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Displaying posts with tag: announcement (reset)
Arch Linux users get MariaDB

If you happen to be using Arch Linux, you can now use MariaDB as it comes with it. Currently shipping 5.3.1 beta, it will be upgraded to the latest release soon. Find out how to get it installed.

MariaDB 5.3.1 beta released!

It has arrived, a little over a month from the last beta release, is MariaDB 5.3.1. It is a bug-fix update and as always the changelog lists everything that has been fixed. The release notes list all the changes present in the 5.3-series.

Many fixes are in the optimizer updates that showed itself in MariaDB 5.3.0-beta, plus backports from the MySQL 5.6 feature preview trees. Microsoft Windows is also important to the MariaDB project so there are plenty of updates for that platform. What are you waiting for, download it now.

MariaDB now available as a hosted database via Jelastic cloud platform

About Jelastic:

Jelastic is the next generation of Java Platforms as a Service.

Unlike previous cloud platforms, Jelastic:

  • Can run any Java application and so does not require developers to change their code or get locked-into the platform,
  • Can scale any application up and down by automatically adding or removing memory and CPU units depending on the application load,
  • Takes all configuration and management worries away: developers simply specify the application stack and database options they need and Jelastic creates, configures, and maintains the environment for them
  • Supports a wide range of application server stacks including Tomcat, JBoss, Jetty, and GlassFish
  • Out of the box, allows users to get a preconfigured instance of MariaDB up and running and available to the application.

A beta version …

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Percona Live London!

The first Percona Live Conferences in San Francisco and New York were such wonderful successes that we have been inspired to take it across the ocean into the UK. We are therefore proud to announce that our next Percona Live Conference will be held London October 24-25, 2011 . Registration is now open and we are offering an early-bird registration for eager attendees who appreciate a discount. Register here:

Additionally, the Percona Live team is ready to accept submissions of talks and/or tutorials from individuals who wish to speak at this two day event. Please go here: to submit your talks.

Whether you are a speaker or an attendee, there are a …

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Dude, Where’s my Fractal Tree?

Unless you are Ashton Kutcher (@aplusk), or one of his Hollywood buddies, you don’t need to read any further. Allow me to explain…

Over the weekend, we launched our new website. This type of announcement used to be interesting in the high-tech world. I heard Kara Swisher of the WSJ’s All things D speak at a MassTLC event in May.  She admitted back in the 1990s, when the web was just getting into high gear, that a new website from an interesting company might actually get some coverage. Not anymore.

I’ve also been told at all the SEO classes I’ve …

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MariaDB 5.2.7 released!

Quick pointer that MariaDB 5.2.7 is now released. Highlights from the release notes: RHEL 5 RPMs (in addition to the CentOS 5 RPMs), and the inclusion of the HeidiSQL GUI client for the Windows MSI package. As always, the complete changelog, and what are you waiting for – download it now and give it a try!

Percona Server 5.1.55-12.6

Percona Server version 5.1.55-12.6 is now available for download. It is now the current stable release version.


  • Fixed compiler warnings in both the core server and in XtraDB. (Alxey Kopytov, Yasufumi Kinoshita)

Bugs Fixed

  • Bug #602047 – The ROWS_READ columns of TABLE_STATISTICS and INDEX_STATISTICS were not properly updated when a query involved index lookups on an InnoDB table. (Yasufumi Kinoshita)
  • Bug #707742 – The server could crash when trying to import a table which had not been previously prepared using xtrabackup --prepare --export. Also, on servers with huge buffer pools, adding or removing an index even on an empty InnoDB table could take a long time due to excessive locking when …
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MariaDB 5.2.5 released; agenda for Lisbon Dev Meeting

Shortly after we released MariaDB 5.1.55, we also cooked MariaDB 5.2.5 (which includes MariaDB 5.1.55). See the release notes, and the changelog. Download MariaDB 5.2.5 now!

The developer meeting in Lisbon, Portugal is about to start, and there’s an agenda available. If you’re not going to be in Lisbon, please hop onto IRC and join the #maria channel on Saturday March 12 2011 (UTC+0) as the roadmap for MariaDB is to be discussed live as well as via IRC.

If …

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MariaDB 5.1.55 released and a short newsletter update

Trying a new format… Are you subscribed to the announce mailing list? The following is straight from the archives.


  • Release of MariaDB 5.1.55
  • Meeting in Lisbon
  • Call for volunteers for booth duty


  • DrupalCon Chicago
  • Web 2.0 Expo San Francisco


MariaDB 5.1.55 Released

Dear MariaDB users,

The development team have been busy and are ready to release MariaDB 5.1.55. MariaDB is a branch of the MySQL database which includes all major open source storage engines, myriad bug fixes and …

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Percona Server 5.5.8 Beta Release

It’s finally here! Percona Server Percona Server 5.5.8-20.0 is now available for download. This is a beta release of Percona’s enhancements to the MySQL 5.5.8 server. Here are some highlights:

  • Performance and scalability improvements throughout the server and storage engine
  • Optimizations for flash storage such as SSD, Virident, and FusionIO
  • Optimizations for cloud computing
  • The HandlerSocket plugin for NoSQL access
  • There’s an Amazon OS repository, as well as Yum and Apt repositories
  • Improvements to replication, partitioning, stored procedures
  • More diagnostics and tunability
  • More pluggability, including pluggable authentication

In addition to building on MySQL 5.5, here are the changes we’ve made from previous Percona Server releases:

New Features

  • InnoDB adaptive hash function searches can now …
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