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Displaying posts with tag: code (reset)
Golden Rules for Contribution-based Communities

There are some basic, golden rules when it comes to having a vibrant community of contributors.

The following are rules I have extracted and learned based on my experience managing and working with engineers actively involved and participating in the Apache/Derby, PostgreSQL and MySQL open-source communities. These rules are also based on extensive discussions with many folks involved with the MySQL community, with the PostgreSQL community and with the Apache/Derby (Java DB) community, over many years.

Before I go through these rules, I would like to thank Marten Mickos for having suggested some of the headings for these rules. (I originally had much longer headings for all of them.) I would also like to thank many of MySQL, PostgreSQL and Java DB colleagues, as well as to many other colleagues involved in open-source development, for having contributed to the ideas and practices behind these rules.

A) …

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Golden Rules for Contribution-based Communities

There are some basic, golden rules when it comes to having a vibrant community of contributors.

The following are rules I have extracted and learned based on my experience managing and working with engineers actively involved and participating in the Apache/Derby, PostgreSQL and MySQL open-source communities. These rules are also based on extensive discussions with many folks involved with the MySQL community, with the PostgreSQL community and with the Apache/Derby (Java DB) community, over many years.

Before I go through these rules, I would like to thank Marten Mickos for having suggested some of the headings for these rules. (I originally had much longer headings for all of them.) I would also like to thank many of MySQL, PostgreSQL and Java DB colleagues, as well as to many other colleagues involved in open-source development, for having contributed to the ideas and practices behind these rules.

A) …

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Golden Rules for Contribution-based Communities

There are some basic, golden rules when it comes to having a vibrant community of contributors.

The following are rules I have extracted and learned based on my experience managing and working with engineers actively involved and participating in the Apache/Derby, PostgreSQL and MySQL open-source communities. These rules are also based on extensive discussions with many folks involved with the MySQL community, with the PostgreSQL community and with the Apache/Derby (Java DB) community, over many years.

Before I go through these rules, I would like to thank Marten Mickos for having suggested some of the headings for these rules. (I originally had much longer headings for all of them.) I would also like to thank many of MySQL, PostgreSQL and Java DB colleagues, as well as to many other colleagues involved in open-source development, for having contributed to the ideas and practices behind these rules.

A) …

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Progress in nofrm branch

“Ban FRM Now!” branch in Launchpad

Now we’re reading part of the table information out of the proto file on disk instead of the frm.

Not everything (yet) but a bit. Good first steps. Had to fix bugs along the way as well (and find weirdness in FRM file format…).

Progress is being made.

Source Control Layouts for Databases

It’s easy to decide that you’re going to store changes to your database in source control, but it can be difficult to figure out what and where it should be stored.  In this article I’ll explain what I like to see put into source control, and how I layout my source control folders. There are […]

Performance notes on INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables

I have written a bit in the past about using INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables, and I use them extensively in stored procedures for performing regular maintenance operations. There are a great many clever and useful things you can do with them. However, recently I have been noticing some performance issues using these tables that puts a damper […]

Interesting SQL Challenge

A former colleague recently posed a problem to me: “This guy has a table full of table names, and he wants to run a query that unions those tables.” I spent a couple of minutes telling him why it was a bad idea. It’s not a very robust solution, and an incorrect value in your […]


Bazaar branches of libmallocfail

Simple LD_PRELOAD library that will take parameters via environment variables and cause malloc() to occationally fail.

Aim was to use this to test bits of MySQL/Drizzle although since their libtool based stuf, the binary in tree is a libtool shell script, and I haven’t found a way to LD_PRELOAD only for mysqld and not the shell script and the other processes spawned by it.

I have found a bug in libc though :)

Using short if statement in programming

In many programing languages it is possible to shorten if statements using what’s called the ternary operator. It is sometimes referred as the “one line if statement” or the “short if statement”. This can help at times to produce cleaner code, however use this operator wisely as it is not always best to be used for more complicated statements.

PHP Example of an if statement

if($nFoo > 0)
   echo "I'm at the work.";
   echo "I'm at home.";

PHP Example using the ternary operator

      echo $nFoo > 0 ? "I'm at the work." : "I'm at home.";

The expression (expr1) ? (expr2) : (expr3) evaluates to expr2 if expr1 evaluates to …

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Project Kenai

Sun is a huge company. So it comes as no surprise that I’m finding out about Project Kenai via Tim Bray, instead of some internal mailing list (believe me, there must be thousands).

Tim’s got a Q&A with Nick Sieger, who’s one of the chieftains behind Kenai. I find it amusing that the comparison is made against Google Code and GitHub - has SourceForge hit irrelevancy? I’m surprised Launchpad isn’t mentioned.

Very Cover Flow like UI, with slider, etc. That’s Elliot Murphy, ex-Dolphin, current Ubuntero in the pic above

Nick goes on to say “We need a place to nurture and grow our open source communities that we …

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