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Displaying posts with tag: website (reset)
WordPress on S3: going pro

WordPress-on-S3 makes professional website administration as easy as pie.

OblakSoft is pleased to announce availability of the ready-to-run WordPress-on-S3 / Yapixx AMI with enhanced configuration, performance, and website administration features.  Now website owners can use Webmin and phpMyAdmin for secure website administration over the Internet, and pre-configure Cloud Storage Connection for the instance.

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WordPress on S3: run it anywhere

Where to host a dynamic website that stores all its content on Amazon S3? Anywhere you choose to.

OblakSoft is pleased to announce availability of an OVF Virtual Appliance with ready-to-run WordPress on S3: Yapixx.  Now WordPress on S3 can run anywhere, not just in Amazon EC2.

Any web server

The virtual appliance is distributed in the Open Virtualization Format that is supported by most major hypervisor software vendors (such as VMware, VirtualBox, Oracle VM, etc.).  The virtual appliance (one-file OVA package) contains the same software components as the corresponding Yapixx Amazon Machine Image (AMI).

The Yapixx VM has the …

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WordPress on S3: no more backups

WordPress on S3: no more backups

How much trouble will it be if your webserver failed?  No trouble at all, if your website keeps its content on reliable Amazon S3 storage.

There are a lot of nuances in ensuring proper backups and restores of websites. When was the last backup taken? How much data might have been lost? How long will it take to recover it? When was the last time you tested restore? Do you even have an offsite backup?

Now that you can run dynamic websites off Amazon S3 storage, we’ll demonstrate why you no longer need to worry about backing up and restoring your website data. Losing the webserver is no longer a disaster. Cloud storage offers almost unsurpassable reliability a lot of website owners (small & large) would benefit from. In a way you get an "instantaneous backup" to the cloud. Your …

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WordPress on S3: the beauty of simplicity

My first computer program was written almost quarter a century ago on a BK-0010 computer.  It was very simple: the program asked the user to enter their name and then greeted the user using the entered name, like “Hello, Artem!”.  I was fascinated.  A couple of lines written in Vilnius BASIC transformed a piece of metal and silicon into a considerate thing that cared about a person’s name enough to remember it :-).  Of course, the first experience doesn’t represent the day-to-day routine of software development, but the moments when I see a couple of lines making an amazing transformation still enchant me, and remind me why I’ve been writing code all this time.

I’ve just experienced this very same first-time feeling as we’ve released …

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“WordPress on Amazon S3″, OblakSoft Cloud Storage Newsletter, May 2012

WordPress on S3: run a beautiful website on Amazon S3 cloud storage

OblakSoft is proud to introduce the 1st ever dynamic WordPress site running on top of Amazon S3: Yapixx.  Now you too can launch your own beautiful website on Amazon S3.

While Yapixx stands for Yet Another Picture Sharing Site, it is actually one of a kind.  Yapixx is WordPress that was moved to run on top of Amazon S3 storage without changing a line of code in the WordPress core engine.

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WordPress on S3: how it works

OblakSoft is pleased to showcase how simple it is to run LAMP applications on the cloud storage.  OblakSoft configured the WordPress web publishing platform to run on Amazon S3 storage and made the recipe available for anyone to replicate.  A ready-to-run WordPress site (configured as Yapixx) – is available for public use for FREE.  Yapixx is WordPress configured as a picture sharing website that runs on top of Amazon S3 (Yapixx stands for Yet Another Picture Sharing Site).


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The Website is Down: Sales Guy vs. Web Dude

This video has been going around for some time now, but I think its worth the post for those that have yet to see it.

Video Source: The Web Site is Down

MySQL Website a Reflection of Values

I understand that MySQL as a company wants to recruit paying customers. However, as a community user I have a hard time finding what I want on the MySQL website. Today’s frustration is brought to you by trying to find the documentation.

Go ahead, hit From there, where do you go to find the documentation?

It’s not Services, not even Services -> Support.

According to Products, the community server is not even a product. How is a potential new user, who wants to learn about MySQL, supposed to know a community version exists? Here are the products listed on the Products page:

MySQL Enterprise
MySQL Enterprise Monitor
MySQL Cluster
MySQL Embedded Database
MySQL Database Drivers
MySQL Database Tools

Where’s “MySQL Database” on that list? A website user basically has to know what they’re …

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PortaWiki going well (Wiki for portability issues)

PortaWiki is going pretty well. We’ve got a couple of contribututors at the moment and getting good little bits on the various oddities of various platforms. I encourage you to check it out and add things that you know.

It’d be great to have a MySQL section there too. In versions previous to 5.0 for example, you may get different results from some math operations on different platforms as we used the floating point stuff. In 5.0 we have precision math so this isn’t a problem - but it probably caused somebody to raise an eyebrow in the past. Volunteers?

PortaWiki - collaboration on portability issues

At AUUG2005 last week, Arjen, myself and others were discussing the idea of trying to assemble some sort of common resources that multiple projects can use to contribute and find out about portability issues they stumble across.

The idea being that we can all then learn from each other and write better, more portable software.

So, I’ve set something up.

I present, the incredibly bare (okay, not quite completely bare) PortaWiki.

Please add whatever stuff you find, you know or anything. No idea how this is going to work - I plan to let it evolve.

(Arjen tells me that Peter Gutmann should receive credit as he thinks he came up with the idea. Kudos to him).

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