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Displaying posts with tag: code (reset)
New Sun Contributor Signatories for MySQL

I just checked the "Sun Contributor Agreement" (SCA) signatories list, and there are already 11 people who have signed the contributor agreement with an intent to contribute to MySQL.

Among the signatories, you will also notice Paul McCullagh of PrimeBase/PBXT fame. (To learn about how to submit your SCA paperwork, see here.)

Signing the SCA with an intent to contribute to any given Sun-sponsored open-source project would also suffice when it comes to contributing to any other Sun-sponsored open-source project.

So, as an example, Nils Goroll is both an OpenSolaris and MySQL contributor. (See Nils' OpenSolaris …

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New Sun Contributor Signatories for MySQL

I just checked the "Sun Contributor Agreement" (SCA) signatories list, and there are already 11 people who have signed the contributor agreement with an intent to contribute to MySQL.

Among the signatories, you will also notice Paul McCullagh of PrimeBase/PBXT fame. (To learn about how to submit your SCA paperwork, see here.)

Signing the SCA with an intent to contribute to any given Sun-sponsored open-source project would also suffice when it comes to contributing to any other Sun-sponsored open-source project.

So, as an example, Nils Goroll is both an OpenSolaris and MySQL contributor. (See Nils' OpenSolaris …

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The Juice is Loose - MySQL Benchmark

Well I am still not happy with a lot of the code, but I have had some people ask me to help test my attempt at a new MySQL benchmark. So I cleaned up the code a bit and pushed what I had to LaunchPad. It’s way to early for this to be ready for prime time, I am using it to stress flash, but as I do i am still finding issues, so use at your own risk. My goal is to make this more generic and allow user customizable SQL files to be loaded in…. something like:

1 | select * from table where a =?  |  rand | a | 1000
2 | select * from table1,table2 where and c = ? and d=? | rand,1-200 | c,d | 10

This would mean execute query #1 , using a random value from a 1000 times in a loop before exiting… and then execute query 2, 10 times using a rand value from c, and a value between 1-200 for d….

But that is a ways off.

For now I support 4 tests which are hard coded in:

mx = mixed wokload of …
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TomTom Linux impact light hit so far

I’ve been talking to device manufacturers and the Linux-centered software providers that feed them code for mobile phones, TV set-top boxes, industrial control, automotive technology, medical devices, military uses and a slew of other categories commonly classified as embedded devices, and I can definitively report that I am not hearing or sensing any fear, uncertainty or doubt (FUD) as a result of Microsoft’s TomTom patent suit.

I wrote last month that the controversial MS TomTom suit was not aimed at Linux as much as TomTom and some market categories for Microsoft. While we must all remind ourselves that anything may be possible considering court rulings and Microsoft strategies, I don’t see Microsoft’s TomTom suit as truly aimed at Linux. If it is, I don’t see it having much, if any, impact on Linux. …

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Using the google graph API with MySQL stored functions

After reading Alex’s blog post on generating graphs using google’s graph API I decided to do something similar for MySQL. I created a stored function that takes a height, width and a graph type from the list of available graph types in the graph API. The function returns a url to a google graph that [...]

Improving the Storage Engine “API”

I increasingly enclose the API part of “Storage Engine API” in quotes as it does score a rather large number on the API Design Rusty levels (Coined by Rusty Russell). I give it a 15 (out of 18. lower is better) in this case “The obvious use is wrong”.

The ideas is that your handler gets called to write a row (the amazingly named handler::write_row()). It’s passed a buffer which is the row to be stored. An engine that uses the MySQL row format (lets say, ARCHIVE) will simply pack the row and write it out.

Unless there is a TIMESTAMP field with auto set on insert. Up until now (and still now in MySQL) the engine had to check if this was the case and make sure the timestamp field was updated.

To remove this particular bonghit is actually a really small patch, which …

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Fun with the 387

Filed  GCC bug 39228:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
        double a= 10.0;
        double b= 1e+308;
        printf("%d %d %dn", isinf(a*b), __builtin_isinf(a*b), __isinf(a*b));
        return 0;

mtaylor@drizzle-dev:~$ gcc -o test test.c
mtaylor@drizzle-dev:~$ ./test
0 0 1
mtaylor@drizzle-dev:~$ gcc -o test test.c -std=c99
mtaylor@drizzle-dev:~$ ./test
1 0 1
mtaylor@drizzle-dev:~$ gcc -o test test.c   -mfpmath=sse -march=pentium4
mtaylor@drizzle-dev:~$ ./test
1 1 1
mtaylor@drizzle-dev:~$ g++ -o test test.c
mtaylor@drizzle-dev:~$ ./test
1 0 1

Originally I found the simple isinf() case to be different on x86 than x86-64, ppc32 and sparc (32 and 64).

After more research, I found that x86-64 uses the sse …

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Contributing Code to MySQL -- Some Simple Guidelines

If you would like to contribute to MySQL development, you can read the relevant top-level page on the MySQL Forge.

This page has some useful links to various forms of contributing to MySQL, including contribution of code to MySQL. (The MySQL|Sun team have recently simplified some of these pages in order to make them more useful to community members and potential contributors.)

Note that after some simple paperwork submitted to Sun ("Sun Contributor Agreement" or "SCA"), any signatory can contribute to any Sun-sponsored …

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Contributing Code to MySQL -- Some Simple Guidelines

If you would like to contribute to MySQL development, you can read the relevant top-level page on the MySQL Forge.

This page has some useful links to various forms of contributing to MySQL, including contribution of code to MySQL. (The MySQL|Sun team have recently simplified some of these pages in order to make them more useful to community members and potential contributors.)

Note that after some simple paperwork submitted to Sun ("Sun Contributor Agreement" or "SCA"), any signatory can contribute to any Sun-sponsored …

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Contributing Code to MySQL -- Some Simple Guidelines

If you would like to contribute to MySQL development, you can read the relevant top-level page on the MySQL Forge.

This page has some useful links to various forms of contributing to MySQL, including contribution of code to MySQL. (The MySQL|Sun team have recently simplified some of these pages in order to make them more useful to community members and potential contributors.)

Note that after some simple paperwork submitted to Sun ("Sun Contributor Agreement" or "SCA"), any signatory can contribute to any Sun-sponsored …

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Showing entries 191 to 200 of 233
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