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Displaying posts with tag: code (reset)
The MySQL Cluster storage engine

This is one close to my heart. I’ve recently written on other storage engines: Where are they now: MySQL Storage EnginesThe MERGE storage engine: not dead, just resting…. or forgotten and The MEMORY storage engine. Today, it’s the turn of MySQL Cluster.

Like InnoDB, MySQL Cluster started outside of MySQL. Those of you paying attention at home may notice a correlation between storage engines not written exclusively for MySQL and being at all successful.

NDB (for Network DataBase) started inside Ericsson, originally written in a language called …

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Big news at Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo this week, Tokutek open sourced TokuDB thus making my previous post Where are they now: MySQL Storage Engines out of date in just a few days.

In this case, I really don’t mind. It’s rather exciting that they’ve gone ahead and done this –  and it’s not just a code drop: is where things are at, and recent commits were 2hrs and 18hrs ago which means that this is being maintained. This is certainly a good way to grow a developer community.

While being a MySQL engine is really interesting, the MongoDB integration is certainly something to watch – and may be …

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A few notes on InnoDB in MySQL 5.7.1

I’ve started poking around the MySQL 5.7.1 source tree (although just from tarball as I don’t see a BZR tree yet). I thought I’d share a few thoughts:

  • InnoDB temporary tables. Not REDO logged. What does this mean? It’s a huge step in removing the dependency on MEMORY and MyISAM engines for temporary tables used in query execution. With InnoDB temporary tables there is no reason for MEMORY engine to continue to exist, there is absolutely no way in which it is better.
  • InnoDB temp tables aren’t insert buffered
    This probably doesn’t really matter as you’re not going to be doing REDO logging for them (plus things are generally short lived)… but it could be a future area for performance improvement
  • The NO_REDO log mode appears to be implemented fairly neatly.
  • Improvements in innodb read only mode. What does this mean? Maybe we can finally get rid of the oddity of compressed …
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Where are they now: MySQL Storage Engines

There was once a big hooplah about the MySQL Storage Engine Architecture and how it was easy to just slot in some other method of storage instead of the provided ones. Over the years I’ve repeatedly mentioned how this wasn’t really

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30 configuration options and counting

While Domas may have rather effictively trolled the discussion with his post on howto configure table/user statistics (which gave me a good chuckle I do have to say), it’s at least incorrect for Percona Server as you have to enable the “userstat” server option :)

That being said, once enabled there are no extra configuration variables to think about. This is a huge advantage over configuring PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA - which has a total of THIRTY configuration options (31 if you include the global enable/disable option).

Some of these thirty odd configuration variables are only going to matter if you’re loading your own plugins, and even then, it’s probably only going to matter if they use the MySQL mutex implementations rather than, …

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Refactoring Internal temporary tables (another stab at it)

A few weekends ago, I started to again look at the code in Drizzle for producing internal temporary tables. Basically, we have a few type of tables:

  • Standard
  • Temporary (from CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE)
  • Temporary (from ALTER TABLE)
  • Internal temporary (to help with query execution)

If you’re lucky enough to be creating one of the first three types, you go through an increasingly lovely pile of code that constructs a nice protobuf message about what the table should look like and hands all responsibility over to the storage engine as to how to do that. The basic idea is that Drizzle gets the heck out of the way and lets the storage engine do its thing. This code path looks rather different than what we inherited from MySQL. For a start, we actually have a StorageEngine object rather than just lumping everything into the handler (which we correctly name a Cursor). However… the final …

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diffstat of MySQL 5.6 versus 5.5

Yesterday I wrote about what the diffstat between MySQL 5.5 and MariaDB 5.5 was, and previously to that, about the MariaDB code size as reported by sloccount. Let’s look at MySQL 5.6.

A naive wc based “lines of code” for MySQL 5.6 sql/ directory is ~490kLOC which contasts with MySQL 5.5 being ~375kLOC by the same measure. If we diffstat the sql/ directory like I did for MariaDB 5.5 we get:

357 files changed, 172871 insertions(+), 67922 deletions(-)

Versus, as you remember from yesterday for MariaDB 5.5 over MySQL 5.5:

250 files changed, 83639 insertions(+), 23090 deletions(-)

The MySQL 5.5 to 5.6 sql/ changes line up with What I found in my post …

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So what about the diffstat of MariaDB compared to MySQL?

So, I’ve looked at what sloccount says on the differences between Oracle MySQL over versions of itself and the various MySQL branches around. What I haven’t looked at is the diffstat. Firstly, let’s look at MariaDB.

I’m going to look at MariaDB 5.5.29 as compared to MySQL 5.5.29, both checked out from bzr. A naive diffstat would give us:

5261 files changed, 1086165 insertions(+), 122751 deletions(-)

And this looks like an awful lot of code that has changed: about 1,086,165 lines! This actually includes a whole other copy of InnoDB in the form of XtraDB. If we take that into account we get:

5032 files changed, 864997 insertions(+), 125099 deletions(-)

Which is still incredibly high. Let’s look at what’s changed though. We actually see a bunch of changes in the test suite, some of which are relatively harmless, while others, like the change to rpl_tests/rpl_innodb.test have a …

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Which is bigger: MySQL or PostgreSQL?

From my previous posts, we have some numbers (excluding NDB) for the size of MySQL, so what about PostgreSQL? Here, I used PostgreSQL git trunk and classing things in the contrib/ directory as plugins. I put the number of lines of code in the src/backend/storage directory down as storage engines LoC but did not count it as non-kernel code.

Version Total LoC Plugin LoC Storage Engines LoC Remaining (kernel)
MySQL 5.5.30 858,441 2,706 171,009 684,726 (79% kernel)
MySQL 5.6.10 1,049,344 29,122 236,067 …
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Is MySQL bigger than Linux?

I’m going to take the numbers from my previous post, MySQL Modularity, Are We There Yet? for the “kernel” size of MySQL – that is, everything that isn’t a plugin or storage engine.

For Linux kernel, I’m just going to use the a-bit-old git tree I have on my laptop. I’ve decided that the following directories are for “plugins” drivers/ arch/ sound/ firmware/ crypto/ usr/ virt/ tools/ scripts/ fs/*/* and everything else is core kernel code.

Version Total LoC Total Plugin LoC Remaining (kernel)
MySQL 5.6.10 1,049,344 265,189 784,155 (74% …
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