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Displaying posts with tag: performance tuning (reset)
How to run integration tests at warp speed using Docker and tmpfs

Introduction As previously explained, you can run database integration tests 20 times faster! The trick is to map the data directory in memory, and my previous article showed you what changes you need to do when you have a PostgreSQL or MySQL instance on your machine. In this post, I’m going to expand the original … Continue reading How to run integration tests at warp speed using Docker and tmpfs →

MySQL 5.7 Performance Tuning Immediately After Installation

This blog updates Stephane Combaudon’s blog on MySQL performance tuning, and covers MySQL 5.7 performance tuning immediately after installation.

A few years ago, Stephane Combaudon wrote a blog post on Ten MySQL performance tuning settings after installation that covers the (now) older versions of MySQL: 5.1, 5.5 and 5.6. In this post, I will look into what to tune in MySQL 5.7 (with a focus on InnoDB).

The good news is that MySQL 5.7 has significantly better default values. Morgan Tocker created a page with a complete list of features in MySQL 5.7, and is a great reference point. For example, the …

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Maximizing Database Performance – MySQL Tuning Best Practices

With the added complexity of growing data volumes and ever changing workloads, database performance tuning is now necessary to maximize resource utilizations and system performance. However, performance tuning is often easier said than done.

Let’s face it, tuning is difficult for a number of reasons. For one thing, it requires a significant amount of expertise in order to understand execution plans, and often update or re-write good SQL. On top of that, tuning is usually very time consuming. There will always be a large volume of SQL statements to sort through, which may lead to uncertainty around which specific statement needs tuning; and given every statement is different, so too is the tuning approach.

As data volumes grow and technology becomes increasingly complex, it is becoming more important to tune databases properly to deliver end-user experience and to lower infrastructure costs. Performance tuning can help database …

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Advanced MySQL Server Auditing

We remember when we first started auditing MySQL servers, there were very few tools available.  In one of our early big gigs, we were battling serious performance issues for a client.  At the time, was about the only tool available that could be used to diagnose performance bottlenecks.  Fortunately, with a lot of manual interpolation of the raw data it presented, we were able to find the issue with the server and suggest how to resolve them.  For that we are very thankful.  It was a first step in analyzing MySQL status variables, minimizing the number of formulas to learn and calculate by hand.  Obviously doing it by hand takes forever!

Now fast-forward to today.  Unfortunately, not much has changed.  Many DBAs and developers are still using open source tools such as tuning-primer,, mysqlreport, and so on.  Don’t get the wrong; those tools have …

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Simplifying SQL Statements to Improve MySQL Performance

When it is not possible to eliminate an SQL statement to improve performance, it might be possible to simplify the statement. Consider the following questions:

  • Are all columns required?
  • Can a table join be removed?
  • Is a join or WHERE restriction necessary for additional SQL statements in a given function?

Column Improvement

An important requirement of simplification is to capture all SQL statements in order for a given executed function. Using a sampling process will not identify all possible improvements. Here is an example of a query simplification:

mysql> SELECT fid, val, val
    -> FROM table1
    -> WHERE fid = X;

This query returned 350,000 rows of data that was cached by the application server during system startup. For this query, …

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Caching SQL Results to Improve MySQL Performance

When it’s not possible to remove SQL statements that are unnecessary and the rate of change of common data is relatively low, caching SQL results can provide a significant performance boost to your application and enable additional scalability of your database server.

MySQL Caching

The MySQL query cache can provide a boost in performance for a high read environment and can be implemented without any additional application overhead. The following is an example using the profiling functionality to show the execution time and the individual complexity of a regular SQL statement and a subsequent cached query:

SET GLOBAL query_cache_size=1024*1024*16;
SET GLOBAL query_cache_type=1;
SELECT name FROM firms WHERE id=727;
SELECT name FROM firms WHERE id=727;

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Removing Duplicate, Repeating or Unnecessary SQL Statements in MySQL Improves Performance

Eliminating overhead that adds unnecessary load to database servers when SQL statements are unnecessary can improve MySQL performance, including removing duplicate, repeating or unnecessary statements.

Removing Duplicate SQL Statements

Capture of all SQL statements for a given function or process will highlight any duplicate SQL statements that are executed to complete a specific request. The best practice is to enable the general query log in development environments. Analysis of all SQL statements should be the responsibility of the developer to ensure that only necessary SQL statements are executed. Adding instrumentation to your application to report the number of SQL statements and provide debugging for dynamic viewing of all SQL statements easily enables more information to identify duplicate statements. The use of application frameworks can be a primary cause of unnecessary duplicate SQL statements.

Removing …

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Tips to Improve MySQL Performance

Adding indexes can provide significant performance benefits. However, the most effective SQL optimization for a relational database is to eliminate the need to execute the SQL statement completely. For a highly tuned application, the greatest amount of time for the total execution of the statement is the network overhead.

Removing SQL statements can reduce the application processing time. Additional steps necessary for each SQL statement include parsing, permission security checks, and generation of the query execution plan.

These are all overheads that add unnecessary load to the database server when statements are unnecessary. You can use the profiling functionality to get detailed timing of steps within the execution of a query.

Here is an example:

mysql> show profile source for query 7;

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Improving ETL Load Speed Into MySQL


This document outlines best practices for loading data into MySQL very quickly.  While this is not a comprehensive list of loading methods and configuration, it is a good starting point.

MySQL Configuration

Assuming you are loading into InnoDB tables (and you should probably be doing so), you will want to ensure that MySQL is properly performance tuned for loading large amounts of data.  Out of the box MySQL configuration is rarely sufficient for performance with MySQL.  It is essential that the InnoDB settings, in particular, be set properly.

First of all, consider the InnoDB Buffer Pool.  If you are doing a one-time load, it may be a good idea to configure this as large as possible.  In fact, we sometimes set this to approximately 90% of the available RAM on the system for the load.  This can then be dropped to between 70 and 80% for …

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Standardized MySQL Configuration File For Standalone, Replication, & Clustering

In order to simplify the configuration of MySQL for standalone nodes, clusters, and replication configurations, we decided it would be easiest to maintain a common my.cnf file.  We have to admit, the idea wasn’t ours; we picked the idea up from and thought it was such a great idea, we decided to implement it as well.

Below is our version of a standardized my.cnf implementing several of our best practices.  We hope it will be of benefit to you.

# my.cnf (Configuration file for MySQL)
# Provided by Itchy Ninja Software to implement general best practices for MySQL regardless of server 
# type.  We chose a single file instead of maintaining multiple versions of the configuration file.
# Based upon 
# Sections are included for Percona XTRADB Cluster …
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