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Displaying posts with tag: Technical Blog (reset)
MySQL and Quoting

MySQL does not follow the ANSI SQL standard for quoting. MySQL’s default quoting behavior is that either single or double quotes can be used to quote a string (this gets me into trouble when I work with Oracle databases, as double quotes do not indicate a string!).

mysql> SELECT 'alive';
| alive |
| alive |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT "alive";
| alive |
| alive |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Bare words are dealt with in context; in this case, a bare word would be parsed as a column name:

mysql> SELECT alive;
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'alive' in 'field list'

Backquotes are the way MySQL escapes table names. So, if you want a reserved word, number or operator to be the name of an object (ie, a table named “1″ or a column named “date”) you need to use backquotes to avoid a syntax error….for example:

mysql> …
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Log Buffer #192, A Carnival of The Vanities for DBAs

It’s Friday, and summer’s here. While it seems the industry is slowing down to a lazy pace, there is still some action so let’s splash right in to this week’s edition of Log Buffer DBA industry news in Log Buffer #192.

Alex Gorbachev had a few minutes to suggest the following interesting tidbits to me before running off to attend Oracle ACE Director activities at ODTUG/Kaleidoscope this weekend. One of these days we’ll have to see if he can share some of what goes on behind closed doors at those hush …

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ODTUG Kaleidoscope 2010 — Ready… Set… Go-o-o!

It is time… Time for one more very special conference for me. Why special?

  1. I have never been to ODTUG Kaleidoscope before. I always like new conferences — new experience.
  2. Unlike Sheeri, I do not speak! This is one of those rare conferences where I come to slack off, meet old friends and make new ones, go to lots of sessions and actually learn stuff.
  3. Coming from the DBA background, it’s not often that I come to development oriented conferences and I think I should do more of that.
  4. It’s in Washington, DC. I lived there for some time and have number of good friends there. I’m really excited to see them again!

So what am I going to do there? I just arrived and right in time for the Oracle ACE Directors’ briefing that will run for the whole days of …

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OpenSQLCamp Boston Pages are online

OpenSQLCamp is less than 4 months away, and I have finally gotten around to updating the site. Special thanks go to Bradley Kuzsmaul and the folks at Tokutek for getting the ball rolling and making the reservation at MIT. Using MIT means that we will have *free* reliable wireless guest access and projects.

OpenSQL Camp is a free unconference for people interested in open source databases (MySQL, SQLite, Postgres, Drizzle), including non-relational databases, database alternatives like NoSQL stores, and database tools such as Gearman. We are not focusing on any one project, and hope to see representatives from a variety of open source database projects attend. As usual I am one of the main organizers of Open SQL Camp (in previous years, Baron Schwartz, Selena Deckelmann and Eric Day have been main organizers too; this year Bradley Kuzsmaul is the other main organizer). The target audience …

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Next Week’s MySQL Sessions at ODTUG Kaleidoscope

By now you know that there is a MySQL Track during next week’s ODTUG Kaleidoscope in Washington, DC. Ronald Bradford and I organized the schedule at the last minute (Ronald did a lot of the work!). It was difficult to fill a schedule with 19 sessions that are either 1 hour or 1.5 hours long, and to do it I ended up with three presentations.

At each presentation I will be giving away a copy of The MySQL Administrator’s Bible, so be sure to show up! All MySQL track sessions are in Maryland C, and all times are Eastern.

On Monday, June 28th from 4 pm – 5:30 pm I will be presenting …

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Keeping Up

I found I never published this post as it was sitting in my drafts few months now — it was written in 13th February, 2010. I’m publishing it without any changes.

I learn therefore I am!

I’ve just wrote few bits about learning a new technology and after skimming through my Google Reader, I noticed a great post by Chen Shapira — Deliberate Practice. That’s reminded me about another aspect of learning that I didn’t mention — learning is a continuous process.

There are two aspects…

  • No matter how good I am and how much I know, my knowledge and expertize become outdated relatively quickly these days unless I keep up with the new stuff. Unfortunately, there is so much new …
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Log Buffer #191, A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

Welcome to Log Buffer, the weekly roundup of database blogs.

Kicking off this week in Log Buffer #191 are posts from Alisher Yuldashev:

Randolf Geist blogs on an Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting Session – PGA/UGA memory fragmentation for when a batch process takes significantly longer than expected.

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Log Buffer #190, A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

Welcome to Log Buffer, the weekly roundup of database blogs. We’re back this week with a short Log Buffer #190. Only ten more issues, and we’ll be celebrating our 200th edition post.

Chen Shapira was eager to share news early this week, sending along her favorite picks on Tuesday.

Prof. Neil Gunther doesn’t like the way commercial load testing software distributes think times.

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The MySQL Track at Kaleidoscope is set!

The MySQL track at Kaleidoscope in Washington, DC during June 28-July 1st is set! Here is the schedule, Lincoln VI is the MySQL track room.

Ronald has done a super job and spent a ton of hours in the past several weeks coordinating this effort. Work has kept me much busier than normal, but I have lent some time to the coordination as well. It is a credit mostly to Ronald that we have been able to plan an entire 19-session conference track, complete with confirming speakers, in less than a month. (You may notice the schedule does not have all 19 sessions full, we are just waiting for some more speakers to confirm details.)

Whether …

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Log Buffer #189, A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

Welcome to Log Buffer, a weekly review of the database industry. This week’s issue Log Buffer #189 is generously published by Iggy Fernandez, editor of the quarterly journal of the Northern California Oracle User Group (NoCOUG).

As always, if you’d like to host your own issue of Log Buffer, simply reach out to the Log Buffer coordinator.

Please enjoy Iggy’s issue of

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