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Displaying posts with tag: PHP (reset)
Dealing with MySQL Gone Away in Zend Framework

I wrote recently about having gearman in my application, however I have been seeing problems with the long-running PHP worker scripts. My logs had entries like this:

SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away

The worker is a Zend Framework application, run from the CLI, and it seemed like the Zend_Db_Adapter had no way of knowing when MySQL had let go of its end of the connection. I tried a few different things, including Zend_Db_Adapter::getConnection(), but without success - until I dug through the source code (with some help from a friend) and realised that ZF was not reconnecting at all if it thought it already had a connection. So instead, I expressly disconnected and reconnected the database handler. At bootstrap time, I place my database handle into the registry, so I simply added this at the start of the actual …

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What is next for message board software?

When I was hired at in 1998, my primary focus was to get our message board (Phorum) up to speed. I had written the first version as a side project for the site. Message boards were a lot simpler back then. Matt's WWWBoard was the gold standard of the time. And really, the functionality has been only evolutionary since. We added attachments to Phorum in 2003 or something. That was a major new feature. In Phorum 5 we added a module system that was awesome. But, that was just about the admin and not the user. From the user's perspective, message boards have not changed much since 1997. I saw this tweet from Amy Hoy and it got me to thinking about how message boards work. Here is the …

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Version 1.1.8 of Better Cacti Templates released

I’ve released version 1.1.8 of the Better Cacti Templates project. This release includes a bunch of bug fixes and several important new graphs. There are graphs for the new response-time statistics exposed in Percona Server, and a new set of graphs for MongoDB.

There are upgrade instructions on the project wiki for this and all releases. There is also a comprehensive tutorial on …

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Rewriting the Creating a CRUD Application with PHP tutorial cycle: help wanted!

I've been reworking the Creating a CRUD Application with PHP tutorials. The new version should be ready for 7.0 Beta 2 release. In the new version:

  • I replaced mysql functions with mysqli functions.
  • With the help of Christoper Jones, I've added OCI8 versions of the code for connecting to Oracle Database
  • I've fixed some old bugs and improved the tutorials overall.

In the course of this work, two things have come to my attention. These are two things that you can help with.

  • The title Creating a CRUD Application... is not very appealing.
  • The sample CSS used for Lesson 8 is terrible.

So first, can anyone suggest a new title? We have one suggestion already, internally: Creating a Database Application …

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Rewriting the Creating a CRUD Application with PHP tutorial cycle: help wanted!

I've been reworking the Creating a CRUD Application with PHP tutorials. The new version should be ready for 7.0 Beta 2 release. In the new version:

  • I replaced mysql functions with mysqli functions.
  • With the help of Christoper Jones, I've added OCI8 versions of the code for connecting to Oracle Database
  • I've fixed some old bugs and improved the tutorials overall.

In the course of this work, two things have come to my attention. These are two things that you can help with.

  • The title Creating a CRUD Application... is not very appealing.
  • The sample CSS used for Lesson 8 is terrible.

So first, can anyone suggest a new title? We have one suggestion already, internally: Creating a Database Application …

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Speaking at the MySQL conference 2011

I just received a confirmation that my presentation proposal for the MySQL user conference 2011 was accepted! The title for my proposal is MQL-to-SQL: a JSON-based Query Language for RDBMS Access from AJAX Applications, and it covers pretty much everything implied by the title.

As always, the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Santa Clara, California serves as the venue. The conference will be held from April 11-14. Except for the venue and period, I think this year's conference will bear few similarities to previous editions. Let me try and explain.

This year's theme is "MySQL, the ecosystem and …

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MySQL 5.5 GA launchd issues with Snow Leopard

I did a clean install on my Macbook Pro this morning, part of the clean install means, re-downloading things like MySQL.

When I installed it, I noticed that the pref-pane wouldn’t start MySQL. Even when it asked for my admin password. I thought maybe it was a boot up issue, so I rebooted, and got an error telling me that the permissions for the start up item were in secure.

Here’s what I did to debug/fix the problem.

  • Change permission of /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM
  • edit /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server and edited line 46 and 47 to say

chown -R root:wheel /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM

[content_box style="yellow-box" title="Edit mysql.server file"]

There is already a …

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PHP 5.3.4 and MySQL 5.5.8 GA (libmysql)

As you are probably aware, PHP 5.3.4 does not compile with MySQL 5.5 GA. The details can be seen in MySQL bug queue. Basically, the problem boils down to incorrect installation of MySQL headers. MySQL 5.5 build system does not install the headers under the include-prefix/mysql directly but instead installs under the include-prefix directory itself. So, when the PHP build system looks for the MySQL headers, it cannot find <mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h> and so forth.

What is the fix?

The MySQL dev team has committed patches to fix this issue in …

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PHP 5.3.4 and MySQL 5.5.8 GA (libmysql)

This content has been updated and moved to a new place. As you are probably aware, PHP 5.3.4 does not compile with MySQL 5.5 GA. The details can be seen in MySQL bug queue. Basically, the problem boils down to incorrect installation of MySQL headers. MySQL 5.5 build system does not install the headers under the include-prefix/mysql directly but instead installs under the include-prefix directory itself. So, when the PHP build system looks for the MySQL headers, it cannot find …

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PHP driver for HandlerSocket (NoSQL for MySQL) spotted

Just a short note again on HandlerSocket developments: PHP bindings to the HandlerSocket client library have been spotted in the wild: (I'd like to credit someone, but I have no idea who user "avuenta" is on Google Code. Is it you Dathan?)

I found this on Dathan Vance Pattishall's blog. I haven't personally had time to try it out yet as I'm still deep into my current project (of which I hope to blog in January).

"...php-handlersocket which is a PECL type version (C driver with exposure to PHP). It does the job but needs some work that I'm doing now."

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