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Displaying posts with tag: Insight for DBAs (reset)
Why Are Queries with Many IN Values More Expensive After Upgrading to MySQL 8.x?

Some of our Percona Support customers report performance degradation after a major MySQL upgrade, and there can be many different reasons for this. These days, the most common major upgrade is from MySQL 5.7 (which recently reached EOL) to 8.0, and I am going to emphasize one important case that affects many database instances. Range […]

MySQL Performance Monitoring: Best Practices

Is your MySQL database running at its best? While MySQL is known for its reliability and ease of use, ensuring top-notch performance is crucial. One way to do that is through performance monitoring, an essential practice for identifying bottlenecks, maintaining optimal speed, and guaranteeing a seamless user experience. Effective monitoring not only helps in detecting […]

MySQL Replication: How To Deal With the ‘Got Fatal Error 1236’ or MY-013114 Error

Replication has been the core functionality, allowing high availability in MySQL for decades already. However, you may still encounter replication errors that keep you awake at night. One of the most common and challenging to deal with starts with: “Got fatal error 1236 from source when reading data from binary log“. This blog post is […]

Understanding Basic Flow Control Activity in MySQL Group Replication: Part One

Flow control is not a new term, and we have already heard it a lot of times in Percona XtraDB Cluster/Galera-based environments.  In very simple terms, it means the cluster node can’t keep up with the cluster write pace. The write rate is too high, or the nodes are oversaturated. Flow control helps avoid excessive […]

Troubleshooting Common MySQL Performance Issues

MySQL databases serve as the foundation of countless applications, powering everything from simple blogs to massive enterprise platforms. But as these applications evolve and user bases expand, MySQL performance issues tend to pop up and ensuring smooth database performance becomes crucial. Fast queries mean happy users, while sluggish performance can lead to frustration and lost […]

GCache and Record-Set Cache Encryption in Percona XtraDB Cluster – Part Two

Keeping Your Data Safe: An Introduction to Data-at-Rest Encryption in Percona XtraDB Cluster. In the first part of this blog post, we learned how to enable GCache and Record-Set cache encryption in Percona XtraDB Cluster. This part will explore the details of the implementation to understand what happens behind the scenes. How does it work […]

GCache and Record-Set Cache Encryption in Percona XtraDB Cluster – Part One

Keeping Your Data Safe: An Introduction to Data-at-Rest Encryption in Percona XtraDB Cluster. Data breaches are a major concern today. Whether you’re a business owner or value your privacy, the thought of your sensitive information being exposed is unsettling. Fortunately, data-at-rest encryption can help. Think of it as a sophisticated lock that scrambles your data, […]

Seamless Table Modifications: Leveraging pt-online-schema-change for Online Alterations

Table modifications are a routine task for database administrators. The blog post Using Percona Toolkit to Alter Database Tables Online: A Controlled Approach provides insights into the process of altering tables online in a controlled manner, ensuring uninterrupted access for application users and preventing application downtime. We will focus here on utilizing the powerful “pt-online-schema-change” […]

Securing Your MySQL Database: Essential Best Practices

Have you ever read a news story about a major company experiencing a data breach that exposed millions of customer records? These breaches can be devastating, causing significant financial losses, reputational damage, and even legal repercussions. Unfortunately, MySQL databases, one of the most popular relational database management systems, is at the heart of many critical […]

MySQL 8.4 First Peek

MySQL 8.4 has now been officially released, and this is a quick review of what is in the release notes. This is momentous as it is designated a Long-Term Support (LTS) release. Various 8.0 releases introduced material changes that impacted speed and stability, causing hair-pulling and swearing among those affected. Please note this is a […]

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