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Displaying posts with tag: code (reset)
how to fix eleven bugs in mysql 5.1

my “mysql client fixes” branch on launchpad contains fixes for eleven bugs (nine of them reported on

don’t get too excited — these are all the lowest priority-level bugs, mostly typos in comments and documentation.

now i have to figure out the latest process for actually getting these changes into the official tree. there are different policies around how and when to push to trees since i was last doing any server development. from someone who is partially outside, it all seems very tedious and designed to make it impossible to fix anything. process gone bad.

the mysql server isn’t going to get the benefits of using a good, …

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Creating an Intermediate Replication Layer

A few weeks ago, I discussed how to keep binlogs in sync in a tree or pyramid replication scheme. That thread discussed how to re-distribute load in case of failure in one of the intermediate slaves. Today we will look at how to create those intermediate replication slaves. We start with a traditional flat replication […]

Most Commonly Sought-After Command in MySQL Proxy

One of the most frequently needed functionality in the MySQL Proxy is the need to know which server you are on. This is not given, on purpose, by the proxy, because the proxy is supposed to be transparent. It is not supposed to matter which back-end server you are on.

However, for testing purposes we often want to know which back-end server we’re on. Thus I developed functionality for SHOW PROXY BACKEND [INDEX ADDRESS OTHER].

SHOW PROXY BACKEND INDEX — gives the index of the server you’re on (backend_ndx, ie 1)

SHOW PROXY BACKEND ADDRESS — gives the address of the server you’re on (ie,

SHOW PROXY BACKEND OTHER — gives the address of all the other servers except those you’re not on, in multiline format.

Note that I was pretty lazy and the commands are case-sensitive. But I figured that since this is supposed to be used …

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Introducing wordpress-scripts 0.1 (0.2 out)

Update: I’ve been suffering some ungly and stupid bugs today, so I’ve fixed them and released version 0.2. It also includes a new script wp-update-home.

I’ve just published some scripts that help me manage my personal wordpress installations, and publish some plugins I’m working on.

Warning: these are early versions which I use for small tasks. If you find
a bug or have suggestions, contact me at

Download version 0.1

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bug tracking and code review

i was going to write some reactions to an observation that postgresql has no bug tracker and its discussion last week, but lost the spark and abandoned the post after a few days. but today i ran across a quote from linus torvalds that neatly sums up my thoughts:

We’ve always had some pending/unresolved issues, and I think that as our tracking gets better, there’s likely to be more of them. A number of bug-reports are either hard to reproduce (often including from the reporter) or end up without updates etc.

before there was a bug tracking system for mysql, there was a claim that all bugs were fixed in each release (or documented), and there has been a lot of pain in seeing how well that sort of claim stacks up against a actual …

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Using information_schema to write code for you

Back when I was doing a lot of work with Oracle, I learned to lean heavily on the SYSTEM views - Oracle’s equivalent to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database. These views can really help you when it comes to writing dynamic SQL in stored procedures, or just taking quick shortcuts while you’re writing code. Or, if you’re [...]

don’t ask too many questions

chyrp is a nice looking piece of blog software. individual posts can have different styles, something it borrowed from the hosted tumblr service. i was interested to read about “the sql query massacre of january 19th, 2008” but the numbers gave me pause — 21 queries to generate the index page? that is down from an astounding 116, but that still seems ridiculous to me.

the number of queries to generate the index of this site? two. one of them is SET NAMES utf8. i could see boosting that to three or four if i moved some things like the list of links in the sidebar into the database, or added archive links. call it five if i had user accounts.

but right now, the number of queries used to load the index page …

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what is 10% of php worth?

i am listed as one of the ten members of the php group. most of the php source code says it is copyright “the php group” (except for the zend engine stuff). the much-debated contributor license agreement for PDO2 involves the php group.

could i assign whatever rights (and responsibilities) my membership in the php group represents to someone else? how much should i try to get for it? i mean, if mysql was worth $1 billion....

i am still disappointed that a way of evolving the membership of the php group was never established.

From development to production and back in a blink

If you do serious web development, you sure have multiple working environments. This is true for ruby on rails, but I’ll guess you’ll do the same using other frameworks or languages. I’ve found a quite useful Firefox extension to switch from development to production (and back) with just a click (or a keystroke: Ctrl-Shift-X): Server Switcher

This is helping me redesigning the MySQL training part of our website, and can be useful in some other situations.

PHP Free Chat - Joining Chat Email Notification

I recently upgraded an install of PHP Free Chat to that latest version of 1.0 Final. However it was still lacking a feature to notify individual(s) that someone has joined the chat if they were not already in the chat application to begin with. I came across a posting explaining how to achieve this in PHP Free Chat at PHP Free Chat Forum. After a little reading and discussion I was able to implement the feature.

Here’s my modified version for the solution based on the forum posting. The pfcmail() function can be made to be way more versatile for any use, however for my use it was made to be simple and produce properly formated email messages.


  1. Create a new PHP file called pfcmail.php with the following lines of code.
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