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Displaying posts with tag: PHP (reset)
Database speed tests (mysql and postgresql) - part 3 - code

Here is the code structure

dbfuncs.php : is the file which contains classes and functions for firing queries on mysql and pgsql mysqlinsert.php : creates and fires inserts on mysql mysqlselect.php : creates and fires selects on mysql pgsqlinsert.php : creates and fires inserts on pgsql pgsqlselect.php : creates and fires selects on pgsql benchmark.php : script used to control concurrency and

Installing Lighttpd With PHP5 And MySQL Support On OpenSUSE 11.3

Installing Lighttpd With PHP5 And MySQL Support On OpenSUSE 11.3

Lighttpd is a secure, fast, standards-compliant web server designed for speed-critical environments. This tutorial shows how you can install Lighttpd on an OpenSUSE 11.3 server with PHP5 support (through FastCGI) and MySQL support.

Open source in the clouds and in the debates

We continue to see more evidence of the themes we discuss in our latest CAOS special report, Seeding the Clouds, which examines the open source software used in cloud computing, the vendors backing open source, the cloud providers using it and the impact on the industry.

First, as usual, we are seeing consistencies between our own research — which indicates open source is a huge part of today’s cloud computing offerings from major providers like Amazon, Google, Rackspace, Terremark and VMware — and that of code analysis and management vendor Black Duck. In its analysis of code that runs the cloud, Black Duck also found a preponderance of open source pieces, in many cases the same projects we profile in our report.

Indeed, open source software is an important part of the infrastructure, …

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MySQL at FrOSCon

Oh time is flying! - This weekend it is already time for FrOSCon, the Free and Open source Conference in St. Augustin close to Western Germany's former capitol Bonn. The conference consists out of a main track and different side tracks, like the PHP developer room and the OpenSQL sub-conference.

In the PHP developer room I will give an overview over things that happened at MySQL, especially in regards to PHP in recent times. My colleague Ulf Wendel will then go and talk about plugins to mysqlnd - the MySQL native driver for PHP -  in detail.

In the OpenSQL Camp track you can find other interesting MySQL related talks which will, unfortunately, not leave you with enough time to watch …

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MySQLnd Plugins: Writing a MySQL Query Logger in PHP

During the development of an application, not all time is spent on writing code. A lot of time is spent on reading debug output, crawling through log files and firing up the debugger to figure out what the application does. While the debugger helps us to inspect details of a running application on a testing environment, logfiles are often the only indication of the origin of an error on a production system. In this blogpost I want to describe how to log SQL statements on an existing application without touching any existing line of code at all. We will use a new MySQLnd Extension developed at the Mayflower OpenSource Labs for that purpose.

As an example, I will use PHProjekt 6. The project is particularly suitable for demonstration purposes as it has a logging infrastructure for function calls, but does not log SQL statements. …

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On HTML Sanitization, What, Why, How

This is a very good article discussing the different HTML Sanitizers available in the PHP community, what they mean, and the general state of things. Even the WordPress sanitizer (Kses) is included in this review. I really recommend you read this before you start building your own mini cms.

How to: rotate wordpress posts into headline/feature status

If you’re using the new Arthemia theme for WordPress you might notice that there are two areas of the theme that can have articles promoted to; namely Headline and Featured sections. This is controlled by category association. Basically you have a post and if you want it in the Headline area of the theme you attach the category “headline” to it, similarly for the featured section. Now, let’s say you don’t want to manually change this all the time since it can be time consuming to promote posts to those categories if you want rotating content.

Here’s a simple solution. In this bash script I connect to MySQL and remove the current associations from posts and then randomly choose posts to be promoted to the Headline and Featured categories. This can be modified for other ideas you might have involving categories/posts/randomized …

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Scalar type hints in PHP trunk

So in my blog series I try to cover all additions to PHP trunk so I have to mention scalar type hints.

function print_float(float $f) {
    echo $f."\n";

for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) {
    print_float( $i / 3 );


Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to print_float() must be of the type double, integer given, called in typehints.php on line 7 and defined in typehints.php on line 2

Is expected behavior in PHP's trunk. If you want such a thing to work please use the numeric type hint.

In case that wasn't enought fun: There's more!

function handle_result(int $i) {
    echo $i."\n";

$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test", "user", "pass"); …
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PHP 5.3 and mysqlnd - Unexpected results

I have started seriously using PHP 5.3 recently due to it finally making it into Portage. (Gentoo really isn't full of bleeding edge packages people.) I have used mysqlnd a little here and there in the past, but until it was really coming to my servers I did not put too much time into it.

What is mysqlnd?

mysqlnd is short for MySQL Native Driver. In short, it is a driver for MySQL for PHP that uses internal functions of the PHP engine rather than using the externally linked libmysqlclient that has been used in the past. There are two reasons for this. The first reason is licensing. MySQL is a GPL project. The GPL and the PHP License don't play well together. The second is better memory management and hopefully more performance. Being a performance junky, this is what peaked my interests. Enabling mysqlnd means it is used by the older MySQL extension, the newer MySQLi extension and the MySQL PDO …

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Expert PHP and MySQL – review — 8 star

mysql > start review;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql > Being a MySQL DBA, not a developer, I was mostly interested in the MySQL sections but given I have a general interest in scripting I did go through some of the PHP sections. To be honest they were quite advanced for my php knowledge and experience.

The good thing about the book is that even though it assumes you have the basic knowledge, it still provides an introductory background on most of the two (PHP and MySQL) topics. This is not a “PHP and MySQL for dummies” so don’t expect to learn the very basics nor will you become an expert in either topic by just reading the book. Even if you read the book thoroughly, becoming an expert requires years of hard work and experience. Having said that, his book is a good guide to make it there.

If you are at least a basic developer, this book will help you increase your knowledge drastically and …

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