In the last weeks / months, I have been working on understanding / improving MySQL startup with many tables. I already wrote five posts on the subject, they are listed below. In this post, I use the knowledge we gained in the previous two posts to show the interest of tuning InnoDB Tablespace Duplicate Check Threads, making startup 30% in one case (2:28 vs. 3:33) and 5% in
This post is a little long, please bear with me as after the intro, you can skip to the essential.In the last weeks / months, I have been working on understanding / improving MySQL startup with many tables. I already wrote three posts on the subject, they are listed below. In this post, I focus on describing the startup phase InnoDB Tablespace Duplicate Check (Duplicate Check for
In the last weeks / months, I have been working on understanding / improving MySQL startup with many tables. I already wrote two posts on the subject, the links are below. So far, I did not share what brought my attention to this, and it is the subject of this post. Also, and because it is related, I come back to the optimization / contribution I already made on