I just can’t help thinking about how amazing and useful MySQL Sanbox is. There are so many things that it can do, and so many problems that it solves for Database Developers. When it comes down to it, I really think that every project that uses MySQL can benefit in some way or another just by using […]
It is all about one bug fix, one little feature, one step at a time.
Armin Schöffmann fixed a bug (Deadlock in mysql_real_query with shared memory connections, is what Armin calls it), Armin signed the Sun Contributor Agreement (24 March 2009), Vladislav Vaintroub and Davi Arnaut reviewed, committed and queued the patch to MySQL 5.0 bug team (26 and 27th of March, 2009).
That's a great example of open, contribution-based MySQL development with real results.
Thank you Armin!
Thank you Vlad!
Thank you Chad!
Thank you Davi!
Thank you ... the one whose name I've left out! (Feel free to
leave a comment below.)
It is all about one bug fix, one little feature, one step at a time.
Armin Schöffmann fixed a bug (Deadlock in mysql_real_query with shared memory connections, is what Armin calls it), Armin signed the Sun Contributor Agreement (24 March 2009), Vladislav Vaintroub and Davi Arnaut reviewed, committed and queued the patch to MySQL 5.0 bug team (26 and 27th of March, 2009).
That's a great example of open, contribution-based MySQL development with real results.
Thank you Armin!
Thank you Vlad!
Thank you Chad!
Thank you Davi!
Thank you ... the one whose name I've left out! (Feel free to
leave a comment below.)
It is all about one bug fix, one little feature, one step at a time.
Armin Schöffmann fixed a bug (Deadlock in mysql_real_query with shared memory connections, is what Armin calls it), Armin signed the Sun Contributor Agreement (24 March 2009), Vladislav Vaintroub and Davi Arnaut reviewed, committed and queued the patch to MySQL 5.0 bug team (26 and 27th of March, 2009).
That's a great example of open, contribution-based MySQL development with real results.
Thank you Armin!
Thank you Vlad!
Thank you Chad!
Thank you Davi!
Thank you ... the one whose name I've left out! (Feel free to
leave a comment below.)
Check out the ideas from MySQL for Google Summer of Code 2009!
These are specially-selected projects for students who are looking to do some coding in a real, open-source, highly-adopted software environment.
The learning experience will be tremendous given that MySQL engineers will be mentoring them.
Some student stipend is provided by the Google Summer of Code. It is intended for students to gain "exposure to real-world software development scenarios and the opportunity for employment in areas related to their academic pursuits."
Check out the ideas from MySQL for Google Summer of Code 2009!
These are specially-selected projects for students who are looking to do some coding in a real, open-source, highly-adopted software environment.
The learning experience will be tremendous given that MySQL engineers will be mentoring them.
Some student stipend is provided by the Google Summer of Code. It is intended for students to gain "exposure to real-world software development scenarios and the opportunity for employment in areas related to their academic pursuits."
Check out the ideas from MySQL for Google Summer of Code 2009!
These are specially-selected projects for students who are looking to do some coding in a real, open-source, highly-adopted software environment.
The learning experience will be tremendous given that MySQL engineers will be mentoring them.
Some student stipend is provided by the Google Summer of Code. It is intended for students to gain "exposure to real-world software development scenarios and the opportunity for employment in areas related to their academic pursuits."
MySQL is participating in Google Summer of Code 2009 (GSoC for short), and so is the MySQL documentation team. We've just put our ideas on this page; you might want to have a look if you're interested in applying for a GSoc project.
One of the projects is purely technical and doesn't involve writing any documentation, but rather improving the technique that goes on behind the scenery.
The other project does involve writing documentation, but it's mostly (if not exclusively) about creating examples for the Connectors & APIs chapter of the MySQL Reference Manual, so you don't have to be a Pulitzer award winner to contribute, but you should rather …
[Read more]When planning which tools you use to maintain, build, and deploy your database, it is important to look at what tools are already available and in use within your organization. Using existing tools can save you a lot of time and helps standardize processes across your organization. If you manage both application development and database development - integrate your tools and processes from the onset to make your release cycles as smooth as possible.
I just checked the "Sun Contributor Agreement" (SCA) signatories list, and there are already 11 people
who have signed the contributor agreement with an intent to
contribute to MySQL.
Among the signatories, you will also notice Paul McCullagh of PrimeBase/PBXT fame. (To learn about how to submit your SCA paperwork, see here.)
Signing the SCA with an intent to contribute to any given Sun-sponsored open-source project would also suffice when it comes to contributing to any other Sun-sponsored open-source project.
So, as an example, Nils Goroll is both an OpenSolaris and MySQL contributor. (See Nils' OpenSolaris …
[Read more]