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Displaying posts with tag: Programming (reset)
Connecting your Linux to a Cisco AnyConnect (SSL) – Part 2

Hey you!

As said in the part 1 of this article, I will be covering here:

  • How to create a openconnect init script

So, concerning the init script I will be posting parts of the script first, and then will put a link for download at the end.

First of all, we need the shebang (#!/bin/bash) and then global variables that will be used along the script:

# Path variables

# VPN Variables
INFO="Usage: $(basename "$0") (start|stop|status|restart)"

You can also define most of these options in a …

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First steps with MariaDB Global Transaction ID

My previous writings were mostly teoretical, so I wanted to give a more practical example, showing the actual state of the current code. I also wanted to show how I have tried to make the feature fit well into the existing replication features, without requiring the user to enable lots of options or understand lots of restrictions before being able to use it.

So let us start! We will build the code from lp:~maria-captains/maria/10.0-mdev26, which at the time of writing is at revision

First, we start a master server on port 3310 and put a bit of data into it:

    server1> use test; …
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More on global transaction ID in MariaDB

I got some very good comments/questions on my previous post on MariaDB global transaction ID, from Giuseppe and Robert (of Tungsten fame). I thought a follow-up post would be appropriate to answer and further elaborate on the comments, as the points they raise are very important and interesting.

(It also gives me the opportunity to explain more deeply a lot of interesting design decisions that I left out in the first post for the sake of brevity and clarity.)

On crash-safe slave

One of the things I really wanted to improve with global transaction ID is to make the replication slaves more crash safe with respect to their current replication state. This state is mostly persistently stored information about which event(s) were last executed on the slave, so that after a server restart the slave will know from which point in the master binlog(s) …

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Global transaction ID in MariaDB

The main goal of global transaction ID is to make it easy to promote a new master and switch all slaves over to continue replication from the new master. This is currently harder than it could be, since the current replication position for a slave is specified in coordinates that are specific to the current master, and it is not trivial to translate them into the corresponding coordinates on the new master. Global transaction ID solves this by annotating each event with the global transaction id which is unique and universal across the whole replication hierarchy.

In addition, there are at least two other main goals for MariaDB global transaction ID:

  1. Make it easy to setup global transaction ID, and easy to provision a new slave into an existing replication hierarchy.
  2. Fully support …
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Super Python: three applications involving IRC bot master, MySQL optimization, and Website stress testing.

In my ongoing efforts to migrate my fun side projects and coding experiments from SVN to Git I’ve come across some of my favorite Python based apps – which are all available in their respective repos on BitBucket, as follows:

IRC Bot Commander

  • What it does: it’s an IRC bot that takes commands and does your bidding on whichever remote server the bot is installed on.
  • How it does it: the bot runs on whatever server you install it on, then it connects to the IRC server and channel you configured it to connect to and it waits for you to give it commands, then it execs the commands and returns the output to your IRC chat window.

MacroBase – MySQL Analytics

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Simple jQuery: how to validate IPv4 addresses and netmasks

Unfortunately jQuery doesn’t come with default form validation to check for ip-addresses or subnet masking. So without a long winded explanation here’s the code. Just include this as a separate JS file like the rest of your page’s JS.

// 'ipv4': IPv4 Address Validator
$.validator.addMethod('ipv4', function(value) {
    var ipv4 = /^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$/;    
    return value.match(ipv4);
}, 'Invalid IPv4 address');

// 'netmask': IPv4 Netmask Validator
$.validator.addMethod('netmask', function(value) {
    var mask = /^[1-2]{1}[2,4,5,9]{1}[0,2,4,5,8]{1}\.
    return value.match(mask);
}, 'Invalid IPv4 netmask');

You can use it like this.

        netmask:{ …
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Bash scripting: ElasticSearch and Kibana init.d scripts

As a follow up to the previous post about logstash, here are a couple of related init scripts for anyone implementing the OpenSource Log Analytics setup that is explained over at divisionbyzero. These have been tested on CentOS 6.3 and are based on generic RC functions from Redhat so they will work with Redhat, CentOS, Fedora, Scientific Linux, etc.

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Simple MySQL: using TRIGGERs to keep datetime columns updated without direct SQL calls

If you’ve ever used non-opensource code, or applications that you don’t have complete control over, then you may have run into situations you need to alter data on a per-row basis but been unable to do so for lack of application SQL access. The solution to this type of problem is to use a MySQL TRIGGER, which allows us to execute arbitrary SQL commands when defined events occur. Why is this useful and how does it work? Well…

For example, I have a freeRADIUS server that uses MySQL as a backend for the user authentication, and one of my server applications (HostBill) provides a freeRADIUS plugin that allows my users to manage their RADIUS accounts; however the default freeRADIUS schema lacks a DATETIME column on the user table. When a user is created (INSERT) or has their password changed (UPDATE) I have no row data that tells me the dates when these operations were issued. Typically this would be a trivial change: issue an ALTER TABLE …

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OpenCode: MySQL procedures + python + shell code repositories now public

I write a fair number of scripts on this site and have posted a lot of code over the years. Generally if I am not pasting the code to be viewed on the webpage then I link to a file that a user can download; which leads to a lot of mish-mash code that doesn’t have a home. I’ve always kept the code files in a private SVN repo over the years but have recently moved them all to BitBucket Git repositories. So here they are: lots of code samples and useful bits of programming to save time.

Generic Shell Scripts:
Generic Python Scripts:
Generic MySQL Stored Procs: …

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Simple MySQL: Converting ANSI SQL to SQLite3

I was digging through some old project code and found this script. Sometimes one finds oneself in an odd situation and needs to convert regular SQL, say from a MySQL database dump, into SQLite3 format. There’s not too much else to say, but here is a script that helps with the process. It can likely be improved but this handles the items that came up during conversion on initial runs.

# AUTHOR: Matt Reid
# DATE: 2011-03-22
if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then
   echo "Usage: $0 "
cat $1 |
grep -v ' KEY "' |   
grep -v ' UNIQUE KEY "' |
grep -v ' PRIMARY KEY ' |
sed '/^SET/d' |          
sed 's/ unsigned / /g' | 
sed 's/ auto_increment/ primary key autoincrement/g' |
sed 's/ smallint([0-9]*) / integer /g' | 
sed 's/ tinyint([0-9]*) / integer /g' |  
sed 's/ int([0-9]*) / integer /g' |      
sed 's/ character set [^ ]* / /g' |      
sed 's/ enum([^)]*) / varchar(255) /g' | 
sed 's/ on …
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