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Displaying posts with tag: PHP (reset)
MySQL 5.5.8 GA and PHP 5.3.4 don’t get along with libmysql

Today I discovered that you are unable to compile the current stable PHP version 5.3.4 with yesterday’s MySQL 5.5.8 GA release. I was able to download the current MySQL 5.1.54 and compile without issue.

You can find all the gory details in Bug #58987 however I was able to edit a number of MySQL include file to get a build. Does this mean it’s a MySQL packaging problem or a PHP problem I don’t know, but I would hope that Oracle in the testing phase of a GA release test this against popular programming languages starting with the LAMP stack to ensure compatibility such as what I uncovered.

How to test your WordPress Cache

How I lost 30 pounds in 2010 – a weight loss guide for developers Posted on December 30th, 2010 in blog, personal, zippykid.

2010 was a great year for me, I started a new company, and it’s been profitable since month 2, I closed my consulting company, and most importantly, I lost 30 pounds, and am more mobile/agile than I was in college. I’m 32 and I feel better than I did when I was 24. I’ve talked [...]

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How to make WordPress faster without the use of a plugin

When it comes to web page load time, she should always say “wow, that was fast”.

A Quick update based on Frederick’s comment below

** Please do not take these tips as THE answer, this is a complement, not a replacement. I have purposely not given specifics on how to configure anything, or what value to set, because I don’t want people copy pasting things, and then having their site crashing. Regarding mod_pagespeed, I said it’s the most bang for OUR buck.. it’s not recommended in production, nor do we have it on for everyone else. **.

Webpage load time is getting more and more important these days, if you go into Google Webmaster Tools, you’ll see “Site Performance” under the labs link. This is a very good indicator of what Google thinks how fast your site is compared to the rest …

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Installing Lighttpd With PHP5 And MySQL Support On Ubuntu 10.10

Installing Lighttpd With PHP5 And MySQL Support On Ubuntu 10.10

Lighttpd is a secure, fast, standards-compliant web server designed for speed-critical environments. This tutorial shows how you can install Lighttpd on an Ubuntu 10.10 server with PHP5 support (through FastCGI) and MySQL support.

Transparent query layer for MySQL

The biggest challenges of today's web development are performance, scalabilty, rapid development and maintainability of the source code. Usually one quickly sets on abstraction models such as MVC, which poor covers the above mentioned requirements for today's development. Since my main concern is scalable and secure code, I've developed my own model, which solves the needs better. Below I will explain the model and take reference to my SQL class that implements this model.

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mysqlnd plugins for PHP in practice

If you follow my blog or twitter stream you might know I've recently been at Barcelona to attend the PHP Barcelona conference. Conferences are great for exchanging ideas one of the ideas I discussed with Combell's Thijs Feryn: They are a hosting company providing managed MySQL instances to their customers, as such they run multiple MySQL servers and each server serves a few of their customers. Now they have to provide every customer with database credentials, including a host name to connect to. The issue there is that a fixed hostname takes flexibility out of the setup. Say you have and over time you figure out that there are two high load customers on db1 while db2 is mostly idle. …

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Slides from IPC and PHP Barcelona

Recently I gave a few public presentations and started to convert the slides for making them available online. Here's the first bunch with slides from two conferences which were held in October, the International PHP Conference in Germany and PHP Barcelona in Spain. As always: The spoken word is missing on the slides ...

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Installing Apache2 With PHP5 And MySQL Support On Ubuntu 10.10 (LAMP)

Installing Apache2 With PHP5 And MySQL Support On Ubuntu 10.10 (LAMP)

LAMP is short for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP. This tutorial shows how you can install an Apache2 webserver on an Ubuntu 10.10 server with PHP5 support (mod_php) and MySQL support.

CB1 Ubuntu 10.10 Linux Development Setup

I use a MacBook Pro for my day-to-day operations here at CB1, INC. I’m a huge believer that a development environment should mimic the production environment, so I find myself running a couple virtual machines in VMware Fusion.

The following guide is a reference for myself as well as possibly a helpful resource for setting up your own Linux development environment. Here’s an checklist of the tasks to perform and software to install:

  • Operating System
    • Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit: I use Ubuntu Desktop in dev and Ubuntu Server in production
    • Package updates and upgrades
    • Network configuration (at least 2 static IP addresses)
  • Development Tools
    • C/C++ development environment
    • Autotools
    • Sun Java JDK
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Paginación de resultados con Php y MySql

Ejemplo práctico de paginación de resultados en Php

mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "");
$noRegistros = 3; //Registros por página
$pagina = 1; //Por default, página = 1
if($_GET["pagina"]) //Si hay página por ?pagina=valor, lo asigna
    $pagina = $_GET["pagina"];
echo "Pagina: ".$pagina."<hr>";

//Utilizo el comando LIMIT para seleccionar registros
$sSQL = "SELECT * FROM alumnos LIMIT ".($pagina-1)*$noRegistros.",$noRegistros";
$result = mysql_query($sSQL) or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { //Exploracion comun de registros
    echo $row["nombre"]."<br>";

//Imprimiendo páginas
$sSQL = "SELECT count(*) FROM alumnos"; //Cuento el total de registros
$result = mysql_query($sSQL);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$totalRegistros = $row["count(*)"]; //Almaceno el total en una variable

echo "<hr>Total registros: ".$totalRegistros.", Pagina: ";

$noPaginas = …
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