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Displaying posts with tag: TokuDB (reset)
The ARCHIVE Storage Engine

I wonder how much longer the ARCHIVE storage engine is going to ship with MySQL…. I think I’m the last person to actually fix a bug in it, and that was, well, a good number of years ago now. It was created to solve a simple problem: write once read hardly ever. Useful for logs and the like. A zlib stream of rows in a file.

You can actually easily beat ARCHIVE for INSERT speed with a non-indexed MyISAM table, and with things like TokuDB around you can probably get pretty close to compression while at the same time having these things known as “indexes”.

ARCHIVE for a long time held this niche though and was widely and quietly used (and likely still is). It has the great benefit of being fairly lightweight – it’s only about 2500 lines of code (1130 if you exclude azio.c, the slightly modified gzio.c from zlib).

It also use the table discovery mechanism that NDB uses. If you remove the FRM file for an ARCHIVE …

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Presenting at tomorrow’s Effective MySQL Meetup (New York City)

At tomorrow’s Effective MySQL Meetup, I’ll be presenting “Fractal Tree Indexes : Theory and Practice (MySQL and MongoDB).” The meetup is at 6:30pm Tuesday, May 14, 2013, and will be held at Alley NYC in New York City.

I’ll give an overview on how Fractal Tree® indexes work, and then get into specific product features that Fractal Trees enable in MySQL and MongoDB.  Some benchmarking and customer use-cases will be discussed, but my intent is for this to be a deep technical dive.  Several Tokutek Engineers will also be on hand, so bring any questions you’ve got.

I hope to see you there!

Open Source, the MySQL market (and TokuDB in particular)

I was reviewing the Percona Live sponsors list the other day and pondering the potential success stories associated with this product or that one…. and as I was preparing to put more thought on the topic, a PlanetMySQL post caught my eye. It was penned by Mike Hogan and titled, “Thoughts on Xeround and Free!

For some reason the author of that post makes a connection between a free account in a cloud-based service and Open Source software. I think it’s an incorrect analogy, as they are two totally different things. A “free account” in this case is really just a marketing tool. Well, I admit there are companies that also use the “Open …

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Benchmarking Percona Server TokuDB vs InnoDB

After compiling Percona Server with TokuDB, of course I wanted to compare InnoDB performance vs TokuDB.
I have a particular workload I’m interested in testing – it is an insert-intensive workload (which is TokuDB’s strong suit) with some roll-up aggregation, which should produce updates in-place (I will use INSERT .. ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statements for that), so it will produce all good amount of reads.

A few words about the hardware: I am going to use new the Dell PowerEdge R420 with two Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2450 0 @ 2.10GHz, 48GB of RAM and SATA SSD: Kingston HyperX 3K 240 GB.

Workload: I will use two different schemas. The first schema is from sysbench, and the table looks like:


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Last Week’s Presentations Posted

Last week I had to present a tutorial at Percona Live 2013, a presentation at SkySQL’s MySQL & Cloud Database Solution Day and last but not least, a presentation on a Saturday morning at Linuxfest Northwest. It wasn’t easy, but giving the presentations after our announcement early in the week about going open source was very exciting given the warm reception we got from the MySQL Community.

Following …

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MySQL Conference and Expo 2013 feelings (#perconalive)

I wasn’t at the MySQL Conference this year but it was very nice to follow this event from Paris.
Of course I didn’t feel the general atmosphere by visiting booths or met fabulous people.
But it was a great opportunity to offer you a live post about the conference with an external point of view.

Twitter, RSS feeds (yes Google, I still use RSS), Planet MySQL and infiltrators were my best friends during this crazy week.

I would like to summarize the major announcements and events occurs during this tenth edition.

Oracle at Percona Live!

Yes, Oracle was at Percona Live 2013 and it was for the best.
I invite you to watch this keynote from …

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May 2nd Webinar: Introduction to TokuDB v7 Community & Enterprise Editions

With this version, the source code is now freely available under the GPL License v2. For more details, see our blog here. Open source pioneer Mozilla has been using TokuDB to manage its MySQL-driven Datazilla Data cluster, an open-source system for managing and visualizing performance data.

Date: May 2nd
Time: 2 PM EST / 11 AM PST

In the past TokuDB has been free for evaluation; the new TokuDB Community Edition extends free use to deployed environments. With this release Tokutek is also planning on making available a TokuDB Enterprise Edition, which includes technical support, initial customer onboarding services, and advanced tools for backup and recovery.

We …

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Big news at Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo this week, Tokutek open sourced TokuDB thus making my previous post Where are they now: MySQL Storage Engines out of date in just a few days.

In this case, I really don’t mind. It’s rather exciting that they’ve gone ahead and done this –  and it’s not just a code drop: is where things are at, and recent commits were 2hrs and 18hrs ago which means that this is being maintained. This is certainly a good way to grow a developer community.

While being a MySQL engine is really interesting, the MongoDB integration is certainly something to watch – and may be …

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Opening Week for TokuDB

Since we had the pleasure to announce that TokuDB is open source on Monday, it’s been a thrilling ride. With several members of the team out west all week, back on the east coast we’ve been seeing quite a lot of questions, suggestions, and exciting results.

Here are some of the highlights of our first week of open source:

We started hearing back from the community almost immediately after the announcement with discussions in multiple forums. We even reached #2 on Hacker News for a bit.

On Tuesday, a friend of mine in China wrote up …

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MySQL Paradise: YouTube Video

Yesterday we posted the photos and lyrics. Now we’ve got the YouTube video (click here)!

And for those who want some behind the scenes photos, see here and here. (courtesy of @seattlegaucho).

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