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Displaying posts with tag: GTID-based replication (reset)
Slow MySQL Start Time in GTID mode? Binary Log File Size May Be The Issue

Have you been experiencing slow MySQL startup times in GTID mode? We recently ran into this issue on one of our MySQL hosting deployments and set out to solve the problem. In this blog, we break down the issue that could be slowing down your MySQL restart times, how to debug for your deployment, and what you can do to decrease your start time and improve your understanding of GTID-based replication.

How We Found The Problem

We were investigating slow MySQL startup times on a low-end, disk-based MySQL 5.7.21 deployment which had GTID mode enabled. The system was part of a master-slave pair and was under a moderate write load. When restarting during a scheduled maintenance, we …

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Fixing ER_MASTER_HAS_PURGED_REQUIRED_GTIDS when pointing a slave to a different master

GTID replication has made it convenient to setup and maintain MySQL replication. You need not worry about binary log file and position thanks to GTID and auto-positioning. However, things can go wrong when pointing a slave to a different master. Consider a situation where the new master has executed transactions that haven’t been executed on the old master. If the corresponding binary logs have been purged already, how do you point the slave to the new master?

The scenario

Based on technical requirements and architectural change, there is a need to point the slave to a different master by

  1. Pointing it to another node in a PXC cluster
  2. Pointing it to another master in master/master replication
  3. Pointing it to another slave of a master
  4. Pointing it to the slave of a slave of the master … and so on and so forth.

Theoretically, pointing to a new master with GTID …

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The Multi-Source GTID Replication Maze

In this blog post, we’ll look at how to navigate some of the complexities of multi-source GTID replication.

GTID replication is often a real challenge for DBAs, especially if this has to do with multi-source GTID replication. A while back, I came across a really interesting customer environment with shards where multi-master, multi-source, multi-threaded MySQL 5.6 MIXED replication was active. This is a highly complex environment that has both pros and cons, introducing risks as a trade-off for specific customer requirements.

This is the set up of part of this environment:

I started looking into this setup when a statement broke replication between db1 and db10. Replication broke due to a statement executed on a schema that was not present on db10. This also …

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Failover with the MySQL Utilities – Part 1: mysqlrpladmin

MySQL Utilities are a set of tools provided by Oracle to perform many kinds of administrative tasks. When GTID-replication is enabled, 2 tools can be used for slave promotion: mysqlrpladmin and mysqlfailover. We will review mysqlrpladmin (version 1.4.3) in this post.


  • mysqlrpladmin can perform manual failover/switchover when GTID-replication is enabled.
  • You need to have your servers configured with --master-info-repository = TABLE or to add the --rpl-user option for the tool to work properly.
  • The check for errant transactions is …
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