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Displaying posts with tag: schemaless (reset)
DBEvents: A Standardized Framework for Efficiently Ingesting Data into Uber’s Apache Hadoop Data Lake

Keeping the Uber platform reliable and real-time across our global markets is a 24/7 business. People may be going to sleep in San Francisco, but in Paris they’re getting ready for work, requesting rides from Uber driver-partners. At that same …

The post DBEvents: A Standardized Framework for Efficiently Ingesting Data into Uber’s Apache Hadoop Data Lake appeared first on Uber Engineering Blog.

Dockerizing MySQL at Uber Engineering

Uber Engineering’s Schemaless storage system powers some of the biggest services at Uber, such as Mezzanine. Schemaless is a scalable and highly available datastore on top of MySQL¹ clusters. Managing these clusters was fairly easy when we had …

The post Dockerizing MySQL at Uber Engineering appeared first on Uber Engineering Blog.

Using Triggers On Schemaless, Uber Engineering’s Datastore Using MySQL

The details and examples of Schemaless triggers, a key feature of the datastore that’s kept Uber Engineering scaling since October 2014. This is the third installment of a three-part series on Schemaless; the first part is a design overview

The post Using Triggers On Schemaless, Uber Engineering’s Datastore Using MySQL appeared first on Uber Engineering Blog.

NoSQL options

The NoSQL event in New York had a number of presentations on non relational technologies including of Hadoop, MongoDB and CouchDB.

Coming historically from a relational background of 20 years with Ingres, Oracle and MySQL I have been moving my focus towards non relational data store. The most obvious and well used today is memcached, a non persistent distributed key/value pair store. There are a number of persistent key/value stores in the marketplace, Tokyo Cabinet, …

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