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Extending MySQL using the Component Infrastructure – part 4: error logging

This post is the fourth post of a series of articles on extending MySQL with the Component Infrastructure, the list above will be updated as new articles are published:

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On Twitter, Jan Wildeboer linked

an article by Adam Hooper

on MySQL and the weird utf8mb4 character set.

The recommendation is correct:

In MySQL, use utf8mb4 when you mean to work with utf8 in your programming language.

The background and reasoning for this (and why it is wrong) is way more complicated than outlined by Adam Hooper. So let’s walk through this:

MySQL utf8 means 3-byte Unicode, and access to only the BMP

utf8 in MySQL encodes the …

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Extending MySQL using the Component Infrastructure – part 3: component services

This post is the third post of a series of articles on extending MySQL with the Component Infrastructure:

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Extending MySQL using the Component Infrastructure – part 1

This post is the first post of a series of articles on extending MySQL with the Component Infrastructure, the list above will be updated as new articles are published:

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Failover comparison in Aurora MySQL 2.10.0 using proxySQL vs Aurora’s cluster endpoint


Aurora cluster promises a high availability solution and seamless failover procedure. However, how much is actually the downtime when a failover happens? And how proxySQL can help in minimizing the downtime ? A little sneak peek on the results ProxySQL achieves up to 25x less downtime and the impressive up to ~9800x less errors during unplanned failovers. How proxySQL achieves this: 

  1. Less downtime
  2. “Queueing” feature when an instance in a hostgroup becomes unavailable.

So what is ProxySQL? ProxySQL is a middle layer between the database and the application. ProxySQL protects databases from high traffic spikes, prevents databases from having high number of connections due to the multiplexing feature and minimizes the impact during planned/unexpected failovers or crashes of DBs. 

This blog will continue with measuring the impact of an unexpected …

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Taking a Look at BTRFS for MySQL

Following my post MySQL/ZFS Performance Update, a few people have suggested I should take a look at BTRFS (“butter-FS”, “b-tree FS”) with MySQL. BTRFS is a filesystem with an architecture and a set of features that are similar to ZFS and with a GPL license. It is a copy-on-write (CoW) filesystem supporting snapshots, RAID, and data compression. These are compelling features for a database server so let’s have a look.

Many years ago, in 2012, Vadim wrote a blog post about BTRFS and the results were disappointing. Needless to say that since 2012, a lot of work and effort has been invested in BTRFS. So, this post will examine the BTRFS version that comes with the latest Ubuntu LTS, 20.04. It is not bleeding edge but it is likely the most recent …

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Q & A on Webinar “MySQL Performance for DevOps”

First I want to thank everyone who attended my November 16, 2021 webinar “MySQL Performance for DevOps“. Recording and slides are available on the webinar page.

Here are answers to the questions from participants which I was not able to provide during the webinar.

Q: Hi! We have troubles with DELETE queries. We have to remove some data periodically (like, hourly, daily) and we have short-term server stalls during these DELETEs. Server is running on modern NVMe’s so we wonder why do we have this situation. Those DELETE’s are not so large, like 10 000 – 15 000 records, but tables on which DELETE’s are performed update frequently.

A: I would test if a similar


  statement is slow when you run it on …

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Check Your Current MySQL Version in 6 Ways

MySQL is an extremely popular open-source RDMS, and it’s widely used by millions of companies and professionals. In this article, you will learn how to check the current MySQL version, and how to update it if necessary. Contents Why do you need to know your MySQL version? Different ways how to get your MySQL version […]

The post Check Your Current MySQL Version in 6 Ways appeared first on Devart Blog.

CodeIgniter 4 Query Builder set() function with update()

CodeIgniter 4 Query Builder class has an update() function used to process UPDATE Data Manipulation Language (DML) commands. Using update() as a standalone function call is perfectly valid. However, there is also a set() function used for setting column values as you would with the SET keyword in an SQL UPDATE statement. Used in conjunction with the Query Builder where() function, you can easily UPDATE column values for an individual row or multiple rows. Continue reading for more information…

Image by  …

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Handling MySQL case sensitive column in pt-archiver

To copy the data of the particular column of the table to another table/server, We have an option to export the data as CSV and import the data back to a different table. But when the table size is large and we need to copy the data only for the required data to the target table will cause the load in the server since the table scanning is huge.

To overcome this, we have the pt-archiver copy the data from the source table to the destination as a whole or only for required columns. And also we can do this in a controlled manner as well. So there will be no performance impact even on the production time.

Source table structure :

mysql> show create table source\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       Table: source
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `source` (
  `id` int unsigned NOT NULL …
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