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Displaying posts with tag: if (reset)
Using conditional expressions inside MySQL Stored Procedure

Sometimes there is need to use conditional expression inside stored procedure to control the flow of execution.
We can use IF or CASE statements for this.

Below is a stored procedure to check the performance of a student based on its score.
Store the below stored procedure in a file called get_performance.sql


DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS get_performance$$

CREATE PROCEDURE get_performance
    (score NUMERIC(8, 2),
    OUT result VARCHAR(11))

    IF (score >= 90) THEN
        SET result = 'OUTSTANDING';
    ELSEIF (score >= 70 …

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MySQL Magic Square 4x4 : Routines, Loop , Variables

I got sidetracked today playing with Magic Squares and thought it might be a good chance to give an example of using MySQL Routines , Loops and IF checks.

So If you are unaware of what a Magic Square is I have included a few links. It might save you a Google search but otherwise think Sudoku as an example.

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Using short if statement in programming

In many programing languages it is possible to shorten if statements using what’s called the ternary operator. It is sometimes referred as the “one line if statement” or the “short if statement”. This can help at times to produce cleaner code, however use this operator wisely as it is not always best to be used for more complicated statements.

PHP Example of an if statement

if($nFoo > 0)
   echo "I'm at the work.";
   echo "I'm at home.";

PHP Example using the ternary operator

      echo $nFoo > 0 ? "I'm at the work." : "I'm at home.";

The expression (expr1) ? (expr2) : (expr3) evaluates to expr2 if expr1 evaluates to …

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