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Displaying posts with tag: instrumentation (reset)
Improved wsrep-stages and related instrumentation in Percona XtraDB Cluster

In this blog post, we’ll look at how we’ve improved wsrep-stages and related instrumentation in Percona XtraDB Cluster.


When you execute a workload and need to find out what the given thread is working on, “SHOW PROCESSLIST” comes to the top of your mind. It is an effective way to track the thread status. We decided to improve the stages in Percona XtraDB Cluster to make “SHOW PROCESSLIST” more meaningful.

In the blog below, we will check out the different wsrep-stages and the significance associated with them.

Loading of data

Running a simple insert/sysbench prepare workload. The state is stable as it mainly captures …

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MySQL Group Replication vs. Multi Source

In my previous post, we saw the usage of MySQL Group Replication (MGR) in single-primary mode. We know that Oracle does not recommends using MGR in multi-primary mode, but there is so much in the documentation and in presentations about MGR behavior in multi-primary, that I feel I should really give it a try, and especially compare this technology with the already existing multiple master solution introduced in 5.7: multi-source replication.


To this extent, I will set up two clusters using MySQL-Sandbox. The instructions for MGR in …

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MySQL replication in action - Part 3: all-masters P2P topology

Previous episodes:

MySQL replication in action - Part 1: GTID & CoMySQL replication in action - Part 2 - Fan-in topology

In the previous article, we saw the basics of establishing replication from multiple origins to the same destination. By extending that concept, we can deploy more complex topologies, such as the point-to-point (P2P) all-masters topology, a robust and fast …

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MySQL Server’s built-in profiling support

MySQL’s SHOW PROFILES command and its profiling support is something that I can’t believe I hadn’t spotted before today.

It allows you to enable profiling for a session and then record performance information about the queries executed. It shows details of the different stages in the query execution (as usually displayed in the thread state output of SHOW PROCESSLIST) and how long each of these stages took.

I’ll demonstrate using an example. First within our session we need to enable profiling, you should only do this in sessions that you want to profile as there’s some overhead in performing/recording the profiling information:

mysql> SET profiling=1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Now let’s run a couple of regular SELECT queries

mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM myTable WHERE extra LIKE '%zkddj%';
| COUNT(*) |
|        0 | …
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MySQL Sandbox now with plugins, more tests, instrumentation
The latest release of MySQL Sandbox, 3.0.12, has integrated plugin installation features, as mentioned in my previous post.
Not only that. This version has also more tests, fixes a couple of bugs, and introduces basic instrumentation. Now each script released with MySQL Sandbox, and every one that the Sandbox itself installs, can leave a trail in a file.

Let's start with the plugin. The documentation has been updated to cover this new feature. And 27 new tests give me some confidence that it …

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I want simple things to be easy

I like to write tools that make hard things easy, when possible. By and large, MySQL is easy and simple. But some simple things are too hard with MySQL. I want to change that, at least for the things that matter the most to me, and which I think I know how to fix.

I will probably write a lot about this. I have already written a number of rants blog posts about the lack of instrumentation in MySQL, and that is where I’ll probably continue to put most of my energy.

To begin with, imagine this simple scenario. You are a remote DBA. Your client says “New Relic is showing periods of slow response time from the database.” You connect to MySQL at the command line and try to troubleshoot. How do you catch the problem in action, from within the database itself? The following are no good:

  • It doesn’t count to see the problem two minutes later by observing the application tier, as New Relic does. That’s too late, and …
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4 ways that instrumentation is like sex

In an application such as a database server, instrumentation is like sex: it’s not enough to know how often things happen. You also care about how long they took, and in many cases you want to know how big they were.

“Things” are the things you want to optimize. Want to optimize queries? Then you need to know what activities that query causes to happen. Most systems have at least some of this kind of instrumentation. If you look around at… let’s not pick on the usual targets… oh, say Sphinx, Redis, and memcached. What metrics do they provide? They provide counters that say how often various things happened. (Most of these systems provide very few and coarse-grained counters.) That’s not very helpful. So I read from disk N times, and I read from memory N times, and I compared rows N times… so what? I still don’t know anything relevant to execution time.

That’s why we need to measure how long things took. It’d be …

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The need for tunability and measurability

To program is human, to instrument is divine. Complex systems that will support a heavy workload will eventually have to be tuned for it. There are two prerequisites for tuning: tunability, and measurability.

Tunability generally means configuration settings. Adding configuration settings is a sign of a humble and wise programmer. It means that the programmer acknowledges “I don’t understand how this system will be used, what environment it will run in, or even what my code really does.” Sometimes things are hard-coded. InnoDB is notorious for this, although don’t take that to mean that I think Heikki Tuuri isn’t humble and wise — nobody’s perfect. Sometimes programmers set out to create systems that are self-tuning. I’m not aware of any success stories I can point to in this regard, but I can point to plenty of failures. Perhaps I can’t think of any successes because I don’t need to.

Measurability …

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How often should you use OPTIMIZE TABLE?

Many times I’ve heard people advise on “best practices” for a MySQL database. This often includes routine maintenance, such as “you should run OPTIMIZE TABLE on all of your InnoDB tables once a week to defragment them for better performance.”

But this advice is unsubstantiated and could even be detrimental. Here are some of the obvious problems that I can think of:

  • The optimized table compacts the primary key (clustered index) to its default 15/16ths fill factor per page. But other indexes will be built in pseudo-random order and are likely to end up just as fragmented afterwards as before. Which indexes are more important for performance? Maybe the primary key is just a dummy value that’s not even used, and the secondary indexes are the ones that would benefit from compacting.
  • Suppose the primary key is the important one, and SELECT queries will perform more quickly if it’s defragmented. Why does it …
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