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Displaying posts with tag: PHP (reset)
How To Reset Password by Email Using PHP7 and MySQLi

You will learn How to recover/reset a forgotten password using PHP and MySQLi in this post. We’ll show you how to use a Forgot Password form to recover your password if you’ve forgotten your username or email. We’ll send a password recovery email to the user after the form is submitted. There are several accounts […]

The post How To Reset Password by Email Using PHP7 and MySQLi appeared first on

MDS, PHP and authentication

Recently I blogged about how to easily deploy a LAMP application to MDS.

Using the Terraform module (OCI Resource Manager’s Stack) you also have the possibility to choose the PHP version to install:

But as you should already know, not all versions support the latest default authentication method in MySQL 8.0: caching_sha2_password [1], [2], [3].

Most of the PHP applications are using mysqli and mysqlnd

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Deploy your own PHP application on OCI and MDS

Recently, I wrote several articles about how to deploy popular Open Source applications on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and MySQL Database Service.

Today we will see how you can deploy your own LAMP stack application using the same technique where L will stand for a compute instance (and why not the Ampere always free trier?), A stays Apache and will run in that compute instance. M stands for MySQL Database Service and P for PHP.

As usual we start by deploying a Stack by just clicking on the deploy button from GitHub:

The we are directly redirected to OCI’s dashboard and we need to accept the Terms of Use:

As soon …

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Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which Is required by WordPress

If you have received the “Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which Is required by WordPress” ...

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The post Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which Is required by WordPress appeared first on RoseHosting.

MySQL Aggregate Query using CodeIgniter’s Query Builder

CodeIgniter’s Query Builder ORM has class methods for nearly any kind of database access/operation you can think of. In this post, I’ll cover some of the available methods for retrieving aggregate-level query results. The examples in this post map out Query Builder method chaining to produce results you would get from a raw MySQL query. Continue reading to see more…

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay


If you enjoy the content written here, by …

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PHP portfolio piece – Analytics data.

I recently published a blog post about a portfolio project I am developing using the LAMP stack, Bootstrap 4, jQuery, and the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern in core PHP. In this post, I will introduce an additional feature I integrated into the existing project.

Image by xresch from Pixabay


If you enjoy the content written here, by all means, share this blog and …

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PHP CRUD Application – Portfolio Piece

I am super pleased to share that I have completed and uploaded my first (that I can share at least) personal portfolio piece written in PHP to a subdomain on my personal hosting server located at Over the better part of the last year, I have developed a custom reporting dashboard written in PHP for my (current) employer, but do not share any of that work as it is proprietary and not owned by me. However, for a personal project, I can share far and wide. In this post, I provide a brief overview of my simple (in theory at least) application/site, built on the LAMP stack using the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern in core PHP along with Bootstrap 4, jQuery, and MySQL.

Image by …

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Deploying Drupal in OCI using MDS: the easy way !

If you plan to deploy a Drupal site to OCI using MySQL Database Service, there is a very easy way to perform that deployment: using OCI’s Resource Manager !

As you know, security is something very important for Oracle in OCI, therefor, exposing the database on the Internet is not allowed.

Even if you are not using OCI, I really recommend you to follow that principle and never expose your database to Internet !

I already cover this in many previous posts. But I also understand that for people not being a sysadmin, this can be complicated the first time.

That’s why, all this can be automated using a stack to deploy in Resource Manager.

The first thing to do when you have your OCI account, it’s to download the stack from GitHub:

Then in OCI’s dashboard, just …

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PHP technical writing compilation

Having spent the majority of this year programming a custom reporting dashboard for my employer written in PHP and MySQL, it is an understatement to say that I have learned a lot. Nothing beats real-world experience and I really have come into my own with PHP, learning more and more daily as I continue progressing forward on my goal of becoming a Back-End Web Developer. I have written several PHP-related posts this year and wanted to provide them all in one easy-to-access list. Enjoy!

Image by Aleksey Nemiro from …

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How to deploy a MySQL Database Service Instance with PHPMyAdmin

I recently received several messages from developers not being comfortable with command line when they need to create schemas, tables, … They were asking me for an easy alternative when testing MDS.

There is a very popular tool in the developer community to manage their databases in MySQL: PHPMyAdmin.

So if you are trying MDS (MySQL Database Service in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure), it’s possible to deploy such instance with a compute instance hosting PHPMyAdmin very easily using OCI’s Resource Manager and a stack (zip file) that you can find here:

If you want to try MDS in OCI, you can get free credits using this url: …

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