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Displaying posts with tag: Nilnandan Joshi (reset)
InnoDB locks and deadlocks with or without index for different isolation level

Recently, I was working on one of the issue related to locks and deadlocks with InnoDB tables and I found very interesting details about how InnoDB locks and deadlocks works with or without index for different Isolation levels.

Here, I would like to describe a small test case about how SELECT ..FOR UPDATE (with and without limit) behave with INSERT/UPDATE and with READ-COMMITED and REPEATABLE-READ Isolation levels. I’m creating a small table data_col with few records. Initially, this test case was written by Bill Karwin to explain details to customer, but here I have used a bit modified test case.

CREATE TABLE data_col (dataname VARCHAR(10), period INT, expires DATE, host VARCHAR(10));

INSERT INTO data_col VALUES (‘med1′, …

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Using sysbench 0.5 for performing MySQL benchmarks

Given the recent excitement & interest around OpenStack I wanted to make sure I was ready to conduct appropriate evaluations of system performance.  I generally turn to sysbench since it comes with a variety of different tests (accessed via –test= option interface), including:

  • fileio – File I/O test
  • cpu – CPU performance test
  • memory – Memory functions speed test
  • threads – Threads subsystem performance test
  • mutex – Mutex performance test

As you can see, sysbench lets you stress many of the fundamental components of your hardware and infrastructure, such as your disk subsystem, along with your CPUs and memory. An additional option exists that is designed to perform synthetic stress testing of MySQL, and I was surprised when I didn’t see it in the above list on version 0.5, as it used to show up as “oltp – OLTP test”. What happened to –test=oltp …

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How to log slow queries on Slave in MySQL 5.0 with pt-query-digest

Working as a Percona Support Engineer, every day we are seeing lots of issues related to MySQL replication. One very common issue is slave lagging. There are many reasons for slave lag but one common reason is that queries are taking more time on slave then master. How to check and log those long-running queries?  From MySQL 5.1, log-slow-slave-statements variable was introduced, which you can enable on slave and log slow queries. But what if you want to log slow queries on slave in earlier versions like MySQL 5.0?  There is a good solution/workaround: pt-query-digest. How? …

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Want to archive tables? Use Percona Toolkit’s pt-archiver

Percona Toolkit’s pt-archiver is one of the best utilities to archive the records from large tables to another tables or files. One interesting thing is that pt-archiver is a read-write tool. It deletes data from the source by default, so after archiving you don’t need to delete it separately.

As it is done by default, you should take care before actually running it on then production server. You can test your archiving jobs with the – dry-run  OR you can use the –no-delete option if you’re not sure about. The purpose of this script is mainly to archive old data from the table without impacting OLTP queries and insert the data into …

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Limited disk space? Compact backups with Percona Xtrabackup 2.1

One very interesting feature, “Compact Backup,” is introduced in Percona XtraBackup 2.1. You can run “compact backups” with the  –compact option, which is very useful for those who have limited disk space to keep the database backup. Now let’s first understand how it works. When we are using –compact option with Innobackupex, it will omit the secondary index pages. This will make the backups more compact and this way they will take less space on disk but the downside of this is, the backup prepare process will take longer time because those secondary index pages will be recreated while preparing the backup. Here, we need to consider couple of things before implement …

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