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Displaying posts with tag: DBAs (reset)
Looking to Hire a MySQL DBA or Developer?

“Why can’t I find an MySQL DBAs or Developers?” This morning I got a message from a very perplexed Human Resources person on why their ads on Linkedin were not getting any results. Several such emails, calls, or messages make it to me each week and I would like take this opportunity to cover this subject. MySQL DBAs and Developers are out there but there are reasons why they are not interested in your job posting.

1. Provide details — “Exciting new position in rapidly growing start up in an expensive city and we want you to know how to program in every programming language, be a recent university graduate (hopefully PhD or higher), with ten years of experience but please be under twenty three years of age. Must prefer stock options and left over pizza crusts over a regular salary. And be flexible.” No, most ads are not quite that bad but several are very, very close.

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Limited disk space? Compact backups with Percona Xtrabackup 2.1

One very interesting feature, “Compact Backup,” is introduced in Percona XtraBackup 2.1. You can run “compact backups” with the  –compact option, which is very useful for those who have limited disk space to keep the database backup. Now let’s first understand how it works. When we are using –compact option with Innobackupex, it will omit the secondary index pages. This will make the backups more compact and this way they will take less space on disk but the downside of this is, the backup prepare process will take longer time because those secondary index pages will be recreated while preparing the backup. Here, we need to consider couple of things before implement …

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Madrid MySQL Users Group worth creating?

I’m interested in meeting up and sharing experiences about using MySQL and managing MySQL servers with people here locally in Madrid. I had a quick look around and could see no MySQL user groups locally, so it might be nice to create such a group and exchange ideas over a beer, coffee or cola every once in a while. If you’re in Madrid and are interested please let me know. I’ve created a temporary  email address: madrid-mysql-users-2013 AT (careful with the domain), which you can contact me on to confirm an interest.  Oh and I’d expect these meet ups to be in Spanish, but that’s not a requirement.

Estoy interesado en reunirme y compartir experiencias sobre el uso de MySQL y administración de servidores de MySQL con la gente aquí en Madrid. He echado un vistazo en Internet y no he visto ningún grupo de usuarios de MySQL a nivel local, por lo que sería bueno crear un grupo e intercambiar ideas mientras tomamos …

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CAOS Theory Podcast 2011.11.11

Topics for this podcast:

*Continuent extends MySQL replication to Oracle Database
*CFEngine updates server automation software
*Devops moving mainstream
*Neo Technology integrates with Spring
*451 CAOS report from Hadoop World

iTunes or direct download (26:56, 4.6MB)

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