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Displaying posts with tag: PMM (reset)
Beware of Unstable Query Digests in MySQL

If you’re using MySQL’s Performance Schema you may use “query digests” as IDs to identify specific query patterns in the events_statements_summary_by_digest Performance Schema Table.

You might assume these hashes are stable between different versions, so, for example, when upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8, you can compare the query response time and other execution details for the same hashes as part of your upgrade process and have confidence that queries run the same (or better) after the upgrade.   Unfortunately, you can’t.

For some reason, the hashing algorithm is different between MySQL 5.6,  MySQL 5.7, and MySQL 8 even for the most trivial queries:

MySQL 5.6

mysql> select digest,digest_text  from events_statements_summary_by_digest where digest_text='commit';
| digest                           | digest_text | …
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Enable LDAP on Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM)

Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) has been on the road for a while now, and it brings exciting new features and improvements. For those who are not familiar with the tool, PMM allows deep insight into the performance of applications and databases. The most crucial highlight: it is 100% open-source. Also, the source code is present on GitHub.

Back to new features and improvements. One of them, that customers were requesting, was the support for LDAP. This feature finally arrived with PMM version 2 thanks to the new version of Grafana, and I intend to demonstrate in …

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Grafana Plugins and Percona Monitoring and Management

Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is built upon the shoulder of giants like Prometheus and Grafana. And speaking of Grafana, one of the coolest features that come with it is the ability to customize the experience through 3rd party plugins.

Plugins are an easy way to enhance the ability to have specialized graphs. One case that we saw in Managed Services is the ability to have a throughput graph, that shows QPS vs Threads running. This is different in essence of the “default” graphs that show a metric against time (time being the X-axis) since what we wanted is to show queries per second not during a time (that graph already exists) but for specific values of threads.

One way to achieve that is by using a plugin called Plotly

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Tips for Designing Grafana Dashboards

As Grafana powers our star product – Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) – we have developed a lot of experience creating Grafana Dashboards over the last few years.   In this article, I will share some of the considerations for designing Grafana Dashboards. As usual, when it comes to questions of design they are quite subjective, and I do not expect you to chose to apply all of them to your dashboards, but I hope they will help you to think through your dashboard design better.

Design Practical Dashboards

Grafana features many panel types, and even more are available as plugins. It may be very attractive to use many of them in your dashboards using many different visualization options. Do not!  Stick to a few data visualization patterns and only add additional visualizations when they provide …

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Setting up a High Availability for PMM

We have been working with PMM for quite a long time, we do most of the performance analysis with PMM for most of our clients. It also provides the flexibility that we have built our own custom dashboard. PMM has many advantages

  • Easy to deploy (docker based)
  • Flexible
  • Customizable
  • Query Analytics
  • One-stop solution for MySQL,Mongo,ProxySQL & PostgresSQL
  • Orchestrator
  • Rich and Deep metrics stats

Highly recommended for any production deployments its equivalent to Enterprise-grade monitoring and graphing tool.

Recently we have been working for our client on MySQL Consulting to scale peak sale of the year. Wherein we have deployed PMM to view the performance …

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Which Indexes are Cached? Discover with PMM.

One of the great things about working at Percona is the constant innovation that occurs as a result of a deep level of technical expertise. A more recent conversation about the Information Schema table: innodb_cached_indexes led to the desire to produce this information in an easy to digest and useful format. Enter PMM.

Our goal with creating this dashboard was to help bring further insight into how your MySQL database cache is being used. Why is this important? Data is accessed significantly faster when it is cached, so indexes that are cached will allow for an increase in query performance. Until now there has not been an easy way to see which indexes are cached and which are not. We want to take the …

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PORP LAB : ProxySQL/Orchestrator/Replication/PMM Summary PORP Lab will create 4 different nodes. Each node will have below packages/applications/db installed.

-- Percona Server 5.7
-- Percona Toolkit 
-- Percona XtraBackup 
-- Sysbench 
-- ProxySQL
-- Orchestrator 
-- PMM

mysql1 / mysql2 / mysql3
-- Percona Server 5.7
-- Percona Toolkit
-- pmm-client
-- Replication

PORP LAB have ProxySQL,Orchestrator and PMM properly configured, we can just create this lab and use it.

Install VirtualBox

Version 5.2.22 or Later

Install Vagrant

Version 2.2.2 or Later

Install Vagrant plugin hostmanager

vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager

Update Vagrant Plugin

vagrant plugin update

Clone the repo

git clone …
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Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) 2.0.0-alpha2 Is Now Available

We are pleased to announce the launch of PMM 2.0.0-alpha2, Percona’s second Alpha release of our long-awaited PMM 2 project! In this release, you’ll find support for MongoDB Metrics and Query Analytics – watch for sharp edges as we expect to find a lot of bugs!  We’ve also expanded our existing support of MySQL from our first Alpha to now include MySQL Slow Log as a data source for Query Analytics, which enhances the Query Detail section to include richer query metadata.

  • MongoDB Metrics – You can now launch PMM 2 against MongoDB and gather metrics and query data!
  • MongoDB Query Analytics – Data source from MongoDB Profiler is here!
  • MySQL Query Analytics
    • Queries source – MySQL Slow Log is here!
    • Sorting and more …
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Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) 2.0.0-alpha1 Is Now Available

We are pleased to announce the launch of PMM 2.0.0-alpha1, Percona’s first Alpha release of our long-awaited PMM 2 project! We focused exclusively on MySQL support in our first Alpha (because we wanted to show progress sooner rather than later), and you’ll find updated MySQL dashboards along with enhancements to Query Analytics. We’ve also added better visibility regarding which services are registered with PMM Server, the client-side addition of a new agent called pmm-agent, and finally PMM Server is now exposing an API!

  • Query Analytics
    • Support for large environments – default view all queries from all instances
    • Filtering – display only the results matching filters – MySQL schema name, MySQL server instance
    • Sorting and more columns – now sort by any …
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PMM’s Custom Queries in Action: Adding a Graph for InnoDB mutex waits

One of the great things about Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is its flexibility. An example of that is how one can go beyond the exporters to collect data. One approach to achieve that is using textfile collectors, as explained in  Extended Metrics for Percona Monitoring and Management without modifying the Code. Another method, which is the subject matter of this post, is to use custom queries.

While working on a customer’s contention issue I wanted to check the behaviour of InnoDB Mutexes over time. Naturally, I went straight to PMM and didn’t find a graph suitable for my needs. No graph, no problem! Luckily anyone can enhance PMM. So here’s how I made the …

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