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Displaying posts with tag: clustercontrol (reset)
How to use the ClusterControl REST API to automate your Database Cluster

March 11, 2014 By Severalnines

For ops folks with multiple environments and instances to manage, a fully programmable infrastructure is the basis for automation. ClusterControl exposes all functionality through a REST API. The web UI also interacts with the REST API to retrieve monitoring data (cluster load, alarms, backup status, etc.) or to send management commands (add/remove nodes, run backups, upgrade a cluster, add/remove load balancer, etc.). The API is written in PHP and runs under Apache. The diagram below illustrates the architecture of ClusterControl.

Figure: ClusterControl - Agentless Architecture


In this blog post, we will show you how to interact directly with the ClusterControl API to retrieve monitoring data or to perform management tasks.

All requests against …

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ClusterControl 1.2.5 Released

March 5, 2014 By Severalnines

The Severalnines team is pleased to announce the release of ClusterControl 1.2.5. This release contains key new features along with performance improvements and bug fixes. We have outlined some of the key features below. 

For additional details about the release:

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How to create a new Percona XtraDB Cluster with ClusterControl

We recently announced Percona ClusterControl supplied in partnership with Severalnines. This enterprise-grade cluster management and monitoring software is available with a Percona Support contract covering Percona XtraDB Cluster, MySQL Cluster, or MySQL Galera. In this blog post I am going to show you how to use Percona ClusterControl to to create a new 3-node cluster with Percona XtraDB Cluster.

Percona ClusterControl architecture

The software has three main parts:

  • Percona ClusterControl UI: This is the web interface from where we can create new clusters and monitor and manage …
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Announcing Partnership with Percona

February 4, 2014 By Severalnines

Great news for Percona customers! We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Percona. Effective immediately, Percona customers will be able to enjoy the advanced automation, monitoring and cluster management capabilities of ClusterControl. Percona will be bundling, with its Cluster support contracts, Percona ClusterControl - a privately branded version of ClusterControl Community. Together we're providing support for the full stack, from Percona XtraDB Cluster to management tools, giving customers one number to call. 

For anyone who has deployed, managed or monitored a mission-critical database cluster, you will know that having the right tools can really make a difference. This is exactly our goal with ClusterControl, with a focus on operational management from day one. In only a few clicks, ClusterControl provides customers the ability to deploy Galera-based MySQL Clusters in private …

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ClusterControl 1.2.4 Released

November 19, 2013 By Severalnines

The Severalnines team is pleased to announce the release of ClusterControl 1.2.4. This release contains key new features along with performance improvements and bug fixes.

We have outlined some of the key features below. For additional details about the release:

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Webinar Replay and Q&A: Galera 3.0 Introduction and Cluster Management - with MySQL 5.6, Global Transaction IDs and WAN

October 23, 2013 By Severalnines


Last week, the Severalnines & Codership teams came together to co-host two webinar sessions on Galera 3.0, MySQL 5.6, Global Transaction IDs and WAN. The sessions were held during EMEA/APAC as well as NA/LATAM timezones, which worked out quite nicely. Our speakers were Seppo Jaakola from Codership & Vinay Joosery from Severalnines


Webinar topics:

  • Galera Cluster features and benefits
  • Support for MySQL 5.6
  • Integration with MySQL Global Transaction Identifiers
  • Mixing Galera synchronous replication and asynchronous MySQL replication
  • Deploying in WAN and Cloud …
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Patch Updates and New Version Upgrades of your Database Clusters

October 1, 2013 By Severalnines


Database vendors regularly issue critical patch updates to address software bugs or known vulnerabilities, but for a variety of reasons, organizations are often unable to install them in a timely manner, if at all. Evidence suggests that companies are actually getting worse at patching databases, with an increased number violating compliance standards and governance policies1.

Patching that require database downtime would be of extreme concern in a 24*7 environment, however most cluster upgrades can be performed online. ClusterControl performs a rolling upgrade of the cluster, upgrading and restarting one node at a time. The logical upgrade steps might slightly differ between the different cluster types. 


Upgrading your Database


In this post, …

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How to Scale Joomla on Multiple Servers

July 2, 2013 By Severalnines

Joomla! is estimated to be the second most used CMS on the internet after WordPress, with users like eBay, IKEA, Sony, McDonald’s and Pizza Hut. In this post, we will describe how to scale Joomla on multiple servers. This architecture not only allows the CMS to handle more users, by load-balancing traffic across multiple servers. It also brings high availability by providing fail-over between servers.


This post is similar to our previous posts on web application scalability and high availability:

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Scaling Drupal on Multiple Servers with Galera Cluster for MySQL

April 26, 2013 By Severalnines

This post shows you how to move from a single instance Drupal/MySQL to a multi-server environment. A well designed multi-server deployment not only allows Drupal to scale, but will also enhance redundancy by removing single points of failure. Components used are Apache, PHP, csync2, lsyncd, Keepalived, HAproxy, MySQL Galera Cluster and ClusterControl.

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Hotbackup of Galera Cluster for MySQL using Xtrabackup

Hot backups are important for high availability, they can run without blocking the application. Percona Xtrabackup is a great tool for backing up InnoDB data. 
We have created a backup tool called s9s_backup that makes Xtrabackup really easy to use, and is fully integrated with ClusterControl, which means that you can schedule backups with ease and view the backups that you have taken, and also restore the backups with no pain.

s9s_backup is available in the lastest version of ClusterControl or you can download it here.

Is mysqldump totally useless then?

No. If you would like to isolate and load only one table, mysqldump is great, or if you want to …

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