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MySQL Cluster: Troubleshooting Error 157 / 4009 Cluster Failure

Suddenly your application starts throwing "error 157" and performance degrades or is non-existing. It is easy to panic then and try all sorts of actions to get past the problem. We have seen several users doing:

  • rolling restart
  • stop cluster / start cluster

because they also see this in the error logs:

120828 13:15:11 [Warning] NDB: Could not acquire global schema lock (4009)Cluster Failure

That is not a really a nice error message. To begin with, it is a WARNING when something is obviously wrong. IMHO, it should be CRITICAL. Secondly, the message ‘Cluster Failure’ is misleading.  The cluster may not really have failed, so there is no point trying to restart it before we know more.

So what does error 157 mean and what can we do about it?

By using perror we can get a hint what it means:

$ …

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