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Displaying posts with tag: Technical Blog (reset)
Using MySQL Partitioning Instead of MERGE Tables

One common question I get is how to use partitioning instead of MERGE tables. The process I use involves using stored procedures to create and drop partitions. This article will go over the stored procedures I use; special thanks to Roland Bouman for taking a look and giving great feedback to optimize this process.

First, a simple table, not partitioned (yet):

use test;
  id int NOT NULL,
  creationDate datetime NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (id,creationDate)

In real, life there is more to the table than just id and creationDate. The most important part is that the partitioned field(s) need to be part of the primary key.

Now, add the partition definition. This can be done in the CREATE statement, but I have found that it is easier for me to think …

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Log Buffer #196, A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

Welcome to Log Buffer, the weekly roundup of database industry news.

For your reading pleasure this week we have Log Buffer #196:

Charles Hooper blogs about an in-depth investigation on what can cause Oracle to ignore a hint.

Doug Burns reminds his readers that there are only two weeks left to …

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Three Editions of MySQL are Available

Yes, you read the title correctly — there are three editions of MySQL available, according to Well, that page names two, and then of course there is the community edition….

From the manual page:

MySQL Enterprise Server is available in the following editions:

* MySQL Enterprise Server – Pro is the world’s most popular open source database that enables you to rapidly deliver high performance and scalable Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) applications.
* MySQL Enterprise Server – Advanced is the most comprehensive edition of MySQL. It provides all the benefits of MySQL Enterprise Server Pro and adds horizontal table and index partitioning for improving the performance and management of VLDBs (Very Large Databases).

How is “horizontal table …

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INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables are case sensitive

I wanted to get examples of some of the extra information that the Percona server has in its INFORMATION_SCHEMA metadata, and in doing so, I stumbled across an interesting MySQL bug/feature/point — INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables (which are actually system views) are case sensitive when used in comparisons:

mysql> use information_schema;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql>  select @@version;
| @@version          |
| 5.1.36-xtradb6-log |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> use information_schema;
Database changed
mysql> show tables like 'innodb%';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql>  show tables like 'INNODB%';
| Tables_in_information_schema (INNODB%) |
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Log Buffer #195, A Carnival of The Vanities for DBAs

A short post marks Pythian’s 195th edition of Log Buffer, a blog of blogs encapsulating what’s going on in the world of database administration.

Remember if you find a link or interesting blog post that you think Log Buffer should mention, send a note to the editor at Log Buffer and be sure to include the link, and a short note on why you think that others will want to read it too.

Now on to Log Buffer #195. Alex Gorbachev starts us off with his suggested readings and funnily enough, …

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Log Buffer #194, A Carnival of The Vanities for DBAs

We’re well into summer and almost at our 200th edition of Log Buffer, a blog of blogs about the database world.

Remember if you find a link or interesting blog post that you think Log Buffer should mention, send a note to the editor at Log Buffer and be sure to include the link, and a short note outlining why you think that particular post would be of value to other DBAs, or what you learned from reading it.

Now on to our weekly reading in Log Buffer #194:

Oracle Exadata is a topic that is getting hotter and hotter. Following Pythian’s announcement of Exadata services Oracle’s Greg Rahn

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Log Buffer #193 – A Carnival of The Vanities for DBAs

Welcome to Log Buffer, the weekly roundup of DBA industry happenings.

Read on for the latest updates in Log Buffer #193. Don’t forget, we’re always looking for volunteer editors to publish and host an issue of Log Buffer. If you’d like this to be you, contact the Log Buffer coordinator.

ODTUG/Kaleidoscope 2010 roundup:

Sheeri …

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ODTUG Kscope Wrap-up and Slides

Ronald Bradford and I produced a successful MySQL track at Kaleidoscope (hereinafter referred to as Kscope). With a speaker list of Philip Antoniades, Josh Sled and Craig Sylvester of Oracle, Laine Campbell of PalominoDB, Patrick Galbraith of Northscale, Sarah Novotny of Blue Gecko, Padrig O’Sullivan of Akiba, Dossy Shiobara of and Matt Yonkovic of Percona, we knew the …

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ODTUG Kaleidoscope 2010: Best Practices

Updated: 29-Jun-2010, 30-Jun-2010.

For me, ODTUG Kaleidoscope 2010 started on Friday with the ACE Directors briefing. Best practices topic was touched there slightly and I twitted about it. I decided that the feedback deserves a blog post so I’m simply quoting the conversation here. If you have anything to add, you know where to find the comment box.

best practices should be forbidden or rather renamed to blue-prints #ACED

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MySQL’s SQL Deviations and Extensions

Today at Kaleidoscope I will be doing a 90-minute session comparing MySQL’s SQL syntax to the ANSI/ISO SQL:2003 standard, entitled What Do You Mean, “SQL Syntax Error”?

You can download the PDF slides now.

For those that may be following along the presentation later today (4 pm Eastern time), here are some links that I may throw out during the session:

  • SQL 2003 standard – actually it is “Information taken from the Final Committee Draft (FCD) of ISO/IEC 9075-2:2003″ but it’s extremely close to the actual standard. The actual standard is a document that costs a non-trivial amount of money to get, and cannot be republished.
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Showing entries 71 to 80 of 148
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