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Displaying posts with tag: mysql conference & expo (reset)
Percona Live MySQL & Expo Conference: GTID Replication slides

If you couldn’t have the chance to attend my session “GTID Replication – Implementation and Troubleshooting” at Percona Live MySQL & Expo Conference in Santa Clara April 13-16, 2015, the slides of my presentation are now available.
The talk was mainly about the new feature in MySQL 5.6 “GTID”, what is the concept, benefits, GTID replication implementation and troubleshooting and how to perform the migration from classic replication to GTID replication in both MySQL 5.6 and 5.7.
If you have any question, feel free to contact me

Speaking at MySQL Conference & Expo April 13-16 2015

In a few weeks, I’ll be speaking at MySQL Conference & Expo about the new major feature in MySQL 5.6, Global Transaction ID (GTID). I’ll explain what is GTID and how to implement a GTID Replication and troubleshoot most of the common issues that might be faced in GTID Replication.
Also, I’ll talk in brief about how to perform the migration from Classic to GTID replication in MySQL 5.6 and the online migration in MySQL 5.7 as well.
My talk is titled “GTID REPLICATION – IMPLEMENTATION AND TROUBLESHOOTING“, more information about my talk can be checked out here.
The conference will be held in …

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MySQL Conference Early Bird ends 31/03/2011

If you’ve been busy and haven’t registered yet, remember that early-bird pricing ends on 31/03/2011. From April 1-10, you’ll have to pay USD$100 more. A discount code for use (I think you save 20-25%): mys11fsd.

We’re full up in terms of the schedule. People are still asking for an opportunity to speak, and there are still opportunities in the Products & Services track. Please contact Yvonne Romaine at for more information on this.

Might I also suggest that if you want to speak and there’s no longer an opportunity, you submit a five-minute talk for the Ignite MySQL event. Even though submissions are now closed, contact Brian Aker — he’ll try and help make some …

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Some keynote updates about The O’Reilly MySQL Conference & Expo 2011

A quick update on a few keynotes that the O’Reilly MySQL Conference & Expo 2011 managed to recently close:

  • The opening keynote, The State of the Dolphin, given by none other than Tomas Ulin, who is currently the VP of the MySQL Engineering team at Oracle. I am told that this is not just a “what’s new” and “what’s coming up”, as there will also be a Q&A session with an analyst, customer, and Tomas. You must not miss this on Tuesday morning at 9am, 12th April 2011.
  • On Thursday at 9.30am, we have The Next Decade in Data Management, a keynote given by Mike Olson, CEO of Cloudera. More and more I see people using Hadoop/Hbase …
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MariaDB 5.1.55 released and a short newsletter update

Trying a new format… Are you subscribed to the announce mailing list? The following is straight from the archives.


  • Release of MariaDB 5.1.55
  • Meeting in Lisbon
  • Call for volunteers for booth duty


  • DrupalCon Chicago
  • Web 2.0 Expo San Francisco


MariaDB 5.1.55 Released

Dear MariaDB users,

The development team have been busy and are ready to release MariaDB 5.1.55. MariaDB is a branch of the MySQL database which includes all major open source storage engines, myriad bug fixes and …

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O’Reilly MySQL Conference Awards 2010

The O’Reilly MySQL Conference & Expo 2010 is over. I hope all of you had a good time. I have plenty of blog posts and thoughts lined up about this, but first, I’d like to point out something that has become a tradition, that was continued in 2010: the O’Reilly MySQL Conference Community Award Winners.

Tim O’Reilly was kind enough to hand out the awards this year. In case people were wondering, the awards were pewter wine goblets from Royal Selangor.

Selection of the award winners happened via voting from the alumni of winners, and was all done in a rather short period of time. Kudos to the entire team that voted. Now for …

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MySQL Conference Updates – The day before

‘Tis the day before the O’Reilly MySQL Conference & Expo 2010. You can still register onsite.

This one is long, and is divided into: Keynote Additions, Open Space, The Tweetup, and Videos/Live streaming of keynotes.

Keynote Additions
The earlier lineup was already excellent, and now we’ve filled it up more. In particular, let me draw attention to:

  1. Tuesday, 10.00-10.20am: MySQL at Facebook – Mark …
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MySQL Conference: Radar interview, “mini-tutorials”

A few notes about the MySQL Conference & Expo 2010.

  1. Check out the schedule. Its more packed than you can imagine. You’re going to want to be in many places at once, by the looks of it.
  2. O’Reilly Radar has an interview with Ronald Bradford: MySQL migration and risk management. You’ll get a teaser as to Ronald’s thoughts, and a bit of information about his two talks at the conference on migrating from Oracle to MySQL. He has swanky titles for them: Ignition and Liftoff! …
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MySQL Conference Update: Grid is up, go promote and register!

This is a quick update on the O’Reilly MySQL Conference & Expo 2010, happening April 12-15 2010 in Santa Clara.

  1. We’ve put up a preliminary schedule, and you can expect this to be fast moving/changing, as we confirm more talks. A tradeoff of this, is that you can now also see the sessions by track, which helps give you an overview of where the content really is.
  2. If you’re attending the conference, why not promote it? We have lots of badges and banners for attendees.
  3. If you’re a speaker, you sure want to fill that room up, so why not help promote the conference using the …
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