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Displaying posts with tag: mysqlconf2010 (reset)
O’Reilly MySQL Conference Awards 2010

The O’Reilly MySQL Conference & Expo 2010 is over. I hope all of you had a good time. I have plenty of blog posts and thoughts lined up about this, but first, I’d like to point out something that has become a tradition, that was continued in 2010: the O’Reilly MySQL Conference Community Award Winners.

Tim O’Reilly was kind enough to hand out the awards this year. In case people were wondering, the awards were pewter wine goblets from Royal Selangor.

Selection of the award winners happened via voting from the alumni of winners, and was all done in a rather short period of time. Kudos to the entire team that voted. Now for …

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Percona sessions at the MySQL conference

Many Percona employees will be at the 2010 MySQL conference. We'll be giving a lot of informative technical talks on various topics. Here's a list:

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Maatkit BoF session at the MySQL conference

I’ve submitted a Birds of a Feather session for Maatkit at the upcoming MySQL conference. It’s not on the public schedule yet, but it has been accepted and scheduled for 19:00 on 13 Apr 2010. See you there!

Related posts:

  1. Presentation uploaded for Maatkit talk at MySQL Conference The slides
  2. I’ll be speaking at the O’Reilly MySQL Conference 2010 I’m
  3. Learn about Maatkit at the MySQL Conference
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Learn how to achieve PCI compliance with MySQL

One of my colleagues, Ryan Lowe, has just heard that his session on PCI compliance with MySQL has been accepted at the upcoming MySQL conference. Ryan is highly qualified to present this topic, and not many people can say that; I certainly can’t claim that title myself. If you’re looking to learn how to make your MySQL installation PCI-compliant, there’s also not a lot of trustworthy information online. Personally — and really, no bias just because he’s my colleague — I think this is a great session for the MySQL conference, which I sometimes thought didn’t have enough diversity of topics in past years. We need more stuff like this to give people a reason to return after they’ve gone for 2 or 3 years in a …

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I’ll be speaking at the O’Reilly MySQL Conference 2010

I’m speaking at the O’Reilly MySQL Conference 2010. I hope I don’t lose my voice, because I have four sessions!

You can click through on the links above to learn …

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How to write a good MySQL conference proposal

I’m on the MySQL conference committee again this year, so I’ll be reading and voting on your session proposals. My past experience is that reading 400 session proposals is a mind-numbing job, and I will be optimizing it to save my time. That means I will be scanning your proposals and deciding very quickly how to vote. I wrote before about how to submit a great proposal, but I’ve refined my opinion since then. Here are my suggestions:

  • Write for two audiences: reviewers and attendees. Both of us want the same thing: to decide as quickly as possible whether your session will be good.
  • Write a strong title/headline. Don’t know how? …
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Submit your proposals for MySQL conference 2010

The MySQL conference site for 2010 is live, and ready for your proposals. Submit! Submit! Submit!

Related posts:

  1. There will be an O’Reilly MySQL Conference in April 2010 O’Re
  2. How to write a good MySQL conference proposal I’m
  3. Attending the IT Management Conference I’ll

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There will be an O’Reilly MySQL Conference in April 2010

O’Reilly’s official website announces that they are planning a MySQL conference in 2010 (same time, same place). Unlike past years, it isn’t co-presented with Sun/MySQL; they are flying solo. The theme is Information Unleashed.

Related posts:

  1. Towards more diversity of speakers at MySQL Conference and Expo We (Percon
  2. I’m a MySQL Conference and Expo advocate again So far thi
  3. Learn about Maatkit at the MySQL Conference I’m

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Showing entries 1 to 8