In this blog post, we will explore how network partitions impact group replication and the way it detects and responds to failures. In case you haven’t checked out my previous blog post about group replication recovery strategies, please have a look at them for some insight. Topology: [crayon-678e67844d324434481188/] Scenario 1: One of the GR nodes […]
When it comes to MySQL databases, performance is everything. As more activities move online and data volumes grow exponentially, ensuring efficient data retrieval and query execution becomes crucial. Database indexing plays a significant role in this by providing powerful tools to optimize operations in MySQL. Without an index, MySQL must perform a full table scan, […]
There has been much discussion recently about the stability and performance of the latest MySQL releases. Many database professionals are voicing concerns, especially after encountering several issues in the newer versions. Issues with MySQL 8.0.38 Let’s start with some important news from Marco Tusa. In one of his blog posts, Marco strongly advised against upgrading […]
The release of Percona Server for MySQL 8.4.0 includes the new UUID_VX component, which implements UUID versions 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 according to recently published RFC 9562. UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers) are unique identifiers that can be generated independently without a central authority or coordination with other parties. Unlike sequential integer identifiers, which […]
This long article aims to provide you with the instructions and tools to migrate your production database from your current environment to a solution based on Percona Everest (MySQL). Nice. You decided to test Percona Everest and found that it is the tool you were looking for to manage your private DBaaS. The easiest part […]
Mysterious warning Recently, I was involved in an investigation whose goal was to find out the reason for a warning message like this: [crayon-678e67844f58d276850515/] The message looks clear, isn’t it? Well, the problem was that this particular table had not been changed for years, and so no DDL (ALTER) query was involved here. Moreover, there […]
In current times, there is a high degree of focus on ensuring the availability and recovery of your production data. This can be challenging at times when using DBaaS solutions in the public cloud space, for example, when using AWS Aurora. Relying solely on a single cloud provider for database services can pose significant risks. […]
Group replication is a fault-tolerant/highly available replication topology that ensures if the primary node goes down, one of the other candidates or secondary members takes over so write and read operations can continue without any interruptions. However, there are some scenarios where, due to outages, network partitions, or database crashes, the group membership could be broken, or we end […]
The usage of MySQL Router as a Middleware/Proxy/Router has increased along with the rise in MySQL InnoDB Cluster usage. While it is still relatively easy to use in production, monitoring it to stay informed about its current status is essential. This blog post will cover how to check and monitor MySQL routers, routes, and other […]
A couple of weeks ago, my colleague Marco Tusa published an important announcement titled “Do Not Upgrade to Any Version of MySQL After 8.0.37.” The announcement highlighted a critical issue in MySQL 8.0.38, MySQL 8.4.1, and MySQL 9.0.0 that caused database server crashes. Good news! The upcoming minor releases for the community edition of MySQL and […]