or, even, in interpreter.

Problem is following. If you are trying to use “threads” module with “Thread::Semaphore” module like it is mentioned in official Perl documentation (perlthrtut), you’ll get 4kb memory leak on every $semaphore->up call. So, simple test-case like following would cause huge memory leaks (100 Mbytes per second on my test server):


MySQL++ v2.2.0 has been released

Congratulations to Warren Young and the other developers that maintain the MySQL++ C++ wrapper around the MySQL Client libraries: version 2.2.0 has just been announced and boasts a wide range of changes. Here's a description of MySQL++ from the project web site:
MySQL++ is a C++ wrapper for MySQL's C API. It is built around STL principles, to make dealing with the database as easy as dealing with an STL container. MySQL++ relieves the programmer of dealing with cumbersome C data structures, generation of repetitive SQL statements, and manual creation of C++ data structures to mirror the database schema

mylvmbackup 0.4 has been released

I am happy to announce version 0.4 of mylvmbackup, a tool to perform consistent backups of a MySQL server's tables using Linux LVM snapshots.

For this release I'd like to especially thank Robin H. Johnson from the Gentoo project, who contributed another batch of useful changes and informed me that mylvmbackup is now in productive use to perform backups of the MySQL databases that power the project's Bugzilla bug tracking system. I am always glad to read about such use cases - how do you utilize mylvmbackup in your environment?

  • The option handling has been improved. mylvmbackup now starts by using the builtin defaults, followed by the default configuration file (/etc/mylvmbackup.conf, followed by an alternative configuration file (specified via CLI …
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Free BitKeeper client updated

After I published my article on how to build MySQL with the new Falcon storage engine from source, the free BitKeeper client was updated to version 2.0. I have now updated the instructions accordingly, our manual has been updated to reflect these changes, too.

However, it is currently still not possible to clone the Falcon tree with this client, some kind of obscure locking error message appears, even though the admin console on does not reveal any active locks in the repository:

$ bkf clone bk:// …
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