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Displaying posts with tag: Jelastic (reset)
Database Master-Slave Replication in the Cloud

This is a guest post from Jelastic.

Many developers use master-slave replication to solve a number of different problems, including problems with performance, supporting the backup of different databases, and as a part of a larger solution to alleviate system failures. Traditionally, master-slave replication is done with real servers, but it can also be done with cloud database servers. This guest post from Jelastic (originally published here) describes how to set up MariaDB master-slave replication using their Jelastic PaaS (Platform as a Service).

Replication Overview

Master-slave replication enables data from one database server (the master) to be replicated to one or more other database servers (the …

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MariaDB Statistics and Surveys

I just finished reading a couple of interesting, and somewhat related, blog posts which I think are worth sharing (apologies to anyone who has already seen them). One is from Jelastic and the other is from Michal Hrušecký.

I’ve written about MariaDB and the Jelastic cloud before (see MariaDB now available as a hosted database via Jelastic cloud platform). Now Jelastic has published statistics on the relative popularity of the various databases they offer. The good news is MariaDB is currently the database of choice for 14% of their customers. The bad news is that we’re in fourth place behind their other three database choices (MySQL, …

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MariaDB now available as a hosted database via Jelastic cloud platform

About Jelastic:

Jelastic is the next generation of Java Platforms as a Service.

Unlike previous cloud platforms, Jelastic:

  • Can run any Java application and so does not require developers to change their code or get locked-into the platform,
  • Can scale any application up and down by automatically adding or removing memory and CPU units depending on the application load,
  • Takes all configuration and management worries away: developers simply specify the application stack and database options they need and Jelastic creates, configures, and maintains the environment for them
  • Supports a wide range of application server stacks including Tomcat, JBoss, Jetty, and GlassFish
  • Out of the box, allows users to get a preconfigured instance of MariaDB up and running and available to the application.

A beta version …

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