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Displaying posts with tag: lisbon (reset)
Where is MariaDB today?

These were my notes from the “Where is MariaDB today?” session at the Lisbon MariaDB Developers Meeting that happened in March 2011. I just realised I hadn’t posted it; also note that it is really raw.

Where is MariaDB today?

5.3 – look at the KB article titled “MariaDB 5.3 TODO“. A lot of things are in the review state at the moment.

Sergei has all the phone home code for the server working; what is missing is a host to collect the data, and also have a website to display things (Holyfoot will work on this).

Mark Callaghan says there are at least two different implementations of group commit work now, and Percona might have a third. This is in relation to Kristian Nielsen’s work. World’s largest workload on group commit is probably at Facebook — Mark’s implementation is in the Facebook patch. Mark wants to make sure that …

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Newsletters from the MariaDB dev meeting in Lisbon

Every morning before any of the meetings get started I print out a small one page newsletter which contains (among other things) the program for the day. Rather than keep them private, Colin suggested I post them here. I call the newsletter the “MariaDB Programador de Journal” which (I think) translates to “MariaDB Programmer’s Journal” in Portuguese.

MariaDB Programador de Journal 11 March 2011

MariaDB Programador de Journal 12 March 2011

[Updated, 13 Mar 2011, to add the newsletter for that day.]

At the meeting we’ve also been taking notes and posting them online for what improvements we want to make this year in MariaDB to make …

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MariaDB 5.2.5 released; agenda for Lisbon Dev Meeting

Shortly after we released MariaDB 5.1.55, we also cooked MariaDB 5.2.5 (which includes MariaDB 5.1.55). See the release notes, and the changelog. Download MariaDB 5.2.5 now!

The developer meeting in Lisbon, Portugal is about to start, and there’s an agenda available. If you’re not going to be in Lisbon, please hop onto IRC and join the #maria channel on Saturday March 12 2011 (UTC+0) as the roadmap for MariaDB is to be discussed live as well as via IRC.

If …

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Going to Lisbon, Portugal

I’m headed to Lisbon, Portugal for the week of March 7-15. Were have a MariaDB Developer Meeting there, hosted by Monty Program. We’re still getting people stating that they are coming (which is good), so if you’re local to the area, and dig MySQL/MariaDB/databases/opensource, drop by and say hi (March 11-13 is when the meeting happens at the Holiday Inn Lisbon).

I’m stoked since I’ve never been to Lisbon, so I’m going a few days earlier to check the place out. If you’ve been before, I’d appreciate tips on what to see, what to do, what I must not miss, etc. I think I’ll actually bring my camera this time around too!

Related posts:

  1. Where is MariaDB today?
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MariaDB 5.1.55 released and a short newsletter update

Trying a new format… Are you subscribed to the announce mailing list? The following is straight from the archives.


  • Release of MariaDB 5.1.55
  • Meeting in Lisbon
  • Call for volunteers for booth duty


  • DrupalCon Chicago
  • Web 2.0 Expo San Francisco


MariaDB 5.1.55 Released

Dear MariaDB users,

The development team have been busy and are ready to release MariaDB 5.1.55. MariaDB is a branch of the MySQL database which includes all major open source storage engines, myriad bug fixes and …

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Codebits 2009, coders conference and competition in Lisbon

Codebits is approaching. Form December 3rd to 5th, this gathering of 600 developers for a conference, which is also and foremost a competition, will occupy the mind of the best coders in Europe.
I will be a speaker, with two sessions:

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