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Displaying posts with tag: aws (reset)
An unexplained connection experience

The “Too many connections” problem is a common issue with applications using excessive permissions (and those that grant said global permissions). MySQL will always grant a user with SUPER privileges access to a DB to investigate the problem with a SHOW PROCESSLIST and where you can check the limits. I however found the following.

mysql> show global variables like 'max_connections';
| Variable_name   | Value |
| max_connections | 2000  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show global status like 'max%';
| Variable_name        | Value |
| Max_used_connections | 6637  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

How can the max_used_connection exceed max_connections? This is possible because you can dynamically change max_connections in a normal MySQL environment. However …

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Continuent Tungsten Use Case: Modernizing Medicine, a SaaS solution running on Amazon AWS

Learn how Modernizing Medicine, an electronic medical records company, serves thousands of customers and leverages Continuent Tungsten to manage databases on Amazon AWS. Modernizing Medicine is as fast growing SaaS company, offering electronic medical records management solution for thousands of small and medium-sizes dermatology, ophthalmology, optometry, plastic surgery, cosmetic and

Additional DB objects in AWS RDS

To expand on Jervin’s Default RDS Account Privileges, RDS for MySQL provides a number of routines and triggers defined the the ‘mysql’ meta schema. These help in various tasks because the SUPER privilege is not provided.

SELECT routine_schema,routine_name
FROM information_schema.routines;
| routine_schema | routine_name                      |
| mysql          | rds_collect_global_status_history |
| mysql          | rds_disable_gsh_collector         |
| mysql          | rds_disable_gsh_rotation          |
| mysql          | rds_enable_gsh_collector          |
| mysql          | rds_enable_gsh_rotation           |
| mysql          | rds_kill                          |
| mysql          | rds_kill_query                    |
| mysql          | …
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Cloning MySQL 5.6 instances

A tip for all those cloud users that like cloning database servers (as reported in my book Effective MySQL – Replication Techniques in Depth).

Starting with MySQL 5.6, MySQL instances have a UUID. Cloning servers to quickly create slaves will result in the following error message.

  Last_IO_Error: Fatal error: The slave I/O thread stops because master and slave have equal MySQL server UUIDs; these UUIDs must be different for replication to work.

The solution is simple. Clear our the file based configuration file (located in the MySQL datadir) and restart the MySQL instance.

$ rm -f /mysql/data/auto.cnf
$ service mysql restart
Scalability Tips & Greatest Hits

Join 8000 others and follow Sean Hull on twitter @hullsean. In the past two years we’ve written a ton of material on scalability. Here’s the greatest hits… Why Generalists Are Better at Scaling the Web The internet stack is a complex infrastructure of interlocking components. An scalability engineer must be adept at Linux, plus webservers, […]

The post Scalability Tips & Greatest Hits appeared first on Scalable Startups.

The Most Important AWS Feature for Performance and Scalability

Join 6100 others and follow Sean Hull on twitter @hullsean. The Foundation of Speed All servers use disk to store files. Operating system libraries, webserver & application code, and most importantly databases all use disk constantly. So disk speed is crucial to server speed. [mytweetlinks] [quote] Disk speed is crucial for MySQL databases. It has [...]

WordPress on S3: going pro

WordPress-on-S3 makes professional website administration as easy as pie.

OblakSoft is pleased to announce availability of the ready-to-run WordPress-on-S3 / Yapixx AMI with enhanced configuration, performance, and website administration features.  Now website owners can use Webmin and phpMyAdmin for secure website administration over the Internet, and pre-configure Cloud Storage Connection for the instance.

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MySQL RDS 'GoSH' is broken

RDS has created some basic tooling for looking at the internal status variables within MySQL called Global Status History or "GoSH" though unfortunately the tooling is broken.

The tooling, detailed at the following link here is meant to snapshot the output of "show status" and squirt the data into a table in the MySQL schema called mysql.rds_global_status_history.

The issue is that the bootstrapped event called 'ev_rds_gsh_collector' is missing and therefore the procedures to enable the snapshotting fail.

It appears that whenever an RDS instance is started (or bounced) the contents of the 'mysql' schema is re-created - therefore the injection of the row into the event table is missing from whatever init script AWS has.

To 'fix' GoSH you can …

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How to STOP SLAVE on Amazon RDS read replica

We are doing a migration from Amazon RDS to EC2 with a customer. This, unfortunately, involves some downtime – if you are an RDS user, you probably know you can’t replicate an RDS instance to an external server (or even EC2). While it is annoying, this post isn’t going to be a rant on how RDS can make you feel locked in. Instead, I wanted to give you a quick tip.

So here’s the thing – you can’t stop replication on RDS read replica, because you don’t have (and won’t get) privileges to do that:

replica> STOP SLAVE;
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'usr'@'%' (using password: YES)

Normally, you don’t want to do that, however we wanted to run some pt-upgrade checks before we migrate and for that we needed the read replica to stop replicating. Here’s one way to do it:


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MySQL cloud database deployments via online configurator - free AWS trial

SkySQL™ Cloud Data Suite now comes with 4 nodes system on AWS Plus: AWS tips & tricks, updated administration console, new video tour & more

As with all new open source software products, updates are a continuous process and we’ve been busy since the launch of the SkySQL™ Cloud Data Suitelast September! Here is a snapshot of the latest developments with our Cloud Data Suite, a collection of software components that provides a highly available database solution in a cloud environment, based on MySQL & MariaDB, deployable in the Amazon Cloud, i.e. AWS.

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