As you've probably heard already MySQL needs boost to build.
However, in the good ol' MySQL tradition, the above link does give you only the instructions on how to build it on linux. And completely ignores the fact that there're other OSes too that people develop on.
To fill in that gap, I've compiled a small step by step guide on how to do it on windows. Note that I always, as a principle, build out-of-source.
The typical setup I have is :
bzr clone lp:~mysql/mysql-server/5.7 mysql-trunk
cd mysql-trunk
mkdir bld
cd bld
cmake -DWITH_DEBUG=1 -DMYSQL_PROJECT_NAME=mysql-trunk ..
devenv /build debug mysql-trunk.sln
This has been tested to work on a 32 bit compile using VS2013 on a Windows7 64 bit build. Note that you'll need …
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