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Displaying posts with tag: storage engine (reset)
InnoDB Flushing in Action for Percona Server for MySQL

As the second part of the earlier post Give Love to Your SSDs – Reduce innodb_io_capacity_max! we wanted to put together some concepts on how InnoDB flushing works in recent Percona Server for MySQL versions (8.0.x prior to 8.0.19, or 5.7.x). It is important to understand this aspect of InnoDB in order to tune it correctly. This post is a bit long and complex as it goes very deep into some InnoDB internals.

InnoDB internally handles flush operations in the background to remove dirty pages from the buffer pool. A dirty page is a page that is modified in memory but not yet flushed to disk. This is done to lower the write load and the latency of the transactions. Let’s explore the various sources of flushing inside InnoDB.

Idle Flushing

We already discussed the idle flushing in the previous post …

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Examining MySQL InnoDB Persistent Statistics

A few days ago I wrote about how grossly outdated statistics returned through MySQL’s Information_Schema can be. In that post, Øystein Grøvlen suggested taking a look at mysql.innodb_table_stats and mysql.innodb_index_stats as a better source of information. Let’s do just that!

Let’s start with the good news. Unlike MySQL Data Dictionary Tables (mysql.table_stats, etc),  mysql.innodb_table_stats and mysql.innodb_index_stats can be queried by the user. They also contain a lot of interesting statistics. Before we get to that though, let’s examine where those tables come from in more detail.

As the manual tells us, these tables are storing …

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Using Referential Constraints with Partitioned Tables in InnoDB

One of our support customers approached us with the following problem the other day:

mysql> CREATE TABLE child_table (
`id` int unsigned auto_increment,
`column1` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
parent_id int unsigned NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES parent_table (id));
ERROR 1215 (HY000): Cannot add foreign key constraint

They could not create a table with an FK relation! So, of course, we asked to see the parent table definition, which was:

CREATE TABLE `parent_table` (
  `id` int unsigned auto_increment, 
  `column1` varchar(64) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

The parent table is partitioned!  This immediately explained the problem; partitioned tables can not be part of an FK relationship, as described (in point 10) here – …

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Contention in MySQL InnoDB: Useful Info From the Semaphores Section

In a high concurrency world, where more and more users->connections->threads are used, contention is a given. But how do we identify the contention point easily?

Different approaches had been discussed previously, like the one using Perf and Flame graphs to track down the function taking way more time than expected. That method is great but how can we do it with what one normally has, like the MySQL Client? Enter: the SEMAPHORES section from the SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS command output.


The SEMAPHORES section displays all the metrics related to InnoDB mechanics on waits. This section is your best friend if you have a high concurrency workload. In short, it contains 2 kinds of data: …

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Give Love to Your SSDs – Reduce innodb_io_capacity_max!

The innodb_io_capacity and innodb_io_capacity_max are often misunderstood InnoDB parameters. As consultants, we see, at least every month, people setting this variable based on the top IO write specifications of their storage. Is this a correct choice? Is it an optimal value for performance? What about the SSD/Flash wear leveling?

Innodb_io_capacity 101

Let’s begin with what the manual has to say about innodb_io_capacity:

The innodb_io_capacity variable defines the number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) available to InnoDB background tasks, such as flushing pages from the buffer pool and merging data from the change buffer.

What does this mean exactly? …

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Which Indexes are Cached? Discover with PMM.

One of the great things about working at Percona is the constant innovation that occurs as a result of a deep level of technical expertise. A more recent conversation about the Information Schema table: innodb_cached_indexes led to the desire to produce this information in an easy to digest and useful format. Enter PMM.

Our goal with creating this dashboard was to help bring further insight into how your MySQL database cache is being used. Why is this important? Data is accessed significantly faster when it is cached, so indexes that are cached will allow for an increase in query performance. Until now there has not been an easy way to see which indexes are cached and which are not. We want to take the …

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Experimental Build of MyRocks with Percona Server for MySQL

We have been working on bringing out a build of MyRocks with Percona Server for MySQL.

MyRocks is a RocksDB-based storage engine. You can find more information about MyRocks here.

While there is still a lot of work to do, I want to share an experimental build of Percona Server for MySQL with MyRocks, which you can use to evaluate and test this engine

(WARNING: in NO WAY is this build supposed to be for production usage! Consider this ALPHA quality.)

The tar.gz binaries are available from our …

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New MariaDB Dashboard in Percona Monitoring and Management Metrics Monitor

In honor of the upcoming MariaDB M17 conference in New York City on April 11-12, we have enhanced Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) Metrics Monitor with a new MariaDB Dashboard and multiple new graphs!

The Percona Monitoring and Management MariaDB Dashboard builds on the efforts of the MariaDB development team to instrument the Aria Storage Engine Status Variables related to Aria Pagecache and Aria Transaction Log activity, the tracking of Index Condition Pushdown (ICP), InnoDB Online DDL when using ALTER TABLE ... ALGORITHM=INPLACE, InnoDB Deadlocks …

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Introduction into storage engine troubleshooting: Q & A

In this blog, I will provide answers to the Q & A for the “Introduction into storage engine troubleshooting” webinar.

First, I want to thank everybody for attending the July 14 webinar. The recording and slides for the webinar are available here. Below is the list of your questions that I wasn’t able to answer during the webinar, with responses:

Q: At which isolation level do 




  copy data from a table?

A: Both tools do not change the server’s default transaction isolation level. Use either


 or …

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Handling hierarchy and travesing Social networks in MySQL with OQGraph

From time to time we detect query patterns that are not well fitted to the BTree+ structures provided by InnoDB. One such situation is when you need to traverse a hierarchy (tree) or graph structure with many nodes. Specialist databases exist for this such as Neo4J. However there exists a simple solution in the form of  OQGraph which is distributed with MariaDB and is documented here.

The OQGRAPH engine is based on an original idea by Open Query founder Arjen Lentz, and was developed in-house with Antony Curtis at Open Query.

A …

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